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Concerned about China's rise, Southeast Asian nations build up militaries


Oct 24, 2009
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Concerned about China's rise, Southeast Asian nations build up militaries
The nations of Southeast Asia are building up their militaries, buying submarines and jet fighters at a record pace and edging closer strategically to the United States as a hedge against China's rise and its claims to all of the South China Sea.

Weapons acquisitions in the region almost doubled from 2005 to 2009 compared with the five preceding years, according to data released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute this year.

"There is a threat perception among some of the countries in Southeast Asia," said Siemon Wezeman, senior fellow at the institute. "China is an issue there."

The buying spree is set to continue, with reports that Vietnam has agreed to pay $2.4 billion for six Russian Kilo-class submarines and a dozen Su-30MKK jet fighters equipped for maritime warfare. This is in addition to Australia's stated commitment to buy or build nine more submarines and bolster its air force with 100 U.S.-built F-35s. Malaysia has also paid more than $1 billion for two diesel submarines from France, and Indonesia has recently announced that it, too, will acquire new submarines.

Concerns in Southeast Asia about China's rise were on display in Hanoi in mid-July during a regional security forum that included the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the United States, China and other Asian powers. During the meeting, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for the first time effectively rejected China's claims to sovereignty over the whole 1.3 million-square-mile sea. Eleven other nations, led by Vietnam, backed the United States, leaving Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi noticeably shaken by the offensive, diplomats present said.

The U.S. and Southeast Asian push on China came in part because, U.S. and Asian officials said, China's behavior has turned more aggressive in the region.

China has converted several warships for use by its maritime services and dispatched them to the region. On June 23, an Indonesian naval craft was pushed out of waters claimed by Indonesia after a ship from the Chinese fishery administration -- one of the former warships -- trained a heavy machine gun on the Indonesian boat. Over the past year, China's maritime fleet has seized at least 22 Vietnamese fishing vessels, according to Vietnamese media reports. China has also unilaterally issued fishing bans for disputed waters.

On Thursday, Vietnam accused China of violating its sovereignty by conducting seismic exploration near disputed islands in the South China Sea. Vietnamese foreign ministry spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga said Chinese vessels had been conducting seismic exploration activities since the end of May near an island in the Paracels, which Vietnam claims, as well as at oil and gas plots on its continental shelf.

"Vietnam demands that China immediately cease and stop the recurrence of these violations of Vietnam's sovereignty," she said.

For years, experts have predicted that China's "soft power" and growing economy would allow it to dominate the region. But as China's diplomacy turned more aggressive, the region has defied those predictions and looked to Washington for help.

"Rather than using the rise of China as a strategic counterweight to American primacy," concluded a report by Australia's Lowy Institute for International Policy this year, "most countries in Asia seem to be quietly bandwagoning with the United States to balance against China's future power potential."

In 2009, when asked to choose a country that would be the greatest source of peace and stability in the region in 10 years, "strategic elites" in the region overwhelmingly choose the United States, according to a survey conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. The country that posed the greatest threat to the region, the survey found, was not North Korea but China.

Why is it that the Indian thread starters in China Defence always post negative articles designed to cause useless arguments between already polarized opinions.

Nothing intelligent or thoughtful gets said in these, yet time and again...

China's New "Carrier-Killing" Missile Is Overrated
Concerned about China's rise, Southeast Asian nations build up militaries
Containing China’s Ambitions in the South China Sea
Justin Joseph
China's Anti India initiatives: Tibet railway transports air combat readiness material
Justin Joseph
China’s Navy is Worrying Its Neighbors
Justin Joseph
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The south east asian countries are well integrated with China ethinically and culturaly and unless they are all lining up outside cosmetic hospitals, nothing serious should be expected form them against China. Vietnam as a free country is free to establish ties with China as well as USA. China itself enjoys good ties with USA and execpt occasional skirmishes there is no rivalry between to. Now enough of derailing by Indian wet dreamers.

It was the chinese support which bought unification of vietnam. And vietnams real fears are N.Korea not China.

At least Indians are not posting humiliating Articles about China.
These articles are not Indian Articles. Furthermore some how they suggest Indian concern as genuine (if not debunked by Chinese members wisely)and not out of the blue or Isolated.

World is a not an easy place to live and yes it is already polarized. When you buy animosity then you must endure it without complaining.

Courage is the salvation to the man in danger. Let us debate, its not that difficult to debunk.

The south east asian countries are well integrated with China ethinically and culturaly and unless they are all lining up outside cosmetic hospitals, nothing serious should be expected form them against China. Vietnam as a free country is free to establish ties with China as well as USA. China itself enjoys good ties with USA and execpt occasional skirmishes there is no rivalry between to. Now enough of derailing by Indian wet dreamers.

