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Complete Ban or limited viewing of the forum for all indian users

Which solution do you agree with?

  • Ban all indian users

  • Limit all indian users

  • Do nothing

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And what have you read exactly? Also, it wasn’t me who took the first swipe, it was you. I was merely reacting so no need to start playing victim here.

You keep going. Your suggestions are riddled with duplicity. That is my point of view. Always unclear, undecided and somewhere in between. That is because you always hold a soft spot for members who are here to ridicule and cuss our religion, culture and nation. When I read your posts I get a very similar bad taste. Feel free to express your opinion, but I will also express mine.
So what do you intend to do about it, Robbie?
Request the admin to ban all Indians. Voted in favour of banning.

It's up to the admins now to change the rules.
This forum is slowly turning into a cesspool, just like india. You have indians users trolling, starting flame wars, insulting other users, butting in conversation like its their god given duty ie just being themselves. On top of that, they post news after news from their fake media network.

We should not be allowing them take over this forum. They are even using this forum to spread their racism and communal hate. Lets not forgot, they got the official twitter account of this forum banned.

The best solution would be to ban all indian users. But that is not going to happen. The alternative is, all indian users can only make post and comments in the indian defense forum. No where else on this forum will they be allowed to comment of post. They can just view, but nothing more.

There was already talk about reporting and banning users. But that failed. Even old users have been banned and unbanned multiple times. Plus they just make a new account.

The admins really need to step up. This is why many old users have left. Because of lack of action, and the influx of these troll users. You can't just sit behind the same "There are some good users as well". The good ones are the same.
No sir, against freedom of expression(or may be trolling).
I will not support this idea.
Dam hai tu Troll karo, werna aagay berho.
Request the admin to ban all Indians. Voted in favour of banning.

It's up to the admins now to change the rules.

Getting sentimental, Robbie?
Fake story. There was some people who accused IDF admins of being Pakistani, nonsense accusation but I suppose him being a Muslim had something to do with those accusations.

As for PDF owning an Indian forum, completely untrue. We had nothing to do with it.

IIRC, a "common footer" something like "DEFENCE NETWORK" was there in all 3 forums. I had checked them myself in 2014-15 if i remember.

Its 100% True.

If the "common name pattern" was mere coincidence then what you said can be possible. Archive.org will help.

Proof 1 :


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The only hypocrite and troll is you, Indian. See, your hypocrisy can be measures by the fact that you spread hate against Pakistan all day long and expect brownie points

No, i dont spread hate against pakistanis all day long. You cant just write BS like this with no substance. Show me which post i have made where i have done that? I think you out of your own hatered think of all indian as same.

Thats why i repeat; introspect. Introspect, dude!
You keep going. Your suggestions are riddled with duplicity. That is my point of view. Always unclear and somewhere in between. That is because you always hold a soft spot for members who are here to ridicule and cuss our religion, culture and nation. When I read your posts I get a very similar bad taste. Feel free to express your opinion, but I will also express mine.
I haven’t made any suggestions here, I’m fairly content with the current forum rules as they are. I was responding to suggestions made here.

It’s funny how quickly people jump to conclusions and conspiracy. You’re saying that you’re refraining from saying something, but it’s obvious that you meant to say that I have some sympathies for Indians. I honestly don’t care much for the state of India, my criticism might seem distasteful to you, but it’s reserved to Pakistan. I don’t care what bad goes on in India, would rather fix my own country. As for my views on the forum, they’re plain enough to understand.
No sir, against freedom of expression(or may be trolling).
I will not support this idea.
Dam hai tu Troll karo, werna aagay berho.

There is a fine line between trolling and freedom of expression. We should all be open for genuine criticism. Indians don't contribute constructive criticism. They arw here to spread hate and lies. Mods intervene, but are humans. They have to take so many aspects into consideration. Their lives could become so much easier if trolling and hate was restricted to certain sections.
IIRC, a "common footer" something like "DEFENCE NETWORK" was there in all 3 forums. I had checked them myself in 2014-15 if i remember.

Its 100% True.

If the "common name pattern" was mere coincidence then what you said can be possible. Archive.org will help.
Nope, they might have used the same forum hosts, can’t remember the name?

I was on that forum and also know far more about this forum. Believe me, your story is 100% false. It was based on rumours spread on forums like BR about IDF.
I haven’t made any suggestions here, I’m fairly content with the current forum rules as they are. I was responding to suggestions made here.

It’s funny how quickly people jump to conclusions and conspiracy. You’re saying that you’re refraining from saying something, but it’s obvious that you meant to say that I have some sympathies for Indians. I honestly don’t care much for the state of India, my criticism might seem distasteful to you, but it’s reserved to Pakistan. I don’t care what bad goes on in India, would rather fix my own country. As for my views on the forum, they’re plain enough to understand.

See this :

Definatily thats what i have been talking about they been derailing or manuplating our point of view most of the an important issues become troll.
But i am not in support of banning indian some of them are good people but their views are not tolerable so put limits on their posts.
Nonsensical suggestions and overhyped problem. They are allowed to participate in any debate here, and 'butt in to conversations', when you post on the forum, anyone can quote you and respond. And how exactly have Indians taken over PDF? All mods are Pakistani, management is Pakistani, the rules and restrictions on postings have a Pakistani leaning beyond a reasonable doubt. Yes we have quite a few Indian members, and not all of them are quality posters, some are trolls, but so are plenty of Pakistanis.

The current system penalizes breach of forum rules and decorum, and filter certain speech (largely any bias here is already Pakistani). What you're suggestion is destructively disproportionate and a sure way to harm the forum and destroy the opposing view, which is necessary for any debate.

Let's dissect the post.

1. Nonsensical and overhyped problem. The very first sentence is meant to undermine and playdown the Indian troll problem on PDF. Not a very good begin.

2. There is Pakistani bias on PDF. PDF is very lenient when it comes to allowing membership to al nationalities. That includes Indian trolls. Often Indian trolls get many chances despite breaking the rules countless times. Talk about leniency. If PDF had Pakistani bias it wouldn't allow Indian members to participate as freely as they are allowed. Try surviving on an Indian forum as a Pakistani for a single day with so much freedom.

PDF predates all of them. The association there might have been some site hosting commonality like I said earlier, don’t know much about that. But on IDF, I knew the admin there, he was an Indian Muslim, can’t remember his name. No one from this forum or management had any communication with them, let alone even a loose affiliation.

Trust me, there’s no truth to these rumours.
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