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'Confucius on talks': A few words about the thought of Confucius

the same guy who want to engage in rent seeking and deprive his fellow viet out of housing talk about confuciansm :lol:
btw for sure only people who live in homogenous country where they are majority and never experiencd life as minority among other races think it's good philosphy, there is a reason them east asians gets bullied everywhere outside of their homeland and even inside their homeland, confucianism is basically this fake meme
This is also not true.
It's a good thread, let's avoid trolling each other at least...
Yep, sorry, actually I just hope Cnese who really respect confucius to agree that as the good man, we should not bully the weakers, we should respect and be friendly to everyone.

Thats the true spirit of Confucius and it help us to put Covid under control while the West still struggling wt so many sick/dead cases everyday.
Please avoid being an asshole in this thread.
Also Confucianism development/interpretations since Song dynasty is pure rubbish IMHO
Song Confucianism is not the Confucianism at all. That's the turning point.
09 : 或曰: 以德報怨, 何如? 子曰: 何以報德? 以直報怨, 以德報德。
Hoặc viết: Dĩ đức báo oán, hà như? Tử viết: Hà dĩ báo đức? Dĩ trực báo oán, dĩ đức báo đức

Student: "Should we use love/merci to exchange with the hate from the enemies "?

Confucius : why should we ?? Use upright/right things that the good confucius man always do to exchange with the hate.

(Buddhism taught us to exchange love/mercy wt the hate while Confucius want the hater must get some lessons, so he must change his mind and stop doing bad things, stop Envying with the good men and start doing like what the good men always do)

After the lost in Rolling thunder operation in North VN sky in 1972, US troops were forced to withdraw from South VN. Many of them still were very angry and hate "Vietcong" cos they were WW2 winners but "defeated " in small-poor country like VN .

But we didn't hate them, we said goodbye to them with the red carpet, treating them like VIP. Why we did that ?? Bcs Confucius taught us to exchange the hate with upright/right things that the good confucius man always do ( VN is our home, US is your home, pls go back to your home or we will still have to keep fighting to protect our home )


Bye bye US troops (1973), safe trips to u guys ( North VN soldier was taking some pictures )

Good confucius men, who always do the right things, will always be the last Winner , in wars and in any pademics. Thats why when Cnese here said that "VN may suffer the same wt Wuhan !". We said : " No, we never suffer the same, cos we know how to deal with all bad situation in the right ways":cool:
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10. 人无远虑, 必有近忧

We must always have good plans for what will possible happen.

Covid pademic is the perfect example for this sentence. If your countries dont have a good plan for the pademic, then thousands ppl will die, the economic is destroyed, millions ppl become jobless, they get angry and start looting, burning, creating chaos.
. .
11: 子曰:「中人以上,可以語上也;中人以下,不可以語上也。」
Tử viết: “Trung nhân dĩ thượng khả dĩ ngữ thượng dã; trung nhân dĩ hạ bất khả dĩ ngữ thượng dã”.
Dịch. – Khổng tử nói: “Người có tư chất từ bậc trung trở lên thì có thể giảng đạo lí cao xa cho được, từ bực trung trở xuống, không thể giảng đạo lí cao xa cho được

We can teach how to be a good men to people with IQ is above normal ( intellectual class) with IQ below normal ( normally in farmer class), we can not teach them .


It explain why Ho Chi Minh, born in Confucian family was so upset when hearing CN abandoned Confucius in 1928 and anti Confucius campaign led by Mao in culture revolution.

Hardcore farmer like Mao can not learn and understand Confucius, thats why ,"thanks" to Mao, most of current Cnese can not discuss abt Confucius cos most of current mainland Cnese (95%) were born in farmer families.

