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Govt exhorted to seek IMF-led debt restructuring for 3-5 years

Now Dar is back to finally bankrupt Pakistan, the job he left in 2017. This time he will finally do it.
PMLN placed the import ban which is actually keeping Pakistan afloat. No body will lend Dar money this time. His options are more limited this today. :lol:
PMLN placed the import ban which is actually keeping Pakistan afloat. No body will lend Dar money this time. His options are more limited this today. :lol:

Rupee at 260 in open market, hundi, binance etc Which is why remittances are tanking. Now he is doing short term tricks to show fake rs225 rate by curbing imports etc But it will backfire and Pakistan will default by end of next year. When probably Imran Khan will be back in power and looking at certain default situation left by Dar.

Its not like Dim Khan didn't do the same when he knew VONC was coming and his days as PM ending.

With leaders like these who only think about their bottom line, who need enemies.

Pakistan need drastic measures or default will be like Sri Lanka.
This default notion is just frightening the horses. Pakistan is not going to default. You will face a currency crisis sometime next year but you will not default.
Angola, Zambia - that’s some company Pakistan is made to keep.

I wish people knew what their civ/mil leaders are filling their coffers with right now.
Rupees, dollars - what else?
what make me surprise people inside paksitan have not give a damn . restaurants are full weddings tourism shopping life is as usual :lol:
First time I agree with you. :lol::lol:

Common man in Pakistan responds very well to corruption mud slinging by Pakistani politicians. IK and other politicians will keep running the same play over and over again because its effective. I blame using the British parliamentary system as a role model. Economic decisions are made based on popularity and not soundness. Take Brexit for example.
Which type of system will support meritocracy over popularity?

Isn't democracy just a popularity or manipulation contest anyway? (Especially in an uneducated or naive population like Pakistan's)
This default notion is just frightening the horses. Pakistan is not going to default. You will face a currency crisis sometime next year but you will not default.

Anything is possible, see Sri Lanka. If Dar saab refuse to follow IMF dictation then who knows.
Pakistan be fine

Why doesn’t IMF and the West simply return our looted weath that is stashed in their countries

Return it today and we won’t even need any of this bullshit!!
We can impose ~2 Billion USD Jizya Tax on every country on the planet.
IMF forces Third World Countries to change the exchange rate in comparison to Dollar so that the Western countries can import more of our goods at a lower amount of Dollars.

It is economic exploitation. First they ruled us and got the raw materials cheaply and built their palaces and mansions and fed their industrial revolution.

Now they have got us into the debt trap. The Economic Hitman book gives details of how this happens through financing of large infrastructure projects.

The Motorway project of Nawaz Sharif was not needed. He could have improved the old GT road much cheaply. There is ease of access but it started the debt trap. Similarly, the Tank and Aircraft building mega projects of yesterday by the army are beyond understanding. We are not a Super Power. We should only do what other Third World Countries are doing. Buy Tanks and Aircrafts from abroad.

The economic model of the West of borrowing to develop the country seems flawed in the case of countries where there is a lot of corruption and unneeded projects are started.

The Railway line Mega project is another such large infrastructure project that has little benefit to the country but will put us under Chinese debt for decades.

Export led growth is given as the model for development. Alternatively, we can concentrate of decimating luxurious imports so that dollars are not needed in the first place and concentrating on developing domestic demand and supply based production and consumption.
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what make me surprise people inside paksitan have not give a damn . restaurants are full weddings tourism shopping life is as usual :lol:
Aitezaz Ahsan in his book The Indus Saga quotes this Punjabi saying

Khada peeda lai da, te baqi Ahmed Shahi da

He says that people of this region have developed a psyche to eat well and wear good clothes as Ahmed Shah Durrani will come from Afghanistan and take all that is left.
Which type of system will support meritocracy over popularity?

Isn't democracy just a popularity or manipulation contest anyway? (Especially in an uneducated or naive population like Pakistan's)
My studies indicate that single/two party states that hoard forex and focus on growth through exports via government backed for profit corporations have done the best economically over the last 50 years. Britain has done nothing but lose geopolitical and economic power over the last 50 years. Britain is a poor role model to follow. Unfortunately, most Pakistani political elites are educated in Britain so try to emulate it. :hitwall:

Britain has had 5 PM and 7 finance ministers since Brexit. Paris is now the biggest financial center in Europe. I wasn't sure if the presenter in this clip was talking about UK or Pakistan. :lol: :lol:

East Asian and American presidential systems are better for economic performance, IMO.
Paris is now the biggest financial center in Europe. I wasn't sure if the presenter in this clip was talking about UK or Pakistan. :lol: :lol:
U.K. screwed the pooch with Brexit. The anti-Brexiteers should have done some good economic analysis and brought some big guns to the campaign. They should have told the voters, with Brexit, you may get 'freedom' from EU but also poverty for a decade or two. And a possible loss of the Union (at least as a common market area without a customs border) if Scotland and Northern Irland want to remain in EU.
My studies indicate that single/two party states that hoard forex and focus on growth through exports via government backed for profit corporations have done the best economically over the last 50 years. Britain has done nothing but lose geopolitical and economic power over the last 50 years. Britain is a poor role model to follow. Unfortunately, most Pakistani political elites are educated in Britain so try to emulate it. :hitwall:

Britain has had 5 PM and 7 finance ministers since Brexit. Paris is now the biggest financial center in Europe. I wasn't sure if the presenter in this clip was talking about UK or Pakistan. :lol: :lol:

East Asian and American presidential systems are better for economic performance, IMO.
Can you go into more depth please?

What gives the presidential system the edge? Considering the diversity of Pakistan, the presidential system could also be a burden.

Tbh I just think democracy is a flawed ideology for the current state of Pakistan, people are unable to actually elect leaders based on merit but rather tribal/ethnic affiliation.
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