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Complete ceasefire agreed between govt and TTP: Fawad Chaudhry

I will make it short for you.....

We are not here for nor is it in our interests to fuking use time wrestling with some of our own this is not the time for that. We are facing an extremist element on our border...

By Allah I don't care how many people members you have lost but I will myself end.. You if you stray from our stragetic goals which is focussed on gangu anyone who strays from that will be sort it out.. Hence Anyone trying to lash out against TTP should use that energy against the gangus that is where I will be needing you if fail me there I will shoot you myself
I mean we were calling them our people for 2 decades and look what happened...
Great news.

PTI, TLP and TTP should form an alliance.

Consolidation of Pashtun votes would mean that PTI will no longer need to rely on corrupt parties like PPP and PML(N) .

PPP and PML(N) are lackeys of Hindu Indians and they need to be kept at bay.
I mean we were calling them our people for 2 decades and look what happened...

Not exactly decades since 07' let us not kid ourselves this was not our skirmish should have never occured in the first place. This was a mistake and should be forgotten as a glitch in history that it has even occured..
I will make it short for you.....

We are not here for nor is it in our interests to fuking use time wrestling with some of our own this is not the time for that. We are facing an extremist element on our border...

By Allah I don't care how many people members you have lost but I will myself end.. You if you stray from our stragetic goals which is focussed on gangu anyone who strays from that will be sort it out.. Hence Anyone trying to lash out against TTP should use that energy against the gangus that is where I will be needing you if fail me there I will shoot you myself

How convenient it must be to think of it like a game of chess. People who forget their martyrs are nothing less than gangus themselves. Our religious value our cultural value all dictate us to never surrender to our enemy especially to khawarijis. I will write it down for every moda fukin chess master in our govt military and amongst our people. They day you will be fighting gangus thinking you fixed everything on ither border will be the day you loose.
How convenient it must be to think of it like a game of chess. People who forget their martyrs are nothing less than gangus themselves. Our religious value our cultural value all dictate us to never surrender to our enemy especially to khawarijis. I will write it down for every moda fukin chess master in our govt military and amongst our people. They day you will be fighting gangus thinking you fixed everything on ither border will be the day you loose.

You should probably go over to Gangu and cross the border and mourn there. We ain't got time for your kind. Times change constantly and so does politics and priroties..
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You can take your priorities and politics and go fcuk your self in company of gangus yourself.

You ain't wanted here don't waste your time.. cross the damn border.. This is a place for the strong and these who seek to become a future superpower plus the builders and dreamers. Plus these who believe in whole heartedly that we are a great nation that is unborn and that we are the world's future.. We are the future if you don't believe in that and don't strive for that.. You Ain't about this life than you should cross over :dirol:
Pakistan constitution already runs based on Sharia. So what is the issue here?
everyone with half a brain here knows you're a BJP and sangh guy

i vote for them too, but have outed you

so fvck off already

your services are no longer required


You can take your priorities and politics and go fcuk your self in company of gangus yourself.

Brother, do you want Pakistan and its citizens to keep on fighting the war which was never ours to begin with and keep on losing life and material , perpetual instability in our country and economic slide due to it, and let the enemy nations take advantage of all this chaos? Specially when we have already cleared our western flanks and ejected the enemy nations?

It is time to hit the enemy nations in their own backyard, who have been using Afghan soil all these years to spread terrorism in Pakistan.

We need to stop fighting wrong wars and know our real enemies.
Brother, do you want Pakistan and its citizens to keep on fighting the war which was never ours to begin with and keep on losing life and material , perpetual instability in our country and economic slide due to it, and let the enemy nations take advantage of all this chaos? Specially when we have already cleared our western flanks and ejected the enemy nations?

It is time to hit the enemy nations in their own backyard, who have been using Afghan soil all these years to spread terrorism in Pakistan.

We need to stop fighting wrong wars and know our real enemies.

Bas karo yaar really not in the mood to be lectured here. We have been in such deals in past only for us to loose more soldier and people. Name one country which has surrendered to such groups in such a manner. Any ways i give up dont care anymore.
Bas karo yaar really not in the mood to be lectured here. We have been in such deals in past only for us to loose more soldier and people. Name one country which has surrendered to such groups in such a manner. Any ways i give up dont care anymore.

Its not surrender, its neutralising them without firing a bullet. We need to focus now on real enemies of Pakistan.
It’s a ceasefire which is fine. However I don’t believe the TTP will give up their major demand of governing under their version of shariah.
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