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'Confucius on talks': A few words about the thought of Confucius

Confucianism is a reactionary social philosophy invented by a rightist in some prehistoric kingdom.

Revisionists in CPC like it.

Let this prehistoric bane lay dead, and buried. Don't unearthe its putrid carcass.
Confucianism is a reactionary social philosophy invented by a rightist in some prehistoric kingdom.

Revisionists in CPC like it.

Let this prehistoric bane lay dead, and buried. Don't unearthe its putrid carcass.
Its dead in CN since 1927 and completely wiped our in culture revolution. But many Confucius lessons r still useful in VN.

Some Confucius thought that Vnese r still using today :

1. Tiên học lễ, hậu học văn
xiān xué lǐ , hòu xué wén


True, I didn't care abt a nation thats found by poor educated famer like Mao. Mao only want "red better than expert people ".

I just explain why Cnese failed to discuss abt Confucius, cos actually Mao trained all of u guys to become "red guards", no more Confucius experts /lecturers in mainland CN after culture revolution :laugh:
Typical Troll response, you don't care about Confucius at all and just want to bash China as usual.

If there no basic level of democracy, then no matter what you have will be twisted to serve the dicators.
You seems confused by such things.
Did communism say Kim Jong-un show rule North Korea like a emperor?
N Korea no longer follows communism, they are using something call Juche which is very similar to Confucianism.
Typical Troll response, you don't care about Confucius at all and just want to bash China as usual.

N Korea no longer follows communism, they are using something call Juche which is very similar to Confucianism.
This is not CN forum, u dont like, then u dont read.no one care abt u. Bad boy ( 小人) ! :cool:

Reported for no English translation.
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Khổng tử nói: “Làng nào có đức nhân, là nơi ấy tốt. Chọn chỗ ở mà không lựa chọn nơi có đức nhân, thì sao gọi là sáng suốt được”.

Master said : "Good place is the place that have good people living there. Settle in the place that dont have good people is bad choice."

Its explain why CN investors ( Luxshare, TCL,Lenovo etc)_chose VN to relocate their factories, not other ASEAN nations, bcs to them, most of Vnese r good people ( even when there r many wars/conflicts between VN-CN) and have the same thought abt what is "good man".

CN can be considered as "bad place" for export factories now due to their leaders r "bad men" in Confucius and failed to handle the economic problems like trade war.

And you are a troll who love to say BS stuff to bash China.
Bad boy ( 小人) ! :cool:

Khổng tử nói: “Làng nào có đức nhân, là nơi ấy tốt. Chọn chỗ ở mà không lựa chọn nơi có đức nhân, thì sao gọi là sáng suốt được”.

Master said : "Good place is the place that have good people living there. Settle in the place that dont have good people is bad choice."

Its explain why CN investors ( Luxshare, TCL,Lenovo etc)_chose VN to relocate their factories, not other ASEAN nations, bcs to them, most of Vnese r good people ( even when there r many wars/conflicts between VN-CN) and have the same thought abt what is "good man".

CN can be considered as "bad place" for export factories now due to their leaders r "bad men" in Confucius and failed to handle the economic problems like trade war.
More BS as usual, Vietnam is used because of Cheap labor and to bypass Trump tariffs. Always knew knowing more Confucianism will lower your IQ.


Bad boy ( 小人) ! :cool:
As I said lower IQ
More BS as usual, Vietnam is used because of Cheap labor and to bypass Trump tariffs. Always knew knowing more Confucianism will lower your IQ.

As I said lower IQ
430 usd per month for VN workers in Luxshare factories is not cheap while Foxconn only got 500usd/month ,not mentioning living cost, housing price in CN is at least 4 times higher than VN. Got it bad boy ??

Just bcs there r too many bad/sick boys like u in CN, thats why Luxshare, TCL Lenovo had to leave cos "keep living wt bad people is bad choice". :cool:

Even luxshare, TCL Lenovo bosses r aslo feel sick wt Cnese bad boys .
, . (Nhan Uyên ) Đức của người quân tử như gió, đức của tiểu nhân như cỏ. Gió thổi thì cỏ rạp xuống.

The virtue of a gentleman/good man like the wind, the virtue of a small man/ bad guys like grass. If the wind blows, the grass will fall down. ( mean bad guys always keep mocking, doing bad things to good guys, but good guys can make alot of useful things while bad guys make ppl feel sick cos they can not make any good/useful thing).


We can consider Cnese trollers as small men/bad guys here. When the good men create a good thread, they will come and try to ruin the thread wt their 50cent comments.

They never can creat any good/useful threads to contribute to the forum. Even rich Cnese like Luxshare, TCL,Lenovo bosses also feel sick wt them and chose to leave "bad place" wt so many sick trollers
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