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Govt exhorted to seek IMF-led debt restructuring for 3-5 years

But we get stuck with a bad president. Almost impossible to fire him. Nixon, Clinton, Trump all created crises. In U.K., they can replace a P.M. as easily as getting rid of a McDonald burger flipper. It was so easy to fire Liz Truss instead of suffering for two more years. But the part about leaving economic decisions to apolitical experts (but with Congressional oversight) is our genius. That should be emulated. The decisions being made by Dar wouldn't be made by even an incompetent economist.
You can do the same in US by impeaching the President, however, there is so much polarity and political dichotomy it won't happen again anytime soon.
How so? Please prove this. It is almost clownish (yet passes as currency in the PTI ranks) to lay every anti-state, anti-Pakistan narrative at the doorstep of the military and claim they are working against their very own country just because they are not willing to go along with IK.

The military has no interests that would get adversely impacted by the imposition of taxes on the business community.

It is also quite simply a silly proposition given every single commissioned, non-commissioned and ranker pays his/her due of taxes to the national kitty, yet their very own service would go out of its way to give the free-loaders in the business community a pass on their taxes.

At a minimum, one should ask SAZ why the push back came from both the government of the day and the establishment as he claims.

Really? If that were the case then why did IK and PTI do their mandatory umrah trips to KSA and also to UAE, China and even the US with the begging bowl in hand? They should have shown the "khuddari" that is constantly being bandied around by the PTI and eaten grass to avoid the begging bowl. Yet the begging bowl it was with the much hated Bajwa acting as the pathfinder for Khan sahib before each of his trips.
The classic ploy of hiding behind rankers and mid-tier officers, knowing fully well that they have no say or have anything to do with what I have said above. This is just the same run of the mill propaganda ploy that used to work on older generations, it does not work any more. Let it rest, it's beyond comical now.

You know all too well, the people I am referring to in my posts and they are not the low to mid-tier tax paying lot, going about their general duty.

As for military having no interest with the business community, you'd ask Shabbar Zaidi then why were they even involved in having a say in this issue and why did they pull back their support from increasing the tax base in Pakistan? Prove what, I literally showed you the tweet from the guy who was mandated to increase the tax base in Pakistan.

And I have said this in my earlier post as well, there is no subsequent gov in Pakistan - Khan's or otherwise, which will ensure fair taxation or increasing tax base due to active involvement of establishment in sabotaging such efforts. This issue has nothing to do with Khan. Or just his government.

Really? If that were the case then why did IK and PTI do their mandatory umrah trips to KSA and also to UAE, China and even the US with the begging bowl in hand?
Because of estb's favorite Dar sb had left us with expensive electricity and an ensuing balance of payment crisis, at the time of PTI taking over the helm. Do you have any idea about Pakistan or what the country is going through? If you do not live in Pak any more, all of this stuff is available on Google - why are you asking me about such basic stuff?
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