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conspiracy theories which Pakistanis make against MQM

Very true indeed. Many Urdu Speaker do not support MQM at all in fact many hate MQM but then you have racist PTI trolls and unfortunately some Punjabis join in bashing MQM and Urdu Speaking community. It creates backlash and they think maybe they are better off with Altaf bhai.

Punjabi dont bash urdu speakers, they bash MQM for their politics rooted deep on ethnic grounds. PML maybe be Punjab dominated but they dont play politics on ethnicity.

My father's a real Muhajir, and my mother being Punjabi. I can only see the cons way way more in MQM politics than any "supposed hate" for urdu speakers by punjabis. Exceptions are there as always.
Very true indeed. Many Urdu Speaker do not support MQM at all in fact many hate MQM but then you have racist PTI trolls and unfortunately some Punjabis join in bashing MQM and Urdu Speaking community. It creates backlash and they think maybe they are better off with Altaf bhai.

urdu speakers hate shia, ahmedi as well, call them kafir, want to kill them

don't believe in few urdu speakers, their are different opinionated people in Pakistan, MQM is there to change perception of Pakistanis on matters like shia kafir, ahmedi kafir etc etc

Karachiites disregarding race/colour appreciate MQM because MQM is a ground based party and helps people a lot
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it would have been much better if the headiing was like this "
conspiracy theories which other political parties make against MQM"
bringing pakistan or pakistanis in general into political problems is not good, we should avoid it....and yes there is lot of cricism about MQM and may be all that is not true.but the problem is MQM is the only party which held accountable pakistan/all pakistanis for anything done against MQM....that is bad...
beta MQM didn't kill one army personell, maybe rangers but not army guys ok
First you need to learn how to address others respectfully.

Secondly I am sitting right now in a mohajars home in karachi people who are here since 47 and knows a lot more about MQM than you as they see things neutrally not with yr MQM loving pink glasses which even shows altaf bhai smarter than brad pitt and according to these real mohagirs MQM is nothing but a gang of corrupt monsters.

Thirdly I am no supporter of PMLn or PPP or PTI they all are thugs and lack any ability to deal the pak's problem but the reason MQM is worst than anything else is because of its armed gangs doing extortion, robberies,target killing ,land grabbing at a scale no one ever did or can do. You know better than me how many youth have been ruined by this MQM of yrs on the fake pretext of getting them justice.

Fourthly just conduct fare elections in karachi and you guys will loose more than half of yr seats.

Fifthly have yu ever seen any other party's head threatening people of Pakistan to kill them with naked swords the way altaf did after may elections to the people sitting on two swords protesting against MQM's dhandli . Were they not pakistani's and half of them were mohajir's.

Sixthly did we ever see in history of Pakistan CEC of a party getting a good spanking by its own party goons the way hammad siddique beaten up farooq sattar and co .

Lastly people like you who have access to internet should try to educate yrself first and then others of yr bhai kind that its not a time where you can control masses with fear and time is up for MQM if you guys wants to make some party for mohajir's rights go ahead make one but that should be a political party not a gang of armed miscreants who have actually deprived the city of lights of her beauty.

People of karachi are scared since 90's coz of punjabi's.sindi's or because of MQM you know the truth still you have the audacity to come and defend MQM here .

Punjabi dont bash urdu speakers, they bash MQM for their politics rooted deep on ethnic grounds. PML maybe be Punjab dominated but they dont play politics on ethnicity.

My father's a real Muhajir, and my mother being Punjabi. I can only see the cons way way more in MQM politics than any "supposed hate" for urdu speakers by punjabis. Exceptions are there as always.

Punjabis don't hate MQM, they love MQM, here is your answer :lol:

TubeChop - Prime Time With Rana Mubashir -- 28th March 2014 (00:48)

we need to get rid of taasubis like you
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And the blood of our rangers is cheaper so it is not a big deal.


and blood of our citizens/ urdu speakers is the cheapest to kill thousands of them under pretext of fake operation for political gains?
Dude, did you even notice the title of the thread???? You must be really retarded if it was really your intention "Pakistani's against MQM", doesn't MQM consider itself Pakistani? Don't you? You definitely deserve a negative rating for such insolence. Shame on you. Truly. Don't mix politics with territorial boundaries of my country. Shame on you once again.

ok, where did i make the title, pakistanis against MQM, and u r taking it in some thing totally different manner

what if i said pakistanis make jokes about pashtuns being akhrots? now where will i say that pashtuns are not pakistanis?

same thing my friend
Punjabis and Mohajirs make jokes about Pashtuns being akhrots. Nothing wrong with that. What you did was, pitched all Pakistani's against a "political" party, which has it's roots in ethnicity. Just like ANP.

ok, where did i make the title, pakistanis against MQM, and u r taking it in some thing totally different manner

what if i said pakistanis make jokes about pashtuns being akhrots? now where will i say that pashtuns are not pakistanis?

same thing my friend
Punjabis and Mohajirs make jokes about Pashtuns being akhrots. Nothing wrong with that. What you did was, pitched all Pakistani's against a "political" party, which has it's roots in ethnicity. Just like ANP.

this is BS you are one of the ethnic motivated person in this forum
Maybe??? At least you have said it yourself, now you still want to back MQM gang that kills rangers???

you don't have enough IQ to understand the argument

rangers is as corrupt as police killing is not justified, but does torture, fake encounter, making proxies, making haiqi militant wings does? im not saying MQM didn't do bad things, if you read my other posts i was saying that MQM reacted and what in 90s happens was not because of MQM
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