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comparison of england with north korea - ambassador

Your comments is more from your perception about anti West feeling than the fact on the ground in North Korea...That is what i can say..

no... the west also has people... many good people there... i am only against the western governments and militaries which invade fine societies in order to turn them into capitalist slaves.

the anti-capitalist "occupy" movements were started in the west by ordinary western peoples... on this very forum, there is mike2000, a fine gentleman... there are people in west like elon musk, whose way of work goes contrary to the western capitalist establishment.
no... the west also has people... many good people there... i am only against the western governments and militaries which invade fine societies in order to turn them into capitalist slaves.

the anti-capitalist "occupy" movements were started in the west by ordinary western peoples... on this very forum, there is mike2000, a fine gentleman... there are people in west like elon musk, whose way of work goes contrary to the western capitalist establishment.

Just curious, you are very good person to talk with...How come you got -7 -ve rating?....Sounds weird to me...
Just curious, you are very good person to talk with

many thanks... :-)

...How come you got -7 -ve rating?....Sounds weird to me...

first one i got for criticizing the indian it industry.

second one i got for criticizing the irani mullah, khomenei... the irani members had complained angrily... :D

third one i think also about khomenei.

the rest i got from a single pakistani member for debating with him about real islam and fake islam... and three of these were within a few hours... :rofl:
many thanks... :-)

first one i got for criticizing the indian it industry.

second one i got for criticizing the irani mullah, khomenei... the irani members had complained angrily... :D

third one i think also about khomenei.

the rest i got from a single pakistani member for debating with him about real islam and fake islam... and three of these were within a few hours... :rofl:

Never ever go those Islam and religion area in PDF if also it is your own religion....
the reason being??

Where to start? Either you're completely subjective or you just don't know history (of Libya, Gaddafi).

If you mean, in regards to the topic, you should know, all tourists in North Korea get an official guide that guides them away from all the really poverty stricken districts.

Here's a quote from a reporter:

'When you visit families, the guides love it if you take photos to show that kids have computers. But when they see there's no power, they ask you to delete!'

Haunting pictures inside North Korea... taken by a photographer who has now been banned from the rogue state for life | Daily Mail Online

i am only against the western governments and militaries which invade fine societies in order to turn them into capitalist slaves.

Google "Gaddafi, Chad, 80's, meddling in internal affairs, invasion".
Also, Google "French sold spying equipment to Gaddafi used to spy on Libyans".
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or you just don't know history (of Libya, Gaddafi).

i didn't understand any of that.

If you mean, in regards to the topic, you should know, all tourists in North Korea get an official guide that guides them away from all the really poverty stricken districts.

it seems that until 1991, north korea was lot more advanced than south korea... and please realize that despite western sanctions and the regular illegal seizure by usa navy of north korean shipments, north korea has done better than most societies can in such a situation... they can provide food to their people despite not having the best agricultural land... i do hope you don't believe "the people are starving" bit.

the "child labour"... north korea being socialist also follows "one who produces, can consume"... those "children" seemed of 13 years or older... adult, by nature... don't british or russian people of that age go into cadet training?? and learn to kill?? so, here are north korean younger people doing farming... okay, north korea should advance to urban farming and vertical farming, but still, what "child" and what "exploitation"?? besides, what do modern western people of 13 and beyond do nowadays... listen to gangsta rap, drink alcohol, take selfies, send sms, tweet, play video games, be aggressive... is that fine occupation??

the "poverty"... please do come to india... you will see what poverty means... as i said before, north korea has long been under illegal sanctions and have been self-sufficient for a major part.

queues, shirt neatenings... the western "journalist" has problems with such cultural preferences too... :lol:

power situation... in the indian "city" i live... bangalore... every year in summers, power goes off for at least two hours... if there's rain, many times, power goes for the duration of the rain... and bangalore is india's info tech capital...

strictness about photography... please realize that regularly usa, japan and south korea do military exercises close to north korea... any moment, that "exercise" could turn into invasion... they could also send spies and saboteurs into north korea... therefore it is practical for north korea to keep secret its soldiers' uniforms, guns etc.

