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COMPLETE PM IMRAN KHAN Addresses the Nation Today

I think Modi should step down!!
I think congress will demand it pretty soon however considering that he also belongs to the same breed of people as our politicans, stepping down is well a word they do not have in their dictionary.
I think congress will demand it pretty soon however considering that he also belongs to the same breed of people as our politicans, stepping down is well a word they do not have in their dictionary.

I hope indians realize Modi used IAF as his personal election campaign propaganda to show his 56 chest!! Modi wont stop spilling Indian blood till he wins elections!

His Achay din have gone worse from bad
You got it all wrong bro no disrespect to you, when you got a poor little brother its easy to disown him so he can't spoil your life style. Palestinians are poor in trouble, small population fighting with Israel not giving up on their land rights, butchered by a powerful nation but still standing tall. While Arabs are just white woman womaniser's who are only good in driving super cars and carrying gold mobile phones. When they have to shoot in their foot, gun have to be made up of gold too. So Palestinians are not Arabs they are just trouble makers wish they just disappear or move to Pakistan and can't wait to embrace Israel. Palestinians you non Arabs come and welcome to Pakistan as brothers while Arabs can go and play in Bollywood land.
have you ever known an Indian to make the right decision?

I am quite certain that the response from our side would not entailing suing for peace right now. The dogs of war have been unleashed unfortunately
Parliamentary pussies are out their (once again) to save Indian face.

Pussy parliamentarians like always.
What's the difference between current parliament and the pussy parliament of Kargil war?
Not very happy with the speech, should have been a lot more aggressive but I suppose he has to be conciliatory whilst the military does the aggression.

Also, IK has confirmed that the downed planes were Migs.
the speech was very appropriate this will deliver our message to the world that despite act of aggression by the indias we are still ready to negotiate towards peace
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