It was the chinese support which bought unification of vietnam. And vietnams real fears are N.Korea not China.

I appreciate the sentiment but your picture of things is a bit rosier than what I think may be the case.:toast_sign:

Though many East Asian countries have links to China and may even share common heritage to an extent, this doesn't mean there is much in the way of kindred feelings. Call it narcissism of small differences or what have you, living together and being neighbour creates quite a bit of friction.

At least Indians are not posting humiliating Articles about China.
These articles are not Indian Articles. Furthermore some how they suggest Indian concern as genuine (if not debunked by Chinese members wisely)and not out of the blue or Isolated.

World is a not an easy place to live and yes it is already polarized. When you buy animosity then you must endure it without complaining.

Courage is the salvation to the man in danger. Let us debate, its not that difficult to debunk.


I am all for debate as long as it is approached with building mutual understanding in mind but sadly articles such as these (maybe not yours, at least justin joseph's) are clearly posted to hurt and insult.

Even your statement comes with a presumption of guilt.
World is a not an easy place to live and yes it is already polarized. When you buy animosity then you must endure it without complaining.
What do you wish to achieve? an admission of guilt from us commoners? Our contrition on behalf of the chinese government?

You accuse us of both being helpless slaves under an authoritarian system and of direct responsibility for the state of China. Which is it?

Maybe we are the big bad wolfs that you say we are, but the way I see it, there are no friends or foes in modern international politics, there are only interests to look after and defend. In modern politics as in game theory, one cannot afford to act based on rash anger or irrational love.

At least Indians are not posting humiliating Articles about China.
These articles are not Indian Articles. Furthermore some how they suggest Indian concern as genuine (if not debunked by Chinese members wisely)and not out of the blue or Isolated.

I do apologize for these "look at India's poverty" posts. As you say it is a polarized world we live in, though this should not preclude our being civil and moderate.

Humbly yours.
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well chinese power is good for world and their rise is good atleast they will bring peace to the world and get us out of US israel jail
China is just one of several reasons for their military build up. There is small scale quadrilateral arms race between Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, with Singapore leading the pack. Laos, Cambodia and Burma are close to China. Only Vietnam have [bigger] reasons to build up against China.
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Why is it that the Indian thread starters in China Defence always post negative articles designed to cause useless arguments between already polarized opinions.

Nothing intelligent or thoughtful gets said in these, yet time and again...

China's New "Carrier-Killing" Missile Is Overrated
Concerned about China's rise, Southeast Asian nations build up militaries
Containing China’s Ambitions in the South China Sea
Justin Joseph
China's Anti India initiatives: Tibet railway transports air combat readiness material
Justin Joseph
China’s Navy is Worrying Its Neighbors
Justin Joseph

my friend if u think this sort of china bashing from indian members in this forum kind of concerned to u , u really aint see nothing yet, just go and take a look around in redcliff and u will see what i mean.
china's reaction would be
i guess!
China is just one of several reasons for their military build up. There is small scale quadrilateral arms race between Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, with Singapore leading the pack. Laos, Cambodia and Burma are close to China. Only Vietnam have reasons to build up against China.

Vietnam feels that she shold lead the south east asia nations like laos and cambodia.
If 1 country in the region has a massive military buildup, the countries surrounding it will have a military build up for their own security.

Australia is having it's biggest military build up since WW2 in response to Chinas massive military build up. Australia is spending 100 billion dollars on 100 F-35 fighter jets, 12 new submarines, 20 corvettes, 3 Naval destroyers, 2 aircraft carries, and various other new equipment.
Singapore's arms purchase is to protect herself from her immediate neighbors.

Malaysian's submarine purchase was first proposed way back to 1980s, and only become possible after the nation's economy improved. Malaysian airforce urgently need new replacement thus the significant new purchase.

Thailand has been close friend of China for long time.

Indomesia is looking for close miliatry relationship with China, and bought missiles from China.

Brunei, Myamar, Lao and Cambodia has no problem with China.

Phillipines is economically having hardtime to buy new arms.

Only Vietnam is building up its arms arsenal against China.
China is buying a lot of mineral commodity from Australia, the sea trade lane is very important to China. On the other hand, what threat does China pose against Australia?

Is Australia worry that China will invade to take over the iron mines? That I don't think so. May be Australia wants to escort the iron ore carriers sailing to China, ha,ha.
China is buying a lot of mineral commodity from Australia, the sea trade lane is very important to China. On the other hand, what threat does China pose against Australia?

Is Australia worry that China will invade to take over the iron mines? That I don't think so. May be Australia wants to escort the iron ore carriers sailing to China, ha,ha.

Oh, they're worrying about Chinese buying all their mines, beach houses and dairy farms. Typical Yellow Peril 2.0 stuff.
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