"paranoia"... western governments make every effort to demonize north korea and its military and its leaders... like the "uncle fed to dogs" fake news... why doesn't indian government allow "russia today" channel or any mention of "occupy" movements?? why did bbc worldservice radio, in 2003, live from uno security council, "allow experts to resume discussion" in the studio whenever the iraqi government delegate had to speak in the security council, but resume transmission from the security council whenever the american or british delegates had to speak??

as for the title of that daily-mail article... the biggest rogue state is usa, followed by britain, saudia, iran, india, brunei, qatar, indonesia, canada, australia etc

Google "Gaddafi, Chad, 80's, meddling in internal affairs, invasion".

Mandela and Gaddafi: the myth of the Saint and the Mad Dog - English pravda.ru

Also, Google "French sold spying equipment to Gaddafi used to spy on Libyans".

you mean the "eagle" or some such internet surveillance system?? but why not?? the "unarmed civilian protestors and peaceful activists" in benghazi of early 2011 later created such scenes whose graphic-ness i am not allowed by pdf to post.

indian telecom companies use israeli equipment... britain has the most number of public cctv cameras... usa government spies on its own citizens.
i didn't understand any of that.

it seems that until 1991, north korea was lot more advanced than south korea... and please realize that despite western sanctions and the regular illegal seizure by usa navy of north korean shipments, north korea has done better than most societies can in such a situation... they can provide food to their people despite not having the best agricultural land... i do hope you don't believe "the people are starving" bit.

the "child labour"... north korea being socialist also follows "one who produces, can consume"... those "children" seemed of 13 years or older... adult, by nature... don't british or russian people of that age go into cadet training?? and learn to kill?? so, here are north korean younger people doing farming... okay, north korea should advance to urban farming and vertical farming, but still, what "child" and what "exploitation"?? besides, what do modern western people of 13 and beyond do nowadays... listen to gangsta rap, drink alcohol, take selfies, send sms, tweet, play video games, be aggressive... is that fine occupation??

the "poverty"... please do come to india... you will see what poverty means... as i said before, north korea has long been under illegal sanctions and have been self-sufficient for a major part.

queues, shirt neatenings... the western "journalist" has problems with such cultural preferences too... :lol:

power situation... in the indian "city" i live... bangalore... every year in summers, power goes off for at least two hours... if there's rain, many times, power goes for the duration of the rain... and bangalore is india's info tech capital...

strictness about photography... please realize that regularly usa, japan and south korea do military exercises close to north korea... any moment, that "exercise" could turn into invasion... they could also send spies and saboteurs into north korea... therefore it is practical for north korea to keep secret its soldiers' uniforms, guns etc.

"paranoia"... western governments make every effort to demonize north korea and its military and its leaders... like the "uncle fed to dogs" fake news... why doesn't indian government allow "russia today" channel or any mention of "occupy" movements?? why did bbc worldservice radio, in 2003, live from uno security council, "allow experts to resume discussion" in the studio whenever the iraqi government delegate had to speak in the security council, but resume transmission from the security council whenever the american or british delegates had to speak??

as for the title of that daily-mail article... the biggest rogue state is usa, followed by britain, saudia, iran, india, brunei, qatar, indonesia, canada, australia etc

Mandela and Gaddafi: the myth of the Saint and the Mad Dog - English pravda.ru

you mean the "eagle" or some such internet surveillance system?? but why not?? the "unarmed civilian protestors and peaceful activists" in benghazi of early 2011 later created such scenes whose graphic-ness i am not allowed by pdf to post.

indian telecom companies use israeli equipment... britain has the most number of public cctv cameras... usa government spies on its own citizens.


I especially liked the "strictness about photography" explanation. According to your theory, any place where citizens don't have a computer that they can be photographed with it for propaganda purposes is military related.

And yes, i do believe people are starving, what's more, i even have pictures to show it.

Your problem is, you actually think "jamahirya" worked and perhaps you even think it's happening in NK.

I also couldn't have helped to not notice you exposed children working in the field, correlated that with some morals and virtues that childrewn in the west according to your own words do not possess. Now, here's there funny bit, you left out the depictions of children with emaciated figures. You also completely left out depictions of what can only be described as abject poverty.

Similarly with your affection for Gaddaffi, you overlook that he stole billions from his people, kept an oppressive surveillance apparatus (before 2011 yes) supported terrorist organizations when it suited him, plotted invasions of neighbouring countries and alike, notice how this somewhat falls in line with what you accuse western governments of doing?

There's a faint odour of hypocrysy somewhere here, but i can't seem to put my finger on it. To put it mildly......
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I especially liked the "strictness about photography" explanation.

i don't see anything funny in this... ( US and South Korea stage exercises near North Korea border — RT In motion ).

