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conspiracy theories which Pakistanis make against MQM

you madar pidar azad party has taught you such language but i wont go as far name calling other people and calling them traitors just because of politics

Alright. But I suspect you already knew what sort of people Altaf and co. are; yet you still decide to stick by the party, perhaps because you're both Muhajir/Hindustani? Can't say I understand you.
Alright. But I suspect you already knew what sort of people Altaf and co. are; yet you still decide to stick by the party, perhaps because you're both Muhajir/Hindustani? Can't say I understand you.

your madar pidar azad opinions bestowed on you by holy micreants by the twitter army of PTI has brainwashed you, and you can't make any civilised debate
your madar pidar azad opinions bestowed on you by holy micreants by the twitter army of PTI has brainwashed you, and you can't make any civilised debate

Oh? Can you really deny the fact that the vast majority of MQM supporters are doing so because MQM is perceived to be a 'Muhajir party'?
here is one more gem from this gem website

Stop using 70% revenue figure its wrong and bs. Karachi basically collect revenue for being port city, the work will be shared with Gwader in coming years. Thats why some in mqm has done everything in their disposale to halt gwader development.

So revenue collection and revenue generation is not the same thing. As for being important yes its very important being only major port city. In coming years less important with development of gwader.

im beginning to think that MQM is conspiring to stop the revolution of earth around the sun
Altaf can't take a NO from it's worker, They have to do what he says, Altaf don't respect or cares what they want. So If a worker says No,,, He would have to leave karachi Like Mustafa Kamal or in worst case would wind up dead... An example of Haidar Abbas Rizvi who was forced to take part in 2002 elections by Altaf hussain


Sunday Magazine:
Altaf can't take a NO from it's worker, They have to do what he says, Altaf don't respect or cares what they want. So If a worker says No,,, He would have to leave karachi Like Mustafa Kamal or in worst case would wind up dead... An example of Haidar Abbas Rizvi who was forced to take part in 2002 elections by Altaf hussain


Sunday Magazine:

wow, this any amazing story, thanks for sharing

the thing is MQM makes its candidates on absolute merit, whether the candidate likes it or not, when the decision is final, he/she has to accept MQM decision i want to share you an example of not karachi but abbottabad, where one candidate was chosen, he refused, but he was compelled to take part in the elections on MQM ticket here it is

yeh tum jaise absolute pathetic electioneering nahi kerti MQM, they don't sell party tickets they don't ask for party funds, and thats what i like about MQM the most, they choose people on merit and they don't let the candidate spend a penny, so that when they win, they don't starting acting like gods, but as a common worker and embrase the responsibility as a common harding working man

it is clear from the upper paragraph the MQM candidates don't take the election ticket as a source of corruption, business money making, but a responsibility where they will have to earn less, do a lot more and be sincere to the public, if my party is watching over me to perform, and if i have not bought the ticket, and if i can't do corruption, its a lot better to earn by doing usual jobs then accpet that responsibility, and whether you like it or not, thats how MQM operates and thats why i support this brilliant party

P.S: i don't expect a guy like you to understand it, you can take it as you want..
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There is no conspiracy theory , they just need a new younger leader with Progressive mind
who can build following outside of Karachi

Its about owning enough follower ship in all provinces that counts not 1 single city as great and important as that 1 city may be

The Karachi residents (I prefer not to use any other term), are some of the most brilliant minds in country
There is no conspiracy theory , they just need a new younger leader with Progressive mind
who can build following outside of Karachi

Its about owning enough follower ship in all provinces that counts not 1 single city as great and important as that 1 city may be

The Karachi residents (I prefer not to use any other term), are some of the most brilliant minds in country

no worries, MQM has already started its organisation in Punjab, and its very much entering into its student politics and its already receiving excellent response from Punjab
here is one more gem from this gem website

im beginning to think that MQM is conspiring to stop the revolution of earth around the sun

Once Gwader is developed blackmail from mqm walas will stop soon after. Thats what they don't want. I wonder if PPP is with you because they basically wasted 5 years. Don't want another province to get port?

The only reason Karachi is worth anything is because of being only port city in Pakistan.
Once Gwader is developed blackmail from mqm walas will stop soon after. Thats what they don't want. I wonder if PPP is with you because they basically wasted 5 years. Don't want another province to get port?

The only reason Karachi is worth anything is because of being only port city in Pakistan.

beta gwadar was made when MQM had ports and shipping ministry idiot, and during zardari era, MQM transferred all the authority of operating and utilizing gwadar port to Balochistan province
beta gwadar was made when MQM had ports and shipping ministry idiot, and during zardari era, MQM transferred all the authority of operating and utilizing gwadar port to Balochistan province

Your excuse does not make any sense, siniester motives behind non-development of gwader in last 5 years is clear.
Sadly MQM had been involved in killing army personnel. Although it also lost a lot of its workers. All I am trying to show is that MQM had committed mistakes in the past and people dont forget that.

Lets leave it at this

Actually MQM didn't killed any army personnel but in 1991 some guys who belonged to MQM they had beaten to Major Kaleem and they had no idea that who was he ..................

Yeh that makes it OK ..

This is not Ok and such incidents didn't happen in past that army and rangers personnel were killed by MQM ...............

Punjabi dont bash urdu speakers, they bash MQM for their politics rooted deep on ethnic grounds. PML maybe be Punjab dominated but they dont play politics on ethnicity.

My father's a real Muhajir, and my mother being Punjabi. I can only see the cons way way more in MQM politics than any "supposed hate" for urdu speakers by punjabis. Exceptions are there as always.

Nawaz Sharif had made a sologan in 1990 elections ... JAAG PUNJABI JAAG ... Wasn't this provoking an ethnicity ...........
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Actually MQM didn't killed any army personnel but in 1991 some guys who belonged to MQM they had beaten to Major Kaleem and they had no idea that who was he ..................

This is not Ok and such incidents didn't happen in past that army and rangers personnel were killed by MQM ...............

Nawaz Sharif had made a sologan in 1990 elections ... JAAG PUNJABI JAAG ... Wasn't this provoking an ethnicity ...........

Nawaz Sharif is a politician master in Public appeasement. He chages colors more than a chameleon ( girgit). His start was an army dictator's handy boy now he is proponent for democracy where his family gets all the meaty contracts. Now he toes the line of TTP appeasement to Arab appeasement. Usko to bas rahne hi do.

I tell you as a guy living in Lahore that Punjabis are more open to different ethnicities than any other place. Opinions may differ but having lived in Khi and Lhr this is my observation.
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