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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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The same test should also be mandatory for ultra- liberals and Islamophobes, who instead of reading Quran with translation and Islamic jurisprudence, find it convenient to mock Islam right and left. Extremist mullahs are huge problem but so are the ultra-liberals who mock Islam and incite people to adopt violent means.
Name me one ultraliberal terrorist. You should start by taking that IQ test yourself.
Name me one ultraliberal terrorist. You should start by taking that IQ test yourself.
You don't need to get personal. This is the behavior I am talking about.
You don't need to get personal. This is the behavior I am talking about.
No obviously I need to get personal, because you know what I lost my best friend growing up. Who was bombed to smithereens. Not by ultraliberals, but by followers of extremist Islam. Because as if ultraliberalism is taking away anyone's rights. Islam ensures today in Saudi Arabia women don't drive. If the Sharia law is implemented, as a dhimmi I would lose rights. I would lose the right to vote, and the right to a fair trial. Tell me which right would ultraliberalism take away? Probably the only right some people think they have - the right to impose their views on others. So your equivalence is a false equivalence, something which is patently untrue.
And you know what, at the end of the day if I disagree vehemently with an ultraliberal, I won't fear for my life. But with a Muslim I will. Because there are countless examples in the preceding decade to confirm my fears. Statistically, should I fear for my life when I have a disagreement with a Muslim? Definitely not. But hey, statistically walking is more dangerous than flying. And what do people fear more?
Do people fear ultraliberals? No. Do people fear Muslims? Yes.
I have not heard of a hipster terrorist yet. But I hear of an Islamist terrorist every day.
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No obviously I need to get personal, because you know what I lost my best friend growing up. Who was bombed to smithereens. Not by ultraliberals, but by followers of extremist Islam. Because as if ultraliberalism is taking away anyone's rights. Islam ensures today in Saudi Arabia women don't drive. If the Sharia law is implemented, as a dhimmi I would lose rights. I would lose the right to vote, and the right to a fair trial. Tell me which right would ultraliberalism take away? Probably the only right some people think they have - the right to impose their views on others. So your equivalence is a false equivalence, something which is patently untrue. Take that IQ test.
Better try to fix problems back home where Hindu fascists are making minority lives miserable. Once your own backyard is fixed, come back and advise others on taking IQ test.

Doosron Ko Naseehat, Khud Mian Fazeehat
Better try to fix problems back home where Hindu fascists are making minority lives miserable. Once your own backyard is fixed, come back and advise others on taking IQ test.

Doosron Ko Naseehat, Khud Mian Fazeehat
Which minority lives did they make miserable? And now you are changing goalposts. First it was ultraliberals 2 posts back. Now it's Hindu fascists. Next it will CIA, RAW and Mossad.
Good job. Everyone is to blame except for a Musslim.
Which minority lives did they make miserable? And now you are changing goalposts. First it was ultraliberals 2 posts back. Now it's Hindu fascists. Next it will CIA, RAW and Mossad.
Good job. Everyone is to blame except for a Musslim.
I am not changing goal post, I am telling you that you are not the right person to preach others when your own backyard is full of filth and needs your immediate attention. Muslims have lots of fault with them but others ain't saints either. Millions of people were killed in the 1st and 2nd world war was not the fault of Muslim extremists nor did they wage those wars. Another millions who died in Kore/Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia was also not the fault of the Muslims or their extremisms. It was no Muslim cleric who presented bogus and fabricated proof of WMDs in Iraq, which resulted in the death of tens of thousands, and millions who lost everything. Talking about KSA, your own capital is named the rape capital. The world's largest slum is not located in KSA or a Muslim country but in India. Go and fix those problems first, then come back.
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I am not changing goal post, I am telling you that you are not the right person to preach others when your own backyard is full of filth and needs your immediate attention.
I was defending ultraliberals. And now you are saying that we need to clean our backyards. That is as classic a straw man argument as I have ever seen
I do agree with the need to clean India of people like Sakshi Maharaj and Yogi Adityanath. But you know what we oppress our minorities so much, that their population increased as a percentage of the total population since Independence. Where in every other country in our neighborhood it decreased. Clean that filth for starters. Hindu extremism is a bogeyman. A convenient bogeyman. But false. I do not remember of a Hindu Al-Qaeda that rammed planes into towers killing thousands. I do remember a Muslim actor making a film criticizing Hindu gods in that country of Hindu extremist filth, and you know what, that film was the highest grossing film.
And again you are changing goalposts. India has strong laws against rape. And the Delhi rapists were sentenced to death. Rapists are sentenced to death. But even if India is the rape capital, which it is not, are they crossing over to other countries to rape? Are Indian immigrants demanding the right to rape in USA? Then? I have nothing to do with most Islamic countries. What gives the right for someone to come over to my country then, and demand Sharia? And kill people?
Anger against Bush and Cheney are justified completely. They are war criminals who deserve the death penalty. If an Iraqi state demands for their extradition and arrest I would support them. But that's why they were voted out of power.
And ultimately Islamic extremism kills, and has killed my loved ones. That gives me a right to criticize. That gives me a right to protest. Stay in a Muslim majority country then, and kill your own people. I hate violence. But when you kill my people, innocent people, what do you expect. A kiss?
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The same test should also be mandatory for ultra- liberals and Islamophobes, who instead of reading Quran with translation and Islamic jurisprudence, and understanding Islam, find it convenient to mock Islam right and left. Extremist mullahs are huge problem but so are the ultra-liberals who mock Islam and incite people to adopt violent means.

