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Complete ceasefire agreed between govt and TTP: Fawad Chaudhry

Pajeets are in pain
As per Pakistani verified journalist, TTP is demanding Sharia Law from Waziristan to Swat under supervision of TTP leadership:

To all opposing this truce

Can you feel pain in this post of this multiple ID rat??

There is a reason he is specifically mentioning sharia law and all that

He loves more than you that this war should continue

Every pajeet including this rat want this war to continue

Don't be naive to fall for a pajeet's wish
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Complete ceasefire agreed between govt and TTP: Fawad Chaudhry - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Complete ceasefire agreed between govt and TTP: Fawad Chaudhry
Dawn.comPublished November 8, 2021 - Updated 3 minutes ago
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This photo shows Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry. — DawnNewsTV

This photo shows Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry. — DawnNewsTV

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry announced on Monday that a complete ceasefire had been reached between the government and the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), according to state-run Pakistan Television (PTV).
The state broadcaster quoted the minister as saying that talks between the government and the TTP were underway in line with the Constitution and that the ceasefire would be extended keeping in view the progress of the talks.

"The state's sovereignty, national security, peace in relevant areas and social and economic stability will be considered during the talks," he said.

Chaudhry added that the interim Afghan government had facilitated the negotiations.
The minister said progress on the restoration of "complete peace" in these areas of the country was a positive development.
The announcement comes a little over a month after Prime Minister Imran Khan had stated that the government was in talks with some TTP groups, seeking a reconciliation.
"There are different groups which form the TTP and some of them want to talk to our government for peace. So, we are in talks with them. It’s a reconciliation process," the premier had said during an interview with TRT World.
Tentative understanding with TTP
Earlier this month, sources familiar with the development had told Dawn that the government had reached a tentative understanding with the TTP to seek a broader peace agreement to end nearly two decades of militancy in the country.
Read: Truce with TTP — will it be different this time around?
Sources had said the “direct, face-to-face” talks between the two sides being held in Afghanistan’s south-western Khost province for nearly two weeks had resulted in a tentative understanding to declare a countrywide truce, conditional to the release of some TTP foot soldiers as part of confidence-building measures.
It was not immediately clear how many militants in Pakistan’s custody would be allowed to go free, but sources had said the number was not more than two dozen people. “These are foot soldiers, not senior or mid-level commanders,” the sources said. “We are testing the ground. We are cautious,” they had added.
“The truce will come into effect once the prisoners are released,” these sources had said, requesting not to be named because they were not authorised to speak to the media.
“The tentative month-long truce shall be extendable, depending on how these negotiations go forward,” a source had said.
The interior minister of Afghanistan’s Taliban regime, Sirajuddin Haqqani, has been playing a mediating role between Pakistan and the TTP, bringing the two sides under one roof to engage in face-to-face talks, another source had said.
“Talks are being held directly between senior officers and senior TTP leadership. The TTP includes all groups without exception,” the source had added. “There are several proposals on the table and both sides are working to hammer out a workable solution.”
This source had made it clear that no tribal intermediaries were being engaged in talks with the TTP leadership at the moment. “They will be engaged at the appropriate time,” the source maintained.

Sorry for your losses. No one can payback even dead TTP. Anyway, a state can forgive even in simple civil cases.
IK said always that through negotiation you can end the war, whether in Afghanistan or in tribal area. So it was inevitable.
Sirajuddin Haqqani is the mastermind behind all this.
TTP - Pakistani Taliban in a detail statement announced One Month Ceasefire (extendable) from 9th Nov - 9th Dec. However, sources saying over 100 top level TTP Commanders (majority of them from Swat) were freed first by Pak & later TTP agreed to ceasefire, etc etc.....

As per Pakistani verified journalist, TTP is demanding Sharia Law from Waziristan to Swat under supervision of TTP leadership:

Are you wolfpack_IN on twitter?
TTP - Pakistani Taliban in a detail statement announced One Month Ceasefire (extendable) from 9th Nov - 9th Dec. However, sources saying over 100 top level TTP Commanders (majority of them from Swat) were freed first by Pak & later TTP agreed to ceasefire, etc etc.....

