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Comparison with last PML-N govt: PTI govt incurs 48pc less external liabilities: Finance

@Mav3rick in case you still don't understand the impact of overvalued PKR.

By keeping PKR over valued, Crook Ishaq Dollar and Khai Qabila not only destroyed reserves, local industry and piled up loans - they also subsidized dollars for themselves, bought dollars cheaply and laundered to offshore heavens for crooks.
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An overvalued rupee is like declaring a one rupee pen to be at 10 rupee.

Result ...everyone rushes to sell u that 1 rupee pen to get 9 rupees for free..(i.e your imports suddenly balloons up)...

Govt overvalued the rupee and backed it up for 2 years by heavy borrowing ..everyone saw that panicked and refused to offer any more loans..without new loans you will not be able to role over your old loans..you will bankrupt..the day you bankrupt you cant grantee/back the rupee..thus rupee overnight will become meaningless...we saw this in zimbabwae, lebanon and afghanistan..

The rupee in it self was overvalued because the govt didnt adjusted it value that it should have after it did heavy state bank lending/that is fake note printing in 2017-2018 ..this was done to create fiscal space for development projects both in pakistan and in mafair apartments (khata hey tu lagata be hey)

Hence, if establishments wants to bring bilawal or maryum back they should keep the state bank with themselves

Or we should demolish the state bank and use indian or afghani rupee because we dont have the discipline to run a rupee..we end up fake note printing too often
Who even believes these Munafiqeen anymore? This Munafiq comes from America with orders of IMF destroys our economy even more raising inflation than flies back to his home.

I remember two years back, dollar was 104 and Imran Khan used to cry about dollar devaluation, electricity bills came 100000% cheaper and Imran Khan used to burn them, taxes were minimal and Imran Khan used to cry about inflation, daily billions of corruption was done by PMLN according to Imran Khan but our lives were pretty great and inflation was 1000000000% lower than today in this honest Munafiqeens government.

Kashmir was also not locked up and still Imran Khan had issues with it, now Kashmir is locked up and PTI is happy with one minute silence.

Just seek protection from Allah when these Munafiqeens come on TV, seeing their Munafiq dirty faces mean our electricity, gas, groceries and everything prices will increase.

This picture shows how Munafiqat feels shy when PTI is mentioned. Some African countries have better economy than Pakistan today
Who even believes these Munafiqeen anymore? This Munafiq comes from America with orders of IMF destroys our economy even more raising inflation than flies back to his home.

I remember two years back, dollar was 104 and Imran Khan used to cry about dollar devaluation, electricity bills came 100000% cheaper and Imran Khan used to burn them, taxes were minimal and Imran Khan used to cry about inflation, daily billions of corruption was done by PMLN according to Imran Khan but our lives were pretty great and inflation was 1000000000% lower than today in this honest Munafiqeens government.

Kashmir was also not locked up and still Imran Khan had issues with it, now Kashmir is locked up and PTI is happy with one minute silence.

Just seek protection from Allah when these Munafiqeens come on TV, seeing their Munafiq dirty faces mean our electricity, gas, groceries and everything prices will increase.

This picture shows how Munafiqat feels shy when PTI is mentioned. Some African countries have better economy than Pakistan today View attachment 688948
What is IMF?
IMF is loan shark
IMF goal is to give u money when everyone refused

So instead of blaming the loan shark dont get into situation where u need one..

IMF is not a charity

It gives u money at high interests and ask u to fix things and give them money back
That's why you are still a Khota Biryani consumer. You have no idea what Ishaq Dollar was doing to national treasury
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All my IV drug abuse herione addicts tell me the same..my life was great when i was injecting

Printing fake notes (state bank lending)works...u get free money but only untill everyone consumes that fake money..that true troubles come
That's why you are still a Khota Biryani consumer. You have no idea what Ishaq Dollar was doing to national treasury
View attachment 689017
My 12 years sister understood when i told her we printed fake money

I understood when my teacher told me in 8th grade ..(we had afghan rupee crisis in neighboring country and he said why it happened)

Is a concept of printing fake money
That difficult

Govt doesnt even deny it u can check it on sbp

Even IK GOVT printed fake money in 2018-2019 to slowly do this adjustmwnt over time
That's why you are still a Khota Biryani consumer. You have no idea what Ishaq Dollar was doing to national treasury
View attachment 689017
this figure can summarize our problem..a.k.a fake note printing(sbp lending) syndrome

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