Thats why, we can understand why its so tired to talk wt Cnese here ( except some Cnese love smoking Laos weed :lol:)

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Tử viết: “Trung nhân dĩ thượng khả dĩ ngữ thượng dã; trung nhân dĩ hạ bất khả dĩ ngữ thượng dã”.
Dịch. – Khổng tử nói: “Người có tư chất từ bậc trung trở lên thì có thể giảng đạo lí cao xa cho được, từ bực trung trở xuống, không thể giảng đạo lí cao xa cho được

We can teach how to be a good men to people with IQ is above normal ( intellectual class) with IQ below normal ( normally in farmer class), we can not teach them .


It explain why Ho Chi Minh, born in Confucian family was so upset when hearing CN abandoned Confucius in 1928 and anti Confucius campaign led bu Mao in culture revolution.

Hardcore farmer like Mao can not learn and understand Confucius, thats why ,"thanks" to Mao, most of current Cnese can not discuss abt Confucius cos most of current mainland Cnese (95%) were born in farmer families
Where did you learn all that Chinese from?
. . . . .
12: 子曰:「飯疏食飲水,曲肱而枕之,樂亦在其中矣。不義而富且貴,於我如浮雲。」

Khổng tử nói: “Ăn gạo xấu, uống nước lã, co cánh tay mà gối đầu, trong cảnh đó cũng có cái vui. Làm điều bất nghĩa mà được giàu sang thì ta coi như mây nổi”.

Master said : eat low quality rice,water but do nothing bad, then its much better than getting rich by doing bad things.

Why confucius master thought like that ?? Bcs he knows making money by doing evil things will get a terrible consequence.

Just like Deng, a poor educated famer, came to US-JP and asked help- investment from them and in return Deng had to attack VN, destroyed Soviet for US. What Deng did can considered as "making money by doing bad things" in confucius.

The consequences, when Soviet collapsed, the next target is CN, thats why trade war happened,CN factories like Luxshare, TCL. lenovo, auto part companies left CN to VN. Hundreds millions Cnese jobless.

VN also didnt help CN cos Deng begged for US spy bird to attacked VN in 1979. CN is falling into chaos when they cant get out of trade war.
13 :
Tử bất ngữ: quái, lực, loạn, thần.

Confucius dont talk much abt Strange Things , power, chaos, God.

VN chosed communism cos it not much different from Confucius .

Communism explain StrangeThings by science. Dont encourage ppl to take power that only benefit for their groups. Dont create chaos in other countries for selling weapon. Dont talk abt God.


Dịch. – Khổng tử nói: “Các trò ngờ rằng ta có điều gì giấu các trò chăng? Ta chẳng có điều gì giấu cả. Ta không làm điều gì mà chẳng cho các trò hay. Khâu này như vậy đó”.

Confucius said : "My students, u doubt that I hide something ? No, I have Nothing to hide. I wont do anything that I dont let my students know. Thats how I am".

We should not cheat people to gain some benefit cos it will not the way to make benefit/profit in long term. Just like someone accusing VN having No human rights, we deny it by joining any FTA deal wt the West ( VN-EU FTA, TPP). Its US who withdrew from TPP first .

Keep cheating and lying wont help US remain as the super power for good. "In God we trust " ?? Even God also dont wanna help US in Covid.
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Dịch. – Khổng tử nói: “Người quân tử thân với mọi người mà không kết đảng vì tư lợi; tiểu nhân kết đảng vì tư lợi mà không thân với mọi người”.

Master said " Good men make friend with everyone just for making life become better, not just for making their own benefit. Bad guys make alliance just for their own benefit, not for making better life for their friends".


Its just like CN call someone as "ally" but for her own interests/benefit only, not for making better life for her "Friends/ally", when trade war happen,their factories quickly move to VN not to their "ally".

Thats why Cnese in mainland can not discuss abt Confucius anymore cos CN now is "bad boy" in Confucius :coffee:

For VN, we always want a better lives for our Friends India-Russia-Cuba.Someone keep talking bad abt India here, but I always ignore their comments.

When someone become VN's friend, we always wish a better life for them.
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