According to your theory, any place where citizens don't have a computer that they can be photographed with it for propaganda purposes is military related.

i didn't understand that.

And yes, i do believe people are starving, what's more, i even have pictures to show it.

like this??


Death, hunger stalk Indian tea-estate workers

Your problem is, you actually think "jamahirya" worked and perhaps you even think it's happening in NK.

jamahiriya system is most way to true communism... and venezuela has adapted it...

Chavez communes stoke Venezuela democracy debate| Reuters

Venezuela: More than 1000 communes registered | Green Left Weekly

Dirty cherrypicker you are, only wanting to pick where it suits you but looking the other way where it doesn't.

do you want every person to repeat what bbc says about north korea?? did you, sir, watch the vid in the op??

Similarly with your affection for Gaddaffi, you overlook that he stole billions from his people

stole billions from the people or made libya a very comfortable place??

from tripoli, 1979... ( The Libya I Once Knew )...

The Libyan not willing to work would receive the equivalent salary valued today of $ 7,000 USD per month.

Plus, doctors, hospitals and medicines were all for free. Nobody paid for education in a Libyan school and whoever wanted to continue their education outside the country would receive a substantially good scholarship.

It was a habit in the country that if someone did not like the car anymore, he only had to abandon the car with the key inside. This was the era of Libya.

Just to have an idea about Gaddafi's Libya, everything sold was about the same price, $3 USD. There were gigantic supermarkets, but nothing was sold at retail. Anyone wishing to buy rice, for example, would pay $ 3 for the 50 kilo bag. Everything was sold on that basis.

At the door, I asked the ambassador if he could give us a testimonial about Gaddafi. "Gaddafi is a genius," he said. Surprised, I asked him, "Do you really consider Gaddafi a Genius?" "Yes! A Genius!" he said.

kept an oppressive surveillance apparatus (before 2011 yes)

weren't western governments trying to kill him 1971 onwards?? didn't cia create the lifg group whose chief, abdul hakim belhaj, was in 2011 installed by nato as libya's "defense minister"??

supported terrorist organizations when it suited him,

you mean the plo, nelson mandela and carlos are bad people now??

plotted invasions of neighbouring countries and alike, notice how this somewhat falls in line with what you accuse western governments of doing?

libya didn't massacre any nation... didn't invade with the purpose of
making that nation a slave.

There's a faint odour of hypocrysy sopmewhere here, but i can't seem to put my finger on it. To put it mildly......

facts... only facts i presented.
You're not worthy of the time i'd spend typing.....simple as that.

didn't you consider the time i spent searching for links and copying quotes?? do you really want to learn or just keep blindly hating??
Its easy for him to criticize the failures of the outside world, laying responsibility on 'Imperialists' whilst thousands upon thousands of his own countrymen live in abject poverty and fear.
so does africa why you dont care about third world countries too?
do you really want to learn or just keep blindly hating??

When i will want to learn only the side that suits a particular narrative, i'll be sure to come back and seek your expertise. As that won't be any time soon, i suggest you kindly get out of my notifications bar. kktnxbai
this is a superb talk given by the ambassador of north korea ( democratic people's republic of korea ) to the british republic... the ambassador, thae yong-ho, speaks with simple and direct words about his experiences in england, and asks emotional questions about the hegemony and global oppression created by the usa government... he talks of the psychopathy of the kind of societies the western governments want to establish globally... their puppets already have such psychopathic societies... be they saudia or iran or india or gaza...

the setting of the talk seems to be a book-shop... the gentleman is a great speaker and will make a good leader... he speaks about various topics... at the end of his talk, i clapped along with the audience.

thanks to ( Mathaba - Independent News Agency ), because that is where i found this video.

@vostok @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @Ailurus fulgens @Nihonjin1051 @Syrian Lion @Mahmoud_EGY @mike2000 @Ceylal @levina @Spring Onion @Desertfalcon @peacefan @KingMamba @genmirajborgza786 @Owl of Abott and everyone else.

Yea well this is typical of the DPRK - talk like it's so much worse in the US and EU and other western nations than in his own country. I'd be impressed if the north koreans start to talk about how the DPKR leaders are going to improve the lives of North-Koreans. At least see them fed and in warm and SAFE housing. Freedom of press is not required per se.
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