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Italy has emerged as the superspreader of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in India, with 35 of the 44 confirmed cases in the country being diagnosed in Italian tourists and Indians who have recently travelled to the western European nation, or their close contacts.

With at least 7,375 cases and 366 deaths, Italy has recorded the highest number of deaths outside China and is inching towards replacing South Korea as the country with the second-highest number of cases. Italy has locked down 16 million people in Lombardy and other parts of the north, and the Vatican has suspended mass until April 3 because of the emergency.

“The main spread of coronavirus in India is by Italians or by people who have come from Italy, where the virus is virulent. The biggest problem for us is people hiding their travel history to Italy to avoid quarantine and testing. They are hurting themselves and their families. It is a very irresponsible behaviour,” said Dr Naresh Trehan, chairman, Medanta —The Medicity, where 14 Italian tourists with Covid-19 have been kept in an isolation ward since March 3.

Some people are reluctant to report symptoms or travel history, with some even running away from isolation facilities. A couple and their 24-year-old son who were diagnosed with Covid-19 in Kerala on Sunday suppressed symptoms and didn’t disclose their recent travel to Italy, which led to the infection spreading to two other family members.

“People must be upfront about where they have travelled from, who they were in contact with, and if they know of anyone who recently travelled to an affected country...,” said Dr Trehan.

Tested cure

With some travellers back from affected countries like Italy developing symptoms several days after landing or having no symptoms at all, a self-imposed home lockdown for two weeks is a must.

“Limiting social contact is the only way to stop the spread of the virus and everyone returning from Italy or another affected country, including those without symptoms, must stay home quarantined for two weeks with minimal contact with their family and friends to contain the spread of the virus. And they must get tested if they have symptoms to protect their family,” said Dr RR Gangakhedkar, head, division of epidemiology and communicable disease, Indian Council of Medical Research, which is the country’s apex network of laboratories for testing Covid-19.

Italian tourists account for 16 of the 44 Covid-19 cases; the driver of the group is also infected. Two from the group are undergoing treatment in Rajasthan. “The 14 Italian tourists (in Medanta) are stable...and they did not need ICU admission or oxygen support. Their swab samples were sent for testing on Monday and the results are expected by Wednesday to know whether they are negative. They will be discharged once they test negative for the second time,” said Dr Trehan.

Viral tracking

How the infection spreads depends on frequency of travel, particularly international travel, and the age and immunity status of population. “Italy has a very high number of tourists and the initial mass exposure happened during mass at churches, when people did not know they had Covid-19. The country also has an ageing population, who tend to have chronic diseases and lower immunity than healthy people, which has led to the fatality rate being higher than the global average,” said Dr Gangakhedkar.

The Covid-19 death rate in Italy is around 5%, compared to the 3.4% global average, according to the World Health Organisation. India has reported no deaths.

“India has a young demographic, which tends to have a more robust immunity. Covid-19, like other viruses, causes more severe disease among older population, with most children and young adults showing mild symptoms,” said a health ministry official, requesting anonymity.

The second-highest imported cases in India are from Iran, from where four travellers have come back infected.

“The people who got infected in Iran are mostly pilgrims, who tend to be older and have limited mobility and social exposure as compared to young adults. This has helped stop the infection from spreading to the community,” Dr Gangakhedkar.

At this stage of the disease in India, it is still possible to contain Covid-19 at the borders. “A tighter control of aviation, shipping and land borders will help...I have never seen such concerted action on part of the government against any other disease,” said Dr Gangakhedkar.

Secondary transmission is very less in India compare to other country. You can't put all arrivals in home quarantine.

Port Screening is preliminary you have put 14 days quarantine who arrives from Iran. It is easiyest task for Pakistan. It that it self following procedure is failed. India is doing quarantine for arrivals from Italy, Iran, Japan, Korea, and so on

1) secondary transmission means transmission from humans to humans. How on earth did you conclude that "secondary transmission is very less in India"? Do you mean transmission within India is low? At present, such transmission is low in Pakistan also. So what? This has nothing to do with the problem that some individuals clearly (according to you, most or all of the infected cases in India) slipped through screening and quarantining protocols to bring the infection with them.

Furthermore, to imply that transmission within India is low is unproven. You're extrapolating the fact that a third of Indian infections are in a group of Italian tourists and assuming this means Indian-Indian transmission within India is low.

2) This is patently false. Home isolation is sufficient as per WHO guidance for 2 weeks for asymptomatic returnees from cat 1 locations. E.g. UK advice, similar to that elsewhere:
"Category 1: Travellers should self-isolate, even if asymptomatic, and use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do next. Go home or to your destination and then self isolate."

Now I am of the opinion personally (I.E. not verified) that this is insufficient in terms of time period. Additionally, I favour quarantine in the border region for returnees from Iran specifically because of the uncertain procedural consistency on the Iranian side. Are Iran screening correctly? Are Iran ensuring a two week symptom free period before releasing travellers back to us? I am sceptical - inevitably due to sanctions and also the mullahs system, they will not be able or willing to adhere to protocol strictly, hence I personally advocate for a tougher line with returning pilgrims. However, in terms of actual WHO guidance, Pakistan is doing well. Like I said, we needed to go beyond this guidance with Iran. This is where we failed.

