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you bring Pakistani students or not. Virus is spreading in every country including Pakistan. They will not back to Pakistan for very long time
Are the Pakistani students safe where they are or not? Did that smart move by Pakistan delay any potential outbreak due to silent/subclinical carriers passing the bug on to vulnerable household members?

You Indians posting on this thread are voluntarily ignoring what was a smart move by Khan because it's a Pakistani who did it. Face facts - leaving those students in Wuhan saved lives. I suggest you be at peace with this and move on. India has other concerns than fake tears for Pakistanis.

Not case of transmission reported from people who the govt has evacuated and isolated .even now the govt is Evacuating Indians from Iran and isolating them in rajasthan.your whole argument or the point of starting this thread was because the govt of India evacuated the our citizens from China is causing the spread of virus in india.you don't have to look more dumb to to hide your govts incompetence.
Actually it was a good move to not bring them home. It is now self evident that people with the virus can evade the screening dragnet. Or did you not notice that?

Gotta love the Indian chest beaters "we brought them home, you didn't" like it's some kind of cure for covid 19 to bring your nationals home. Some of these folks really don't have a clue because of Bollywood media confusing them. Drama does not equate to reasoned scientific decision making.
What shit is this thread about? This is now a Pandemic. The virus will not see if you are an Indian or a Pakistani, it will not see if you like Imran Khan's policies or Modiji's policies. It's looking for it's next host regardless of Nationality/Religion or Political affiliation. It's Humanity against a Pandemic. Stop being such a disgrace to Humanity please. Close this thread!
Are the Pakistani students safe where they are or not? Did that smart move by Pakistan delay any potential outbreak due to silent/subclinical carriers passing the bug on to vulnerable household members?
No one knows if they are safe or not. One hotel keeping quarantined folks collapsed and there were causalities. Besides, even if NONE of them were harmed, it does not prove that none of them were in danger.

Actually, to be honest, the infection WAS indeed going to spread to Pakistan, one way or the other. Remember, I also said this? The entire episode was political move -- to keep China happy. EVEN now you are not evacuating your citizens from China where the risk is highest. It shows just how much your government is ready to compromise to please Chinese.
No one knows if they are safe or not. One hotel keeping quarantined folks collapsed and there were causalities. Besides, even if NONE of them were harmed, it does not prove that none of them were in danger.

Actually, to be honest, the infection WAS indeed going to spread to Pakistan, one way or the other. Remember, I also said this? The entire episode was political move -- to keep China happy. EVEN now you are not evacuating your citizens from China where the risk is highest. It shows just how much your government is ready to compromise to please Chinese.
No need to leap into action when India is criticised. Do try and read what I wrote. Healthy students returning from a viral epicentre may be silent carriers or have so few symptoms that screening missed them. This is a CERTIFIED FACT. All around you, cases have emerged all over the world of individuals with the virus not being picked up on port screening - it was inevitable, these are false negatives at the point of screening. You said nothing of this sort in all of our conversations. On the contrary, I stated these facts for Indians and Pakistan-bashers like you to digest and mull over. I shall state them again quite happily. Those students were a risk to others, not themselves, but to their household members in Pakistan. Where is the evidence? Look around you! In India itself, not to mention Pakistan and every other country, silent transmitters have already evaded screening and infected others. Yet you continue with your discredited narrative.

Do you simply ignore the realities that are occurring world over simply to further your political agenda? Or do you think now might be a good time for reflection?

As for China being dangerous today, do go and check your fact. China is plateaued. Europe is now the pandemic epicentre.


You bhaktistanis are a funny bunch really. I'm not complaining about your amateurish theories though. You keep me in a job.
Healthy students returning from a viral epicentre may be silent carriers or have so few symptoms that screening missed them. This is a CERTIFIED FACT.
Here is another CERTIFIED FACT. You already have this disease in Pakistan. Here is one more : incubation period of corona-virus is 14 days (https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses). And last here is one more : You are ALLOWING Pakistan folks from Iran to enter back into Pakistan. So your pretense of stemming the COVID spread is just that an excuse.

All around you, cases have emerged all over the world of individuals with the virus not being picked up on port screening - it was inevitable, these are false negatives at the point of screening. You said nothing of this sort in all of our conversations.
I said this before : "Pakistan WILL get this disease in. How? I don't know."
Heck we don't even know ALL ways in which this disease spreads. Its spread is USA is still not fully understood.

