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Conversions threaten Pakistan's "Macedonian" tribe


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
By Rebecca Conway

BUMBORET VALLEY, Pakistan | Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:09am EDT

BUMBORET VALLEY, Pakistan (Reuters) - Nestled among the valleys of Pakistan's mountainous northwest, a tiny religious community that claims descent from Alexander the Great's army is under increasing pressure from radicals bent on converting them to Islam.

The Kalash , who number just about 3,500 in Pakistan's population of 180 million, are spread over three valleys along the border with Afghanistan. For centuries they practiced polytheism and animal sacrifice without interference from members of Pakistan's Muslim majority.

But now they are under increasing danger from proselytising Muslim militants just across the border, and a hardline interpretation of Islam creeping through mainstream society -- as Pook Shireen discovered.

After falling unconscious during a car accident , the mid-20s member of the paramilitary Chitral Scouts woke to find that people with him had converted him to Islam.

"Some of the Muslim people here try to influence the Kalash or encourage them by reading certain verses to them from the Koran," said his mother, Shingerai Bibi.

"The men that were with him read verses of the Koran and then when he woke up they said to him, 'You are a convert now to Islam'. So he converted."

The conversion was a shock for his family. But they were lucky compared with other religious minorities under threat from growing religious conservatism that is destabilizing Pakistan, a nuclear-armed U.S. ally.

In May 2010, more than 80 Ahmadis, a minority who consider themselves Muslims but are regarded by Pakistan as non-Muslim, were killed in attacks on two mosques in Lahore.

Then in March this year, the Christian minorities minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, whose job it was to protect groups like the Kalash, was assassinated outside his home in the capital, Islamabad, in an attack claimed by the Pakistani Taliban.


The lush green Kalash valleys, which sit below snow-capped peaks of the Hindu Kush, have been a magnet for tourists, both for the scenery and for the people, who are indigenous to the area.

Most are fair and with light eyes, which they say proves their descent from the army of Alexander of Macedonia that passed through the area in the 4th century BC to invade India. The community brews its own wine and women are not veiled.

But the smooth co-existence between the Kalash and Muslims has been fading in recent months and the area is suffering from many of the religious tensions marring the rest of Pakistan.

The conversions are causing splits among the Kalash -- converts become outcasts overnight, described by many as "dead to their families".

"When a Kalash converts we don't live with them in our houses anymore," said farmer Asil Khan, sitting on a neighbor's balcony.

"Our festivals and our culture are different. They can't take part in the festivals or the way we live."

Some in the area are so concerned that they believe segregation is the only way to protect the Kalash.

"We should move the Muslims out of the valley to make more room for the Kalash," said Shohor Gul, a Kalash member of the border police who lives in Rumbur valley. "This area should be just for us. We dislike these conversions - it disturbs our culture and our festivals, and it reduces our numbers."

The subject of Kalash festivals is raised often in these narrow valleys, where carefully cultivated corn crops cover what flat land exists, and the Kalash community's distinctive wooden houses terrace the valley walls.

Held to usher in seasonal change or to pray for a good harvest, Kalash festivals include hypnotic dancing and animal sacrifice, fueled by the grape wine with which the Kalash lace their gatherings.

Converts to Islam say, though, that these rituals quicken the decision to leave the Kalash.

"The main thing wrong in the Kalash culture are these festivals," said 29-year-old convert Rehmat Zar. "When someone dies the body is kept in that house for three days."

Muslims usually bury people the day they die.

Zar added of the Kalash: "They slaughter up to a hundred goats and the family are mourning - but those around them are celebrating, beating drums, drinking wine and dancing. Why are they celebrating this? That's wrong."


Not all of the area's Muslims feel this way.

Qari Barhatullah is the imam, or priest, at the Jami Masjid in Bumboret valley's Shikanandeh village.

He stresses that many of the valley's Muslims value the Kalash's contributions to the area's tourism industry and contends that Kalash festivals run parallel to their own.

He admits though that there is tension between the two communities. Unveiled Kalash girls in colorful homemade skirts and head-dresses grow up alongside Muslim women covered by the all-enveloping burqas.

The Kalash girls are also free to marry who they chose, in a country where arranged marriages are common.

"We do support the Kalash - Islam teaches us respect for other religions - but there are people here, maybe they are not as educated - who don't like the Kalash because of their religion," Barhatullah said.

Akram Hussain oversees the Kalasha Dur, a cultural center devoted to promoting and protecting the Kalash culture, a stunning structure of elegantly crafted carved wooden beams and stone where Kalash children are educated. It also houses a library, clinic and museum, which are open to both the Kalash and Muslim communities.

"Some of the Muslims here don't want to educate the Kalash people. They don't want us to have an education," he said.

Without more schools that cater exclusively to the Kalash, though, Hussain worries his community and culture will be disappear.

"There are few Kalash teachers and there aren't schools for older children, so they go to the secondary schools and learn about Islam. The Muslim teachers are brainwashing them. They tell the children that Islam is the only right way and that we are going to hell," he said.

A provincial spokesman said the regional government is funding development projects for the Kalash and that Pakistan was committed to protecting their unique heritage.

"We have set aside 15 million rupees ($173,210) over three years for projects such as improving roads, water supply systems and community centers," said Ahmad Hassan. "Whatever the Kalash say they need."

Others in the Kalash valleys though say development should cease and insist the adoption of Islam should continue, despite the impact on the Kalash culture.

Rehmat Zar, the Kalash convert, says his eventual aim is to convert his entire community to Islam.

"I'm trying my best to convert many of the Kalash myself. I'm trying to convert as many as I can," he said.

"The people who are trying to preserve the Kalash culture are doing wrong. They are committing a mistake. The Kalash should convert to Islam because this is the real, and last, religion".

