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Construction of Pak Navy's first MILGEM-class ship begins

YES that can be another factor
LESS LIKELY in my opinion. Thus not being discussed either.
I'm just surprised that: Does China prevent Pakistan from buying weapons from other countries?
In fact, China doesn't care.

Other competitors can't provide competitive products, and is it also China's fault?
Damn, so the first ship JUST started construction?? Why so late? I have to say, there is no one that can match the building speed of the Chinese, just look at 054 the speed with which the Chinese are building it.
I'm just surprised that: Does China prevent Pakistan from buying weapons from other countries?
In fact, China doesn't care.

Other competitors can't provide competitive products, and is it also China's fault?
I do not understand what are you getting at? Why would china prevent Pakistan to buy from other sources? Pakistan is buying the Milgem boats, aren't we? I just don't think it will make sense to put Chinese weapon system on these. Although it is the most likeliest option esp considering how we are operating these already and will get more with Type 54A frigtes. However looking at how PN tries to procure, i think if they have chosen a ship from a source other than China they will try to get weapons systems from that source as well. Helicopters for example, i also do not think that these Jinnah class frigates will operate Z-9 helicopters!
I'm just surprised that: Does China prevent Pakistan from buying weapons from other countries?
In fact, China doesn't care.

Other competitors can't provide competitive products, and is it also China's fault?

I do not understand what are you getting at? Why would china prevent Pakistan to buy from other sources? Pakistan is buying the Milgem boats, aren't we? I just don't think it will make sense to put Chinese weapon system on these. Although it is the most likeliest option esp considering how we are operating these already and will get more with Type 54A frigtes. However looking at how PN tries to procure, i think if they have chosen a ship from a source other than China they will try to get weapons systems from that source as well. Helicopters for example, i also do not think that these Jinnah class frigates will operate Z-9 helicopters!
Sorry. I don't understand... you buy warships from other countries. does this have anything to do with China?

we require that your new warship must be equipped with a Chinese weapon system???

or we require that your new warship must use Z9?

I hope the brothers understand one thing.

Pakistan buys Turkish warships. This has nothing to do with China.

Pakistan installs Chinese weapon systems on Turkish warships. This is Pakistan’s decision. China does not have any requirements.
:pakistan::china: Well stated

The construction speed will be an issue

China delivers in 1-2 years [Big/SmalL/Mid Level]
The Dutch Ships were completed in 1-2 years [Mid Level]
The Milgem Project will take 5-6 years

Pakistan have made a choice to mix up their Ship combination it is a interesting choice
of course China is not too much concerned here they wish well for Pakistan
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:pakistan::china: Well stated

The construction speed will be an issue

China delivers in 1-2 years [Big/SmalL/Mid Level]
The Dutch Ships were completed in 1-2 years [Mid Level]
The MILGEM Project will take 5-6 years

Pakistan have made a choice to mix up their Ship combination it is a interesting choice
of course China is not too much concerned here they wish well for Pakistan

The delay in starting the construction of these vessels was design, sensors & weapon systems.
These are not standard MILGEMs, they are tailored for PN.

All MILGEMs will be delivered to PN by 2025. (If all goes well)
That is the plan.

PN has its own requirements for sensors and weapons systems, it has nothing to do with China or Turkey.
We are not buying Off the shelf ships.

China and Turkey are both our military contractors for various projects and will continue to do so.

The information regarding sensors and weapons will be disclosed as and when required.
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Sorry. I don't understand... you buy warships from other countries. does this have anything to do with China?

we require that your new warship must be equipped with a Chinese weapon system???

or we require that your new warship must use Z9?

I hope the brothers understand one thing.

Pakistan buys Turkish warships. This has nothing to do with China.

Pakistan installs Chinese weapon systems on Turkish warships. This is Pakistan’s decision. China does not have any requirements.
That is exactly my point. I fail to see where you get the idea that i am saying that CHINA wants Chinese weapons on that ship and PN is not interested? That is not the case! Chinese have not objected to Pakistan getting weapon systems from other sources and they have never objected to us integrating different weapon system to the equipment we get from China OR using chinese weapons on the equipment we get from other sources. Pakistan China relation have NOT BEEN like that of US-Pakistan or Turkey-Pakistan.

We were having an argument about which AAW missiles will most likely go with Jinnah class frigates and my point was that since PN is procuring these ships from a new source it is possible that they go for complete package and do not install Chinese weapon systems on these ships for sake of diversification. Now i am surprised that you or anyone else translate this into "Pakistan is not going to install Chinese weapons on these ships where as China want Pakistan to do that". THAT IS NOT THE CASE

Anyway, no point in derailing the thread further.

Yellow=Elevated VLS platform, indicates the missiles should be long ones. (HHQ-16)
Red= New communication antennas or moved from the midst, not sure.
Green=Probably Radar for SAM system front and rear looks slightly different, resembles Chinese type 345/344 but not clear. Update: One of them seems to be dedicated to SSM, the other is SAM, or both for SAM. Expecting better resolution picture from Pakistan :)
Blue= I have no idea what radome is that, additional 3-D search radar or Satcom? and modified exhaust, i loved new design. Update: Air search radar for SAM
Orange=2x3 SSM, what is that? It looks taller than standard sizes of harpoon/exocet. Or configurable 2 spots for 4 Anti-Ship / 3 long range cruise missiles ?

Looks like Chinese systems and SSM wont be truly (entirely) be integrated with the Turkish CMS, There will be a separate Management system with separate consoles for SAM/SSM systems with minimal interface between. This also explains the increase in the complement. Experts in here can tell better if it happens because of restrictions of China or Turkey.


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The first of many others.

Yes God willing. It's been a dream envisioned by many i.e. the joint naval projects we see now between brotherly Turkey and Pakistan.
Hopefully the TF project is next, oh and a side note Altay.

View attachment 640102
Yellow=Elevated VLS platform, indicates the missiles should be long ones.
Red= New communication antennas, not sure?
Green=Probably Radar for SAM system, resembles chinese type 345 but not quitesure.
Blue= I have no idea what radome is that, additional 3-D search radar ? and modified exhaust tower, i loved new design.
Orange=2x3 SSM, what is that? It looks taller than standard sizes of harpoon/exocet. Or configurable 2 spots for 4 Anti-Ship / 3 long range cruise missiles ?

Yellow probably HQ-16.
Red looks like what you said.
Green, yes linked to HQ-16.
Orange probably launchers for Harba ASCM (see below).

seems to be an extreme mods to ada class corvette, with the these mods no wonder PN is calling it light frigate. but in reality it is as good as any other frigate in the region.

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