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Confessions of a non-hijabi

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So,---I beleive it is the minister of interior in Italy---someone asked him---why are you not in favour of the law in removing the HIJAB ( head covering ) from the muslim women----seemingly he replied----every where I see the picture of MOTHER MARY---I see her in a HIJAB---how can you ask me to do something so contradictory to my beliefs---and this was just a few days ago.

What are your thoughts on the italian prime ministers take on the hijaab...

And even if it is not---women must have a choice---but they can't cover their faces in court---in professions where there is face to face dealing---public or private---at security check points---must have actual pictures of their faces without any head-coverings on ID cards and passports etc.
First be a good person, Hijab and farz can come later. These days Muslims are thinking that Hijab/beard is like a certificate that they are pure like virgins:hitwall:


Sadly what started as dignity (Hijab) has ended up close to trash after being repeated misused!

So,---I beleive it is the minister of interior in Italy---someone asked him---why are you not in favour of the law in removing the HIJAB ( head covering ) from the muslim women----seemingly he replied----every where I see the picture of MOTHER MARY---I see her in a HIJAB---how can you ask me to do something so contradictory to my beliefs---and this was just a few days ago.

Ahh yes! That I remember someone posting on my FB...made me smile! Please do not say that was a lie!
It seem most Muslim women got trapped between two extremist groups..one group who want them to wear it and the others want them to remove it...

. . .
So very briefly whats the fuss about ? :pop:
16 year old university student is confused if she should wear hijab due to parental/ peer/ society pressure or should it be fear from ALLAH?
. . .
Interesting, apart from a few posts, most of the people want to talk about politics than anything else :)
Only if you'd agree to be paradropped in the middle of Afghanistan (lets say Khost !) wearing a polka dottt bikini and lathered with a few gallons worth of pheromones ! :D


They would want to burn you---but if it was a boy---what the Talibs would do to him---that would a different story---. Selective islam---.

Sodomy is acceptable without blinking an eye----but let a woman show her hair---get ready to die.
I read the Blog post on Tribune...
Its same old story....People in our country trying to find a reason for not following age old traditons which are both from Culture and Religion...as our culture to most part is effected by Islam...
In Islam ,men and women are asked to dress differently and avoid resamblance with each other..It cant be blue jeans for all...
I dont understand why women in the west are so obsessed with men that they have lost their gender's identity..On a bust weekday in the city centre,many times i cannot tell if the person walking in front of me is a man or a woman,and it not a man in high heels,its always a woman in "manly dress"...Why get so obsessed with men that you apart from having out "Appendages@ pretty much copy us to the last details...
Islam wants to give genders seperate identities ..
Hijab does give women a sense of security.....

Call me ignorant but what utter nonsense! It seems like oppression just for the sake of oppression. Let a person be for God's sake!! If you're a good person I don't think God cares if you wear jeans or sneakers or whatever! This is making God out to be a superficial,bigoted,petty ahole and this is certainly NOT the God I believe in. The unneeded suffering going on in the world over such petty and trivial things is just unbelievable, life is hard enough but by imposing these ridiculous rules and regulations to be lived to is just absurd. Making out that the culture and beliefs of over 1000 years ago are still relevant today is ludicrous, society and the world has changed many fold since these draconian rules were penned and why should any sect of people hark back to a period when we all rode donkeys and lived in mud huts and women were treated as property?

You can't tell from the back if the person in front is a man or a woman??!! Who the EFF cares???!! Live your life and let other liver THEIR'S-who are YOU to dictate to others?
Let's analyze a few statements

Its same old story....People in our country trying to find a reason for not following age old traditons which are both from Culture and Religion...as our culture to most part is effected by Islam...

Who agrees that Hijab is Pakistani culture?
Should culture and religion be mixed?
If religion and culture is in conflict, do we follow religion or our age old culture?
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