Conversions threaten Pakistan's Macedonian tribe | Reuters
After falling unconscious during a car accident , the mid-20s member of the paramilitary Chitral Scouts woke to find that people with him had converted him to Islam.

"Some of the Muslim people here try to influence the Kalash or encourage them by reading certain verses to them from the Koran," said his mother, Shingerai Bibi.

"The men that were with him read verses of the Koran and then when he woke up they said to him, 'You are a convert now to Islam'. So he converted."

What stupidity..both sides on the last edge of jahilia..jahalat ends on these people!
Pakistani goverment should protect the rights of this ancient people
Pakistani goverment should protect the rights of this ancient people

Why??? Pakistan basic foundation is ISLAM. Conversion is one of the tool of Islam/Cristianity to spread. Why Pakistan will protect other religion????
Why??? Pakistan basic foundation is ISLAM. Conversion is one of the tool of Islam/Cristianity to spread. Why Pakistan will protect other religion????

These people have lived there for thousands of years and now only 3500 remain it is very sad if they are forced to convert by the sword.
These people have lived there for thousands of years and now only 3500 remain it is very sad if they are forced to convert by the sword.

So what?? Entire Persian race was converted in couple of decades. Only Persian (Parsi) are alive in India. Entire Africa is converted into Islam and Cristians. Who cares???

Abrahmic religion don't give a damn to such stupid logic (lived there for thousands of years and now only few left). The basic idea of Abhramic religion to convert all 7 billion ppl on earth.. :)

I know it better coz I have studied in Missionary school... :)
So what?? Entire Persian race was converted in couple of decades. Only Persian (Parsi) are alive in India. Entire Africa is converted into Islam and Cristians. Who cares???

Abrahmic religion don't give a damn to such stupid logic (lived there for thousands of years and now only few left). The basic idea of Abhramic religion to convert all 7 billion ppl on earth.. :)

I know it better coz I have studied in Missionary school... :)

Ur brain must be really tiny?
Go read some history about africa and Islam, and about the great Islamic empires in Africa(for africans, by africans) and then compare it to christian rule in africa
Also, there are many parsis and christians living happily in Pakistan
If you want to find the truth come with us, or else, we mind our own bussiness
Ur brain must be really tiny?
Go read some history about africa and Islam, and about the great Islamic empires in Africa(for africans, by africans) and then compare it to christian rule in africa
Also, there are many parsis and christians living happily in Pakistan
If you want to find the truth come with us, or else, we mind our own bussiness

And i'd invite him to stay at the 5 star Avari Hotels, which are oh ironically owned by Parsis. What a conincidence.

---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 AM ----------

They're about as Macedonian as Mahatma Gandhi is.

I believe their DNA tests proved that they had not much to do with Greeks. It is quite possible that Macedonian soldiers will have taken local wives and that some Kalash may be their offspring but really the Greek influence is minimal on their genes. Also they look the same like the other people around them. By that logic all of N. Pakistan is descendents of Greeks. very very unlikely!
it wasn't a joke in the slightest. 3,000 Muslims (a minority) were slaughtered in India over rumours, helped by the police and establishment.

Occasionally in Pakistan, Ahmadiyys, Sunni Muslims, Shi'ite Muslims get murdered. I don't believe I've heard of a case of the Kalash being Gujeratied at all.
Murders occur all over the world. To think Ahmadiyys or Kalash are the only people that get murdered in Pakistan is dum. Sunni Muslims do also, in the name of religion. It's a fair point to compare what happened with the thousands of Muslims burned alive in Gujerat with the one or two Ahmadiyys that get targeted in Pakistan. India is definitely not better with its minorties than Pakistan. that is what the evidence shows.
Murders occur all over the world. To think Ahmadiyys or Kalash are the only people that get murdered in Pakistan is dum. Sunni Muslims do also, in the name of religion. It's a fair point to compare what happened with the thousands of Muslims burned alive in Gujerat with the one or two Ahmadiyys that get targeted in Pakistan. India is definitely not better with its minorties than Pakistan. that is what the evidence shows.
Whatever helps you sleep better.
The only problem is if these people become Muslims (even by choice) .....

If they start wearing jeans and listening to heavy metal, I don't think anyone is going to have a problem with that
Why??? Pakistan basic foundation is ISLAM. Conversion is one of the tool of Islam/Cristianity to spread. Why Pakistan will protect other religion????

your first statement is correct. and so is the second one but I think it applies to many other religions that want to spread their belief.
Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism also has preachers no?

now the question about why? why should Pakistan protect other religions?
well its one of the teachings of Islam (not talibani islam) that you cant force a conversion. hence Jews, Christians and Pagans lived peacefully right from the early Muslim rule on which we base our religion and jurisprudence. Hence we have stories of Muslim governor Ali working for a Jew in his garden and that Jew was never forced to convert.
What you see during the conquests by the Arabian & central Asian empires was more to do with the typical model of an empire it had more to do with how all big empires acted in their colonies so you see places of worship of all the invaders who established their empires in the subcontinent.
Pakistan is not an empire and its founding father Qaid e Azam specially said that nonMuslims had the same rights as Muslims and being predominantly a Muslim country its mandatory for it to follow the teachings of the prophet Muhammad PBUH (not the extremists). If that’s not enough, the current times don’t allow what you are suggesting, force and violence be it from the state or from the rag tag terrorists never succeeds.

Having said that, if a certain group of people willingly decides to become Muslim, Jewish, Christian or Budhist etc then lets leave that there and respect them for that.

Pakistan has a sizable population of nonMuslims and many minority Muslim sects that are branded as nonMuslims by extremists, but that’s not stopping them from practicing their faith.
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