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Comparison of Asian national space programs

Baloney. GSLV uses Russian engines. You can't call it Indian.

The most complicated part of a heavy-lift rocket is the engine. GSLV relies on Russian engines.

The two "indigenous" Indian GSLV engine clones blew up.

The GSLV is Russian.

As of now.......
BUT, hopefully within this year we'll use our own indigenous cryogenic engine in our GSLV....

I agree that Israel is ahead right now, but leaving this Iran v Israel nonsense aside for a bit then you cannot deny their good achievement. I mean to send a satellite into orbit using a 2 stage SLV is extremely difficult. it means their second stage technology must very advanced. this point is not what Iran done so far, but the rate. Iran space program is very new and they are making quite impressive speed.
their newest launch was 50kg and their previous was 21kg so they double their mass everytime. their next satellite zafar will be 100kg I think.

even your uzi rubin said he is very impressed.

In 3 years they are expecting to launch a one ton sat, also they use their own patented special fuel which they say is extremely efficient.

I think israel v Iran is nonsense since persian hate saudis not Israelis. so dont fuel the fire.
Iran is still well behind Israel's level from 24 years ago.
Their Safir launcher is already stretched to edge. They may add few kgs but it does not change much. They need completely new launcher to launch practical satellites.
Iran is still well behind Israel's level from 24 years ago.
Their Safir launcher is already stretched to edge. They may add few kgs but it does not change much. They need completely new launcher to launch practical satellites.

we are working on a 2.4m diameter solid fuel with 2tons payload :coffee:
Baloney. GSLV uses Russian engines. You can't call it Indian.

The most complicated part of a heavy-lift rocket is the engine. GSLV relies on Russian engines.

The two "indigenous" Indian GSLV engine clones blew up.

The GSLV is Russian.

Leave it guys...responding to them brings nothing...they ALWAYS post negative news...ALWAYS....better post relevant info about space program....any new detail about Chandrayaan 2

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