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Congress Wins in Elections

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States

Congress wins Delhi, Rajasthan, Mizoram; BJP retains MP, Chhattisgarh

India wants strong, accessible leaders, and it wants a better quality of life. That’s the message emerging from election results in five states in which more than 60 per cent of the electorate – higher than last time - cast its vote.

The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) attempt to build a national campaign around the issues of terrorism, inflation, and a deepening agriculture crisis as a prelude to the Lok Sabha elections worked, at best, only partially. Local issues of governance won the day.

Visible and authoritative leadership worked across states for both the Congress and its principal rival. Congress and BJP won two each of the four states where they fought each other. Congress won a third, Mizoram, defeating the regional Mizo National Front (MNF). Elections in Jammu and Kashmir are still underway.

While Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Raman Singh anchored BJP victories in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh respectively, Sheila Dikshit and Ashok Gehlot did it for Congress in Delhi and Rajasthan.

Inversely, weak, confusing or arrogant leadership brought failure for both the parties. In Rajasthan, Vasundhara Raje’s style of functioning became a liability for the BJP, while in Madhya Pradesh Suresh Pachauri’s style harmed the Congress. “He failed us. After the first list, he did not even bother to consult us on the selection of candidates,” said a senior Congress leader who did not want to be named. In the tiny remote state of Mizoram, Lalthanhawla, given a free hand by the high command, delivered a victory for the Congress after 10 years.

The election results came as a relief for the party, which is reeling under a barrage of criticism over recurring terrorist attacks, inflation and a crisis in agriculture in the run-up to general elections in April-May 2009.

Delhi, Rajasthan, MP and Chhattisgarh elect 72 of 542 members of the Lok Sabha, while Mizoram elects one. BJP has 57 and Congress 15 MPs in the current Lok Sabha from these states.

Congress’s refusal to decisively project a leader has worked against it and BJP used this to its advantage – for instance, in Chhattisgarh. “We raised the question whether Ajit Jogi was speaking for the Congress. The next day, Motilala Vora said Jogi was not the Congress leader,” said Ravishankar Prasad, BJP general secretary in charge of the party’s campaign in the state. “We asked the Congress to explain who was their leader.”

Winning Delhi was Congress’s best moment. “Winning Delhi is winning India,” said Congress leader Veerappa Moily. The state’s results are taken as indicative of urban middle class sentiment, and the Congress hopes the trend will continue across India. The number of urban parliament constituencies has increased to 100 from 70, following the redrawing of their boundaries.

Both parties have now set their eyes on the Lok Sabha elections. “BJP has reasons to worry. They are losing ground in the regions that they won in 2004” said Digvijay Singh, Congress general secretary. Arun Jaitely, BJP general secretary, does not agree. “If one translates the current assembly results in terms of Lok Sabha seats, we would be ahead.”

So, when will the next general elections take place? There is nothing that suggests that the Congress would advance the polls. Congress hopes inflation will dip sharply from March 2009 onwards and by April-May the party will be in comfortable position. The party also expects to deliver on the issue of security by then, with a new home minister already in place. The electoral verdict that an incumbent government can retain power reassures the Congress, while the BJP says its campaign on terrorism and inflation will continue. “These issues will remain and will have stronger resonance in a national campaign,” said Jaitely.

(With Chetan Chauhan)

Wins 3 to BJP's 5 in semi-finals- Hindustan Times
Cheers! You beat me to the post mate.

Congress has won in Delhi! For a third time in a row! I think its a record!
Questions for our Indian friends.

Will this set the stage for another Congress term in the General Elections as well?

If there was any time for Congress to fall flat on its face, the current atmosphere with anger over the terrorism etc. would have been it.

If cooperation from Pakistan on the terrorism front continues to be forthcoming, then the current government is going to vindicate its policy of how it dealt with the issue (built international consensus and put pressure on Pakistan).

I know quite a few Indians on other forums detested the 'spineless' Indian Congress leadership, and thought the BJP was the lesser of the two evils - so is that still a valid argument?
Questions for our Indian friends.

Will this set the stage for another Congress term in the General Elections as well?

If there was any time for Congress to fall flat on its face, the current atmosphere with anger over the terrorism etc. would have been it.
Depends, most likely this is a precurser for the General Elections. It seems Congress is on a roll. BJP's main plank is terrorism, and that it is extremely strong on security, in terms of national defence, military etc. So, all this terrorism should have aided BJP immensely. Surprisingly this has not happened. The election results dont show any swing for BJP.

If cooperation from Pakistan on the terrorism front continues to be forthcoming, then the current government is going to vindicate its policy of how it dealt with the issue (built international consensus and put pressure on Pakistan).
I know quite a few Indians on other forums detested the 'spineless' Indian Congress leadership, and thought the BJP was the lesser of the two evils - so is that still a valid argument?

