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Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran


Sep 7, 2010
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Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran

Says he doesn’t agree with Taliban interpretation of Islam

The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Friday said the Constitution of Pakistan was a guarantor of Shariah.

In a statement, Imran Khan said he did not agree with the interpretation of Islam presented by the Taliban.

The PTI chief said those who claimed terrorism by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was related to the imposition of Shariah stood totally exposed after the banned outfit agreed to talk within the limits of the Constitution.

Imran also reminded that in the nine accords the Pakistan Army had signed earlier with the TTP, there had been no conditionality of imposition of Shariah. “The issue is moot since the Constitution of Pakistan provides for Shariah and states no law can be made repugnant to Islam,” he noted.

He maintained that his consistent assertion that the TTP’s terrorism was directly the result of the US war on terror had once again been validated as the main demands of the TTP were related to Pakistan, extricating itself from this war and the stoppage of drone attacks.

Imran said that in this connection, US President Barack Obama’s decision to reduce the drone use because of its negative fallout on the population of the target areas was also a recognition of the PTI’s position on drones exacerbating terrorism in Pakistan.

The PTI chief stressed that he had always opposed the military action, including the sending of the military into Fata in 2004. “It has always been evident, and never more starkly than today, that the dollar-dependent lobby has been deliberately maligning me with false labels such as Taliban Khan, simply to draw attention away from the clear link between the US war on terror and terrorism in Pakistan,” he said.

In addition, he asserted that pro-war political parties — some with leaders self-exiled in the West, others exposed as having taken huge dollar amounts and still others part of the US-brokered NRO (Condoleezza Rice has claimed her role in this in her book) — were deliberately opposing peace through dialogue with false narratives.

“All these parties along with US dictated narratives stand exposed today, as the dialogue process moves forward and peace comes to Pakistan with an end to bloodshed and hatred,” he said.

Online adds: Imran Khan said in an interview with the New York-based Bloomberg that peace negotiations between the government and the TTP will probably fail and a resulting military operation would lead to more violence.

“The most likely result is that the negotiations will start, there will be about three or four big explosions and terrorist attacks and the negotiations will be called off,” he was quoted as saying.

“There will be people baying for blood and the operation will start,” he claimed.

Speaking about the US drone campaign, the PTI chief said the talks will only be meaningful if America announces an end to drone strikes.

“If the US stops the drone attacks, announces stopping the drone attacks during the talks, it would be a big plus point,” he stressed. Imran accused the US of sabotaging an earlier effort at talks with a November 1 drone attack that killed TTP leader Hakimullah Mehsud.

“The US doesn’t want peace talks here or peace in Pakistan while they are leaving Afghanistan,” the report quoted Imran Khan as saying. “The thinking is that if they (insurgents) are engaged here, they would not be going across to fight.”

Imran criticised Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for waiting too long after the May election to start talks with the TTP. He said the state negotiations team also reflected Nawaz’s lack of seriousness. “If I was him, I would lead it myself; it’s too important an issue for Pakistan,” he said.

Commenting on why the TTP named him as a negotiator from their side, Imran boasted that they trusted him to withstand the US pressures.

Stressing that he disagrees with the TTP’s interpretation of Shariah, Imran said, “I don’t represent Taliban.”

Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran - thenews.com.pk
lolz that is why we are worse society on earth ? keep away religion from politics and you will be like first world


You want the list of 'secular nations' with starving populations, malnutrition, crippling poverty and crime rates?

Atheists like you have inflicted un imagineable degrees of suffering on humanity in recent history. Leninism, Communism, National Socialism, Fascism has resulted in Goolaags, 'Correction camps', Fabricated famines, Holocaust, Chinese genocide by Japs, Stalin's mass starvation, and N.Korea!

EST 40 million people have been killed since the czar's revolt in Russia to the Bosnian genocide. Most of them were carried out by atheists. Go and educate yourself. Welfare of any nation doesn't depend on religion but on creating citizenship.
In a statement, Imran Khan said he did not agree with the interpretation of Islam presented by the Taliban.
The PTI chief said those who claimed terrorism by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was related to the imposition of Shariah stood totally exposed after the banned outfit agreed to talk within the limits of the Constitution.
Imran also reminded that in the nine accords the Pakistan Army had signed earlier with the TTP, there had been no conditionality of imposition of Shariah. “The issue is moot since the Constitution of Pakistan provides for Shariah and states no law can be made repugnant to Islam,” he noted.

So next comes the 64,000 dollar question: Whose version of Islam and Sharia should be imposed? Therein lies the problem.
So next comes the 64,000 dollar question: Whose version of Islam and Sharia should be imposed? Therein lies the problem.

Whosoever gets the Vote !

Why should that be problematic ?
Way to go Pakistan.Now impose and implement Shariah, afterall your constitution guarantees it . :tup:

Like Pakistan needs your opinion. Ja bhai apna kaam kar.

Na constitution ka pata aur na shariat ka. Aa gaye beech main naachnai.

Glad my parents left Pakistan.

Same here. Good decision by uncle and aunt. :)

You want the list of 'secular nations' with starving populations, malnutrition, crippling poverty and crime rates?

Atheists like you have inflicted un imagineable degrees of suffering on humanity in recent history. Leninism, Communism, National Socialism, Fascism has resulted in Goolaags, 'Correction camps', Fabricated famines, Holocaust, Chinese genocide by Japs, Stalin's mass starvation, and N.Korea!

EST 40 million people have been killed since the czar's revolt in Russia to the Bosnian genocide. Most of them were carried out by atheists. Go and educate yourself. Welfare of any nation doesn't depend on religion but on creating citizenship.

Hes kinda right... Religious belief = Personal matter..

Sadly our "politicos" are using Islam for their personal "gains" ....
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