Idle banter aside, I'm happy to discuss what countries are doing well and what they aren't doing well but I think you're interested in something else.

Btw, didnt you guys refused to bring your citizens back, so how come you are having people affected from the virus. Feels bad for your citizens, they didnt get rescued and yet the virus has spread in their home country. So, what did you gain by mocking the rescue missions of other countries ???
I've responded to this recycled allegation before. Pakistani citizens in Wuhan should stay there as China has absolutely nailed the lockdown process and treats its patients with top class protocols. Young students coming home are a transmission risk but more likely to be asymptomatic or have minor symptoms hence evade screening and quarantining. This remains a good decision and likely saved lives. Imagine elderly household contacts contracting the virus from these fit young students.

Iran - different ball game. They had to come home because goodness knows how many in Iran are infected and not in proper lock down, so the risk of the pilgrims being infected was high in Iran cf the risk of the students in Wuhan being infected. Moreover, treatment is limited in Iran due to sanctions. The GoP calculated the risk of deaths of the pilgrims in Iran outweighed the risk of returning pilgrims transmitting the virus. They accepted that some in Pakistan would be infected. See my above response regarding the true shortcomings of the Pakistani response vis a vis Iran.
There are a number of Indians and Bangladeshi travelers that have tested positive for corona in gulf and western countries. This is an indication of a silent spreading of the disease in both countries.
Its almost impossible to stop by just quarantine. Thats why every country is having affected people right now. India did well to quarantine our overseas citizens early instead of letting them to die there. Also the large number of European tourists in India are one of the major source of virus.

Btw, didnt you guys refused to bring your citizens back, so how come you are having people affected from the virus. Feels bad for your citizens, they didnt get rescued and yet the virus has spread in their home country. So, what did you gain by mocking the rescue missions of other countries ???

None of Pakistani citizens died in China due to Coronavirus and 4 infected recovered in China so your point that citizens die oversea is wrong cause you only brought back students which are out the coronavirus killing age.

India bringing back citizens brought coronavirus to India which was a mistake. This early evaluation without proper quarantine is what made virus spread in India.
None of Pakistani citizens died in China due to Coronavirus and 4 infected recovered in China so your point that citizens die oversea is wrong cause you only brought back students which are out the coronavirus killing age.

India bringing back citizens brought coronavirus to India which was a mistake. This early evaluation without proper quarantine is what made virus spread in India.
None of the people quarantined died and have all been discharged after recovery. They were in good hands as the home country could provide special care which isnt possible in other country due to straining of resources. So your theory doesnt stand.
None of Pakistani citizens died in China due to Coronavirus and 4 infected recovered in China so your point that citizens die oversea is wrong cause you only brought back students which are out the coronavirus killing age.

India bringing back citizens brought coronavirus to India which was a mistake. This early evaluation without proper quarantine is what made virus spread in India.
Exactly. India took a needless risk with its citizens.
None of the people quarantined died and have all been discharged after recovery. They were in good hands as the home country could provide special care which isnt possible in other country due to straining of resources. So your theory doesnt stand.
And yet over 50 are now infected in inferiority complex land. Not all of them are contacts of Italian tourists btw. So either the screening or the quarantining failed. Don't worry too much over it though. It was inevitable.
Exactly. India took a needless risk with its citizens.

And yet over 50 are now infected in inferiority complex land. Not all of them are contacts of Italian tourists btw. So either the screening or the quarantining failed. Don't worry too much over it though. It was inevitable.

Most of them has travel history from Italy and Iran. All cases transmission are traced

Idle banter aside, I'm happy to discuss what countries are doing well and what they aren't doing well but I think you're interested in something else.
I don't have interest in anything but Pakistan failed to contain saying Pakistanis are better in china then in Pakistan. So much ego in Pakistan part
All cases transmission are traced
Nonsense. This is unsubstantiated.

I don't have interest in anything but Pakistan failed to contain saying Pakistanis are better in china then in Pakistan. So much ego in Pakistan part
The Pakistani students are better off in Wuhan. But thanks for your concern. Soon enough, this will be irrelevant as the world accept we are beyond the containment phase. Then the students will come home and you may send them flowers.
Nonsense. This is unsubstantiated.
Incapability glower

The Pakistani students are better off in Wuhan. But thanks for your concern. Soon enough, this will be irrelevant as the world accept we are beyond the containment phase. Then the students will come home and you may send them flowers.

Yes don't worry they are not coming back anytime soon due to travel restriction imposed by countries
Incapability glower

Yes don't worry they are not coming back anytime soon due to travel restriction imposed by countries
Incapability glower means what? I couldn't find it on Google.

73 cases now of "Italian tourists and Iranian returnees mostly".
India criticizes Pakistan for not evacuating and now lol they suspend all visa them selves not allowing anyone to come to India. Karma
one of the dumbest karma I guess

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