Those students were a risk to others, not themselves, but to their household members in Pakistan
What you are missing is this :
When there was NO coronavirus circulating in Pakistan, one could have excused with this line of thinking.
But now many folks have returned from Iran, it is inexcusable. YOU ALREADY HAVE THIS VIRUS SPREADING IN YOUR COMMUNITY. Also, its spread is understated worldwide. Many Many people with healthy immune system do not show ANY symptoms and yet have the virus in them and their immune system clears the disease. Not everyone who gets the virus develops the symptoms. And not everyone who gets the symptoms develops serious complication. Meaning, you ARE already having LOTS of people in Pakistan who are carrying this and possibly spreading this. So all your pretense for not bringing those students back NOW is downright dishonest.

As for China being dangerous today, do go and check your fact. China is plateaued. Europe is now the pandemic epicentre.
China STILL has the highest number of cases.
Here is another CERTIFIED FACT. You already have this disease in Pakistan. Here is one more : incubation period of corona-virus is 14 days (https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses). And last here is one more : You are ALLOWING Pakistan folks from Iran to enter back into Pakistan. So your pretense of stemming the COVID spread is just that an excuse.

I said this before : "Pakistan WILL get this disease in. How? I don't know."
Heck we don't even know ALL ways in which this disease spreads. Its spread is USA is still not fully understood.

What you are missing is this :
When there was NO coronavirus circulating in Pakistan, one could have excused with this line of thinking.
But now many folks have returned from Iran, it is inexcusable. YOU ALREADY HAVE THIS VIRUS SPREADING IN YOUR COMMUNITY. Also, its spread is understated worldwide. Many Many people with healthy immune system do not show ANY symptoms and yet have the virus in them and their immune system clears the disease. Not everyone who gets the virus develops the symptoms. And not everyone who gets the symptoms develops serious complication. Meaning, you ARE already having LOTS of people in Pakistan who are carrying this and possibly spreading this. So all your pretense for not bringing those students back NOW is downright dishonest.

China STILL has the highest number of cases.
You can wake someone who is ACTUALLY asleep, but not someone who is just pretending to be asleep.
No one knows if they are safe or not. One hotel keeping quarantined folks collapsed and there were causalities. Besides, even if NONE of them were harmed, it does not prove that none of them were in danger.

Actually, to be honest, the infection WAS indeed going to spread to Pakistan, one way or the other. Remember, I also said this? The entire episode was political move -- to keep China happy. EVEN now you are not evacuating your citizens from China where the risk is highest. It shows just how much your government is ready to compromise to please Chinese.
oh. just like Canadian govt. is always pleasing the Americans and British?
It would have spread exponentially had we allowed students to come back right away..Pakistan is still in midst of preparations to cater any possible outbreak.. you and your big mouth should worry about yourself, your HVAC business , your first lady got infected..dont teach us what to do.. care for yourself..
And yet when an unknown number of people from Iran returned it was all fine and dandy.

Iran wanted us to take them back..Chinas healthcare system cant even be compared to that of Iran... Iran is unable to cope up with huge # of religious tourists that got affected ..therefore makes sense to hold them at the border and release upon incubation time..Some got released early and we have taken that up....again look after yourself..dont poke your nose where it doesnt belong... China is helping Pakistan as we speak with the preparations. people get affected during travel most of the times so travel is the problem, specifically air travel.
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It would have spread exponentially had we allowed students to come back right away
Says who our students were infected? Let the students come back and than we'll have a chat again on this issue.

And yet when an unknown number of people from Iran returned it was all fine and dandy.
It shows, how strong this mafia is in Pakistan.
Says who our students were infected? Let the students come back and than we'll have a chat again on this issue.

It shows, how strong this mafia is in Pakistan.

In wuhan and around.. you are not infected..you take a ride to the airport. to take the plane..big chance you get affected even if you werent..
In wuhan and around.. you are not infected..you take a ride to the airport. to take the plane..big chance you get affected even if you werent..
Possible, but that didn't happened in case of our students.... at least not yet reported.
It shows, how strong this mafia is in Pakistan.
My main issue with at least MY government would be that if it abandons its people, it should be abandoned. At the point when no one is allowed to come back in the nation from a possibly high risk country, it was arguable in a very fringe sense. But not anymore. The very basic right any national has is a fair and equal treatment. To me it seems that there is a political reason for not evacuating folks from Wuhan.

