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Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

No it is RSS VHP issue. Hindus have never been bothered about temple/non temple

It is not entirely true...The challenge for Hindu religion is not that we are not bothered about Hindu temple...But It is not at the expense of hurting sentiments our Muslim brothers....We love so many things but we should not expect that we will get everything what we love to get..So BJP will be more powerful if rather than addressing Mandir as an issue, they should address and support all the initiatives from social groups that are trying to eliminate caste structure of our Hindu religion...To get the power in Delhi, the biggest hurdle is not the vote of Muslim rather it is the Hindus who oppose BJP, they needs to be convinced....As long as most of Hindus do not accept as a political force, BJP will continue to play as a regional force in North India only...This is unfortunate but it is true...

As i told earlier, I support BJP is not because they stand for building temple, rather they are poised to govern in a better way than Congress....This is a relative issue...I beleive there are so many people like me who belong to the same category....I do not like Congress..Because in spite of being in 60 year, they simply decived both majority and minority...
Even a my pet dog is better than you who doesn't switches loyalties like you with in a matter of few mind washes.

You and your ilks are just new Jaichand of old India.

Loyalties no wonder you are all dogs:lol:

I am only loyal to my country period.
It is not entirely true...The challenge for Hindu religion is not that we are not bothered about Hindu temple...But It is not at the expense of hurting sentiments our Muslim brothers....We love so many things but we should not expect that we will get everything what we love to get..So BJP will be more powerful if rather than addressing Mandir as an issue, they should address and support all the initiatives from social groups that are trying to eliminate caste structure of our Hindu religion...To get the power in Delhi, the biggest hurdle is not the vote of Muslim rather it is the Hindus who oppose BJP, they needs to be convinced....As long as most of Hindus do not accept as a political force, BJP will continue to play as a regional force in North India only...This is unfortunate but it is true...

As i told earlier, I support BJP is not because they stand for building temple, rather they are poised to govern in a better way than Congress....This is a relative issue...I beleive there are so many people like me who belong to the same category....I do not like Congress..Because in spite of being in 60 year, they simply decived both majority and minority...

Whats it about hurting the Muslim sentiment. Let me list the relevant facts for you

1. All Hindus believe that Maryadapurushottam Shri Ram was born in Ayodhya

2. The original temple at his birthplace was demolished and replaced by a mosque

3. Archeological evidence proves that a grand temple existed at the spot the mosque was built

4. The mosque was no longer in use. Unused mosques have no religious values unlike temples which belong to the presiding deity in perpetuity

5. There is already a make shift temple at the site

I dont think any right thinking Muslim brother will be offended by construction of a grand temple.
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