Commanders not released. Only foot soldiers
Complete ceasefire agreed between govt and TTP: Fawad Chaudhry - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Complete ceasefire agreed between govt and TTP: Fawad Chaudhry
Dawn.comPublished November 8, 2021 - Updated 3 minutes ago
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This photo shows Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry. — DawnNewsTV

This photo shows Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry. — DawnNewsTV

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry announced on Monday that a complete ceasefire had been reached between the government and the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), according to state-run Pakistan Television (PTV).
The state broadcaster quoted the minister as saying that talks between the government and the TTP were underway in line with the Constitution and that the ceasefire would be extended keeping in view the progress of the talks.

"The state's sovereignty, national security, peace in relevant areas and social and economic stability will be considered during the talks," he said.

Chaudhry added that the interim Afghan government had facilitated the negotiations.
The minister said progress on the restoration of "complete peace" in these areas of the country was a positive development.
The announcement comes a little over a month after Prime Minister Imran Khan had stated that the government was in talks with some TTP groups, seeking a reconciliation.
"There are different groups which form the TTP and some of them want to talk to our government for peace. So, we are in talks with them. It’s a reconciliation process," the premier had said during an interview with TRT World.
Tentative understanding with TTP
Earlier this month, sources familiar with the development had told Dawn that the government had reached a tentative understanding with the TTP to seek a broader peace agreement to end nearly two decades of militancy in the country.
Read: Truce with TTP — will it be different this time around?
Sources had said the “direct, face-to-face” talks between the two sides being held in Afghanistan’s south-western Khost province for nearly two weeks had resulted in a tentative understanding to declare a countrywide truce, conditional to the release of some TTP foot soldiers as part of confidence-building measures.
It was not immediately clear how many militants in Pakistan’s custody would be allowed to go free, but sources had said the number was not more than two dozen people. “These are foot soldiers, not senior or mid-level commanders,” the sources said. “We are testing the ground. We are cautious,” they had added.
“The truce will come into effect once the prisoners are released,” these sources had said, requesting not to be named because they were not authorised to speak to the media.
“The tentative month-long truce shall be extendable, depending on how these negotiations go forward,” a source had said.
The interior minister of Afghanistan’s Taliban regime, Sirajuddin Haqqani, has been playing a mediating role between Pakistan and the TTP, bringing the two sides under one roof to engage in face-to-face talks, another source had said.
“Talks are being held directly between senior officers and senior TTP leadership. The TTP includes all groups without exception,” the source had added. “There are several proposals on the table and both sides are working to hammer out a workable solution.”
This source had made it clear that no tribal intermediaries were being engaged in talks with the TTP leadership at the moment. “They will be engaged at the appropriate time,” the source maintained.
It will face the same fate as deals in previous years
So the murder of children will be condoned and swept under the rug. For what? A peace treaty that isn’t worth the paper it was written on.

Why is Pakistan negotiating with groups like TLP and TTP? From the outside it looks like an admission of defeat and surrender to terrorists.
What options are left for Pak... Till few months back they were saying they have defeated terrorism... Now waving white flag...

Biggest reason for this situation is. Leaving US camp and joining China camp... Domino's effect of acting smart...
It will face the same fate as deals in previous years

Last time it had no Afghan Taliban as a government. Haqqani network is very close to ISI, they won't betray Pakistan
disgusting as far as i am concerned
How convenient it must be to think of it like a game of chess. People who forget their martyrs are nothing less than gangus themselves. Our religious value our cultural value all dictate us to never surrender to our enemy especially to khawarijis. I will write it down for every moda fukin chess master in our govt military and amongst our people. They day you will be fighting gangus thinking you fixed everything on ither border will be the day you loose.
Guys you better settle internally before trying to point at others like Gangus... We are here to stay... No hurry, get clarity about who is your enemy then we can go for 5th, 6 th .... Generation wars... Ok now chill down.
Guys you better settle internally before trying to point at others like Gangus... We are here to stay... No hurry, get clarity about who is your enemy then we can go for 5th, 6 th .... Generation wars... Ok now chill down.

TTP>and TLP were enemy of pakistan , indian agents, recieving, funds, training, from india,

NOW they become brother -in-laws;

we were told that the sankes will all recieve permits to enter jahanum,

but now they will all get funds( from black box of isi)and visa,s to join EHSAN ULLAH EHSAN, IN turkey,
and do buisness,
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