But then, I am not Pakistan national and I don't know what the sensibilities are here. I have seen enough people still justifying the action based on "protecting the vulnerable" thing. So be it. What do I know?

I am thankful that from what we know, this disease is NOT as fatal. It will pass too.
Here is another CERTIFIED FACT. You already have this disease in Pakistan. Here is one more : incubation period of corona-virus is 14 days (https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses). And last here is one more : You are ALLOWING Pakistan folks from Iran to enter back into Pakistan. So your pretense of stemming the COVID spread is just that an excuse.

I said this before : "Pakistan WILL get this disease in. How? I don't know."
Heck we don't even know ALL ways in which this disease spreads. Its spread is USA is still not fully understood.

What you are missing is this :
When there was NO coronavirus circulating in Pakistan, one could have excused with this line of thinking.
But now many folks have returned from Iran, it is inexcusable. YOU ALREADY HAVE THIS VIRUS SPREADING IN YOUR COMMUNITY. Also, its spread is understated worldwide. Many Many people with healthy immune system do not show ANY symptoms and yet have the virus in them and their immune system clears the disease. Not everyone who gets the virus develops the symptoms. And not everyone who gets the symptoms develops serious complication. Meaning, you ARE already having LOTS of people in Pakistan who are carrying this and possibly spreading this. So all your pretense for not bringing those students back NOW is downright dishonest.

China STILL has the highest number of cases.
Listen carefully.

You said "risk is highest in China". It is not any more. WHO disputes your assertion and instead tells us that Europe is the epicentre.

As for Iran's pilgrims, I have repeatedly explained the public health interpretations on these threads in that regard. The Iranian pilgrims are themselves at risk by being in Iran. Pakistani government knew some Pakistanis would get infected by letting them home. Every government knows bringing people home poses a risk. This is what you clowns don't understand when you chest thump that Indians have come home.

The second Indian fatality was infected by her son who returned via Italy and Switzerland - surprise, fkng suprise, he didn't show symptoms at the airport but did a day later. Didn't I say repeatedly that carriers may be silent even if they spent two weeks symptom-free before boarding their return flight to India? Didn't i just lecture you and your buddy that infection of vulnerable household contacts is the greatest risk? Lo and behold. Do twats like you and your little buddies here ever Listen to anyone with an iota of knowledge on the matter?

Pakistan certainly made mistakes with the Iranian pilgrims however they couldn't be safely left in Iran whose level of clownery is only slightly greater than India's Bollywood approach. Pakistan can play safe with the Wuhan group because the risk of them themselves dying is in Wuhan is much lower than the risk of pilgrims dying if left in Iran. Hence Pakistan accepted the risk of bringing them home.

You need to grow up and quit your agenda to prove Pakistan "wrong" or "immoral" for "leaving Pakistanis in Wuhan". Everyone here can see exactly what you're doing. Mercifully, the facts don't support your narrative. On the contrary, the facts prove the Bollywood approach has failed.

Says who our students were infected? Let the students come back and than we'll have a chat again on this issue.

It shows, how strong this mafia is in Pakistan.
Your agenda is even more bizarre than this Canadian guy's.

But then, I am not Pakistan national and I don't know what the sensibilities are here.
Nothing to do with sensibilities. Everything to do with public health.

"...India's health ministry says it was among the first countries in the world to prepare for an outbreak of the respiratory illness, and denied allegations that it was slow in testing suspected cases.

"Our surveillance system is strong and we are able to quickly identify any symptomatic patients," RR Gangakhedkar from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) told reporters on Thursday.

However, there are concerns about whether the country will be fully equipped to prevent and treat an outbreak.

It would be near impossible for India to force its citizens into mass quarantine and hospitalise people in numbers like China, says the BBC's Soutik Biswas.

Our correspondent says there are also concerns about the country's poor healthcare data. India has a shoddy record in even recording deaths and disease - only 77% of deaths are registered, and doctors are more likely to get the cause of death wrong than right, according to a study the Toronto-based Centre for Global Research. There is patchy data for flu-related deaths.

Rumours, myths and misconceptions spread through social mediacould also hamper an effective response to the infection."

Even the pro-Bhakt BBC has little faith in India's "shoddy" system.

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