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There is no points for being an idiot. He will avoid any reason to be in a crowd full of people. The government can only ask people to stay away from celebration and PM and HM can set examples by staying away from taking part in celebrations also ask others to do the same.

If that's not making sense to you, then nothing will.
Lol again you are lying your govt never issued advisory to cancel holi Milan yet them selves say not attending. Lol pathetic. If they issue advisory that means the problem is intense so they become diplomatic and let people die lol.
Lol again you are lying your govt never issued advisory to cancel holi Milan yet them selves say not attending. Lol pathetic. If they issue advisory that means the problem is intense so they become diplomatic and let people die lol.
The government has already issued advisory to cancel events in affected areas dummy. Why you people always find something to cry about when there is nothing.

Last month you lot were celebrating cases in Kerala, and what did that get you? All three affected were cured and people tested from the state came back negative. Not much interesting there, so you skipped that now making noise about something else. What a pathetic bunch.
These are the same Indians that were lecturing Pakistan.
The government has already issued advisory to cancel events in affected areas dummy. Why you people always find something to cry about when there is nothing.

Last month you lot were celebrating cases in Kerala, and what did that get you? All three affected were cured and people tested from the state came back negative. Not much interesting there, so you skipped that now making noise about something else. What a pathetic bunch.

Why in infected areas only new case are popping up in every state.

Secondly in infected areas govt thinks there are more patients. Is the problem so big.

Thirdly please post the advisory on cancelation of holi Milan.
For a country that was boasting and lecturing others this is a worrying development.
Why are borders with India still open?
Pakistan who doesn't even have a BSL Lvl 4 lab, there is nothing to call India out. Chal....
Please now explain why a bsl level 4 lab is in any way required to deal with a corona virus outbreak.

Should be interesting.

we were right to evacuate them from that hell hole.
Before you celebrate Pakistan's lack of a bsl level 4 lab, be aware that cases in China are stabilizing thanks to the measures in place there - so you have no grounds on which to imply Pakistan followed an incorrect or inappropriate protocol. India did what India felt was right, Pakistan did what Pakistan felt was right. India took the greater risk because the incubation period has been shown to exceed the 2 weeks period initially prescribed as suitable quarantine duration. India has simply gotten away with recklessness. Pakistan played it safe.
This was my worst fear this thing hitting India. this could be disaster in such pandemic due to overpopulation in urban centers like Delhi, Mumbai and other major cities in India
Last month you lot were celebrating cases in Kerala, and what did that get you? All three affected were cured and people tested from the state came back negative. Not much interesting there, so you skipped that now making noise about something else. What a pathetic bunch.
Not sure why you're so triggered. The point here is that not enough was confirmed about the virus previously - indeed we still don't know - to confidently declare that 2 weeks quarantine and a single negative test result is enough for India to carry on with life and opportunistic Pakistan-bashing as normal.

Multiple instances of above two weeks incubation and of repeated tests eventually revealing positive results (despite initial negativity) have now come to light. Such cases would have slipped through the initial testing net deployed by most nations, especially for third world nations blindly copying western protocols. These are precisely the risks (esp that of false negatives) that were described initially and goodness knows how many of India's "negative" escapees will actually be genuinely harbouring the virus and spreading it via the most densely populated third world infrastructure in the world.
Not sure why you're so triggered. The point here is that not enough was confirmed about the virus previously - indeed we still don't know - to confidently declare that 2 weeks quarantine and a single negative test result is enough for India to carry on with life and opportunistic Pakistan-bashing as normal.

Multiple instances of above two weeks incubation and of repeated tests eventually revealing positive results (despite initial negativity) have now come to light. Such cases would have slipped through the initial testing net deployed by most nations, especially for third world nations blindly copying western protocols. These are precisely the risks (esp that of false negatives) that were described initially and goodness knows how many of India's "negative" escapees will actually be genuinely harbouring the virus and spreading it via the most densely populated third world infrastructure in the world.

He is triggered because his propaganda is proven wrong.

Remember how the Indians were shedding crocodile tears for Pak students in China? Our government presented their case convincingly. Our decision was not based on emotions or blackmailing China to appease others. Today the number of infections in India speak volume. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Just wait till we hear the official number.
Why in infected areas only new case are popping up in every state.

Secondly in infected areas govt thinks there are more patients. Is the problem so big.

Thirdly please post the advisory on cancelation of holi Milan.
Because we have people traveling in and out of every state. We don't have travel restrictions, and a lot of tourists visit India.

Infected areas will always have more than one patients, that's what every country does.

I don't have to, there is no countrywide ban on Holi celebrations. Only where there are infected areas and government need not impose curfew in the affected areas.
16 are Italian tourists and one is their driver ,out of the 29.
Most of the others infected are people who traveled to the middle east and italy and returned to infect their family.
Early days yet as the above people travelled around and some threw parties for their friends.
From a purely technical side , its surprising that the infection has not spread in India as compared to somewhere like italy, which is not a cold place , or even the usa.
Could be lack of detection but also the difference in ambient temperatures might play a role.
Not sure why you're so triggered. The point here is that not enough was confirmed about the virus previously - indeed we still don't know - to confidently declare that 2 weeks quarantine and a single negative test result is enough for India to carry on with life and opportunistic Pakistan-bashing as normal.

Multiple instances of above two weeks incubation and of repeated tests eventually revealing positive results (despite initial negativity) have now come to light. Such cases would have slipped through the initial testing net deployed by most nations, especially for third world nations blindly copying western protocols. These are precisely the risks (esp that of false negatives) that were described initially and goodness knows how many of India's "negative" escapees will actually be genuinely harbouring the virus and spreading it via the most densely populated third world infrastructure in the world.
My comments are specifically directed at Bharwana and his previous stupid remarks.

Two weeks quarantine is WHO specified guidelines, now if you know something more than them, you're free to take up those rumors. From experience, it's been more than 30 days since Corona was first reported in India, and there is still no secondary transmission even after a thousand people were home quarantined, and testing hundreds of samples. To have zero cases with 600 people is more than being lucky.

The recently reported cases are from Tourists who have traveled to and from Italy. We didn't evacuate those people.
Because we have people traveling in and out of every state. We don't have travel restrictions, and a lot of tourists visit India.

Infected areas will always have more than one patients, that's what every country does.

I don't have to, there is no countrywide ban on Holi celebrations. Only where there are infected areas and government need not impose curfew in the affected areas.

Nah you don't have travel or daily life restrictions lol. No need for your false input lol. The situation is getting worse in India I know.

Indian titanic is sinking but don't panic you would have died someday anyway.
All is good don't panic India is thriving.

India evacuated students Pakistan left them behind. WHO is shit their advisory don't matters. Only India know what to do. Pathetic. I don't understand why education is having no effect on Indians.

All is good everything in India is being postponed will love.

Nah you don't have travel or daily life restrictions lol. No need for your false input lol. The situation is getting worse in India I know.
Do you have any issues with cognition? That's what I said genius, there are no restrictions inside India yet. When more cases come and then we may put restrictions.

India evacuated students Pakistan left them behind. WHO is shit their advisory don't matters. Only India know what to do. Pathetic. I don't understand why education is having no effect on Indians.

All is good everything in India is being postponed will love.
And there were zero infected students from India who were evacuated from Wuhan. Your point being?
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