Again, depends on person to person. BJP's main poll plank and the fact that it is seen strong on national defence and terrorism SHOULD have helped it immensely in these polls. Particularly as Delhi, Rajasthan etc went to polls right after the Mumbai attacks. But it hasnt. So this should give a good indication that Congress might sweep the General Elections as well.

Inspite of cooperation from Pakistan, action has to be SEEN by the Indian people. People are angry mate, really angry this time round, this is absolutely unlike any thing before-and that includes the Parliament attack. Union Home Minister, State Home Minister and a Chief Minister have resigned! Heads are rolling-action(for now) is being seen. Now it depends on what reforms they take or what action they bring on Pakistan.

All said and done-i think it would be a Congress govt at the Center next time round as well.
But we cant ignore the third front. I think in the next general election congress will become the single largest party, but they wont have enough seats to form a gov. They will have to seek the support of third front again if they want to be in power.Third front includes BSP,Telengu desham, AIDMK, CPI, CPI(M) and some other regional parties. They will get more or around 100 seats and that will be important in the next election.
But we cant ignore the third front. I think in the next general election congress will become the single largest party, but they wont have enough seats to form a gov. They will have to seek the support of third front again if they want to be in power.Third front includes BSP,Telengu desham, AIDMK, CPI, CPI(M) and some other regional parties. They will get more or around 100 seats and that will be important in the next election.

Is there a possiblity the cpi, cpi(m) may turn there head to congress also, because of nuclear deal?
Questions for our Indian friends.

Will this set the stage for another Congress term in the General Elections as well?

If there was any time for Congress to fall flat on its face, the current atmosphere with anger over the terrorism etc. would have been it.

If cooperation from Pakistan on the terrorism front continues to be forthcoming, then the current government is going to vindicate its policy of how it dealt with the issue (built international consensus and put pressure on Pakistan).

I know quite a few Indians on other forums detested the 'spineless' Indian Congress leadership, and thought the BJP was the lesser of the two evils - so is that still a valid argument?

Well There are many revelations from these results
the positive ones are strangly new phenomenon .
re election of presently ruling parties .. this is a new and positive phenomenon . Chief ministers with good track records are able to overcome anti incumbency factors . they are getting smarter by being able to perform on the development front .

out of 5 states 3 chief ministers are re elected .

Secondly Voters are getting smarter .. they understand the difference between state and national election . choosing a chief ministers has nothing to do with terrorism . state government can only deliver a good governance . Terrorism is a national issue . its effect can be seen only in general election next year .

as for your last question I can speak for my self .. Yes BJP is a lesser evil .. there are various reasons for it .
One its policies are rooted in Indian context .
Second , Congress is an autocratic organisation .. there is only Gandhi family and every one has to serve them . there is no democracy .
Thirdly BJP is not dependent on old emotional "Gandhi" aura .. they have many leaders at state level and they have delivered .

but lets time speak for each of them .
You can't predict national elections on the basis of state results.

People tend to vote based on local issues for the state elections, and national issues for the general elections.
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I agree with what logic note has said let the general elections come we might see a sea change. This result is not a win for congress they retained Delhi won in rajasthan that was due to incumbency factor but not with a huge margin. But BJP has retained both M.P. and C.G. If they could have won here also then we might have seen general elections being pre poned but nothing of this sort of signals are coming.
congrats - indians vote for peace!!!

:rolleyes:That's not what they voted for.

They voted against Vasundhara Raje's government, who probably couldn't balance the caste equations in the state.

BJP did a fine job in Rajasthan, but they weren't able to keep the caste-factions happy. Both the Gujjars and the Minas were unhappy with the regime.

These poll pundits often get carried away with their idealistic bullshit.
Cheers! You beat me to the post mate.

Congress has won in Delhi! For a third time in a row! I think its a record!

Congress had to win in Delhi - Sheila Dikshit has done a tremendous job as CM, and nobody wants to change that.

In MP and Chattisgarh, the Congress is in tatters - the BJP on the other hand had a very solid campaign, based solely on development. They didn't even bring up the issue of terrorism in that state.

In Rajasthan, it seems like Raje's government focussed solely on building infrastructure and highways, but couldn't balance the caste equations.

Also, it seems like use of the Mumbai attacks as a campaign issue backfired in Rajasthan. After all, the Jaipur blasts happened during BJP rule.
Rajasthan also has a history of voting out the incumbents. As a result, its been alternating between BJP and Congress for quite a while now.

Looks like no government is able to please the electorate.
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