As a non-Muslim, I would like a few things:
1) to not be blamed for Muslims killing Muslims over Muslim issues
2) to not be blamed for Muslims killing non-Muslims
a) because "you deserved it"
b) because "it really wasn't Muslims, it was your plot against Islam/Pakistan/Syria/Iran/whoever"
c) an end to blaming the Mossad or the CIA, or any other non-Muslims for things that Muslims have done because of their interpretation of Islam.
3) to see Muslims actually accept that other Muslims are a problem, on occasion.
4) to see the Muslims accept freedom of conscience, for real - that there will be no killing of non-Muslims OR Muslims for blasphemy, for not following local traditions, for switching religions, for marrying outside your religion, for not wearing Muslim approved clothing, for cartoons, for drawing or writing, etc, etc.
5) to see the first reaction of Muslims when an incident like this occurs to be sorrow for the victims, and commitment to catch and prosecute the perpetrators rather than worrying about a backlash.