I am wondering what an ultra-liberal is, strange i havent noticed anyone taking hostages in Sydney lateley holding up a banner saying God may or may not exist or a group murdering french cartonists shouting atheisim is great ?
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There you go, wonderful work mullahs and terrorists, wonderful. Hatred for Muslims is already at peak levels, and now you go ahead and kill twelve more people to show the world that Islamophobia is justified/true (it isn't - it isn't supposed to be, at least)

Yes, obviously there are plenty of non-Muslims condemning this tweet (trend has been hijacked by them now) and still being tolerant but the issue is that we have way too many people like Anjem Chaudry preaching hatred and a negative image of Islam in the West. Look people - you want Sharia, don't go to the West! When I go to Europe, I never expected to have Halal meat or mosques everywhere, yet those facilities are still widely available for us. What more can one want?

I know this issue has been discussed a lot before, but here I intend to discuss the logic behind movements like Sharia4UK, which have been propagating a negative image of Islam and Muslims and are obviously then backed by geniuses like AlQaeda and ISIS who 'implement' all that hate speech and kill people with it.

Hey morons Mullahs, how about you work on reducing the differences between the fifty dozen sects that exist so you can stop murdering Muslims and implement Sharia in Muslim countries first !?

I am really saddened by looking at some of the statements from our 'esteemed scholars' , who aren't condemning the shooting and instead indirectly supporting it, despite the fact that Islam has clearly commanded against violence in this matter.

Example of what I'm talking about:
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Some contrast here:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 61 :
Narrated by 'Aisha

A group of Jews asked permission to visit the Prophet (and when they were admitted) they said, "As-Samu 'Alaika (Death be upon you)." I (Aisha) said (to them), "But death and the curse of Allah be upon you!" The Prophet said, "O 'Aisha! Allah is kind and lenient and likes that one should be kind and lenient in all matters."I (Aisha) said, "Haven't you heard what they said?" He said, "I said (to them), 'Wa 'Alaikum (and upon you).

Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 60 :
A Jew passed by Allah's Apostle and said, "As-Samu 'Alaika." Allah's Apostle said in reply, "We 'Alaika." Allah's Apostle then said to his companions, "Do you know what he (the Jew) has said? He said, 'As-Samu 'Alaika.'" They said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall we kill him?" The Prophet, said, "No. When the people of the Book greet you, say: 'Wa 'Alaikum.'"

Also, Quranic verses:
"When ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme." [Qur'an 4:140]
"And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "to us our deeds and to you yours; peace be to you." [Qur'an 28: 55]

"Hold to forgiveness, command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant." [Qur'an 7:199]

"Have patience with what they say, and leaves them with noble (dignity)." [Qur'an 73:10]

"And the servants of Allah . . . are those who walked on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say 'Peace'" [Qur'an 25:63]

"Allah is with those who restrain themselves." [Qur'an 16: 128]

". . . But they uttered blasphemy . . . if they repent, it will be best for them, but if they turn back, Allah will punish them." [Qur'an 9:47]

"And if you punished, let your punishment be proportionate to the wrong that has been done to you; but if you show patience, that is indeed the best course. [Qur'an 16:126]
"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgets and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah." [Qur'an 62:40]

"Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, (and) they avert evil with good." [Qur'an 28:54]

See the difference between Islam and murderous idiocy?


Extremists are always in societies you cant get rid of them they are every where. this hate Europeans have before for Jew now muslims we are just going thru that phase of life where every one knows almost everything..
we sud find solution how to tackle or answer their geniune questions...
and eliminate Redicalization or atleast calm them down to the point they dont fight when they cant answer.
Very true! An excellent aphorism if ever I have heard one. Whoever said this was a very wise person.

What is it that you like about it? Isn't that the main motivation for extremists and terrorists we are complaining about?

Live in the world and live for the world for it is the one and only world you will ever get would make much more sense in my opinion.
See the difference between Islam and murderous idiocy?
What's happening has nothing to do with Islam. It's all about attaining power and pelf for a few. How many of these turds have read the Quran? Those who have, try and interpret it to suit their shenanigans. Unfortunately their tribe is increasing and they need to be stopped.
What is it that you like about it? Isn't that the main motivation for extremists and terrorists we are complaining about?

Live in the world and live for the world for it is the one and only world you will ever get would make much more sense in my opinion.

The aphorism enjoins one to be detached from the world while living in the world. That is a good way to live.

Clearly, religious fanatics are not detached from the world but enmeshed in it.
@TankMan, there is irony among us.

We ask the west to ignore the fanatics who use our religion for their political goals. We say "they're not muslims." Yet here, we're talking about how people are saying kill muslims. These people should also be ignored.

Everyone is a tough man on twitter and behind computer screen. It's kind of like one of those "Draw Muhammad (PBUH)" day, where some muslims started "Draw Jesus (AS)" day. We did not want disrespect towards our Prophet (PBUH) and yet some started disrespecting Jesus (AS), even though he is our Prophet, but also dear to the Christians.

Just as terrorists do not represent Islam and need not to be used as generalization for 1.5 billion muslims, we should also understand that these people do not represent the voice of 7 billion nor use these as generalization for 7 billion.

At this time, we should stand with the victims and worry about them, instead of worrying about ourselves and standing for ourselves. It is their community that has been hurt the most (dead people) and our community is not as hurt just because some people on the internet say "kill these people."

When you worry and care for others, they'll worry and care for you.
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The aphorism enjoins one to be detached from the world while living in the world. That is a good way to live.

Clearly, religious fanatics are not detached from the world but enmeshed in it.
I respectfully disagree. Religious fanatics give more importance to holy books and paradise after this world, than the joys and sorrows of this world. That is why they can dehumanize their opponents and justify taking their lives.
We have to participate completely. That is the way will we improve. My original religion - Hinduism (I am an atheist now) says the same thing, and I disagree with it too.
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