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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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Wow that way BD wouldn't need them 5 odd mig 29s and I thought only uklungi can have brainfarts so loud
Instead of talking loud, you better take care of your Siliguri corridor and NE. Western Assam seems to be full of people, who would love to join their land with BD which has a more prospect than a land called India.
Just remember you know Hindi because you are a dominated little pissant. At least have some fealty and say it in that weird East Pakistan dialect you lot use.

Now go try take the remote away from your women, they are addicted too much to Indian TV and learning too much Hindi and dreaming of Indians too much because of it.

You think we give a damn about how you try to make China and Pakistan actions your own (because you have zero)? The same countries instrumental in giving you some "special love" before, during and directly after 1971? :P Of course you will flee to them like a delayed stockholm syndrome due to lack of any honour, morals or virtue in your own.

So its no wonder you lot flee first thing (not even trying a poor BD "doctor" once) to India for medical tourism even while we shoot you dead at border :P

It all shows in you opening wider as topcat said :D when you accepting your illegals back like the good little effeminate ppl you are.

MM just slapped you hard and you took it and cried and took it some more :D while everyone looked, some consoled, some laughed....and none really cared.

Looks like you are back to your old ways again!

Will just have to wait for your inevitable ban again.:D

Nope, @UKBengali just woke up with a wet lungi, he washes dishes for a living and dreams of conquering world with 5 operational Mig 29 :lol:

Well BD has 8 Mig-29s that will get upgraded with new radars and other avionics.

There is a tender out for 8+4 heavy fighters and the favourite is SU-30SME. The contract will be signed before end of this year.

PS - What is it with Indians and dish washing?
Just remember you know Hindi because you are a dominated little pissant. At least have some fealty and say it in that weird East Pakistan dialect you lot use.

Now go try take the remote away from your women, they are addicted too much to Indian TV and learning too much Hindi and dreaming of Indians too much because of it.

You think we give a damn about how you try to make China and Pakistan actions your own (because you have zero)? The same countries instrumental in giving you some "special love" before, during and directly after 1971? :P Of course you will flee to them like a delayed stockholm syndrome due to lack of any honour, morals or virtue in your own.

So its no wonder you lot flee first thing (not even trying a poor BD "doctor" once) to India for medical tourism even while we shoot you dead at border :P

It all shows in you opening wider as topcat said :D when you accepting your illegals back like the good little effeminate ppl you are.

MM just slapped you hard and you took it and cried and took it some more :D while everyone looked, some consoled, some laughed....and none really cared.

You mean these?


You sure you know the difference between a Tactical Helmet Light and a MOHOC Camera? :lol:

first are u sure u fully understand my replies.? LOL
i do know what is helmet light and what is MOHOC camera..

this is Helmet Light.


MOHOC camera and helmet light.

hope u also know the difference between helmet light and Camera.... :haha:

FYI the one u show is Night Vision Goggle not MOHOC Camera... :partay: @tarpitz check this..
As I see,everyone's having lot of fun in this thread. :partay:
welcome to the club. bro :P
There is a tender out for 8+4 heavy fighters and the favourite is SU-30SME. The contract will be signed before end of this year.
so sad Russia offered just upgraded Su27. not Su 30 SME.
Well BD has 8 Mig-29s that will get upgraded with new radars and other avionics.

Tell me how you upgraded your MiG 29UBs with new radars. Coz MiG 29UB doesn't have any radar.
All this comparison is futile when Myanmar itself is going through a multi-front civil war, an interference by Bangladesh will just balkanize the country. Myanmar should consider itself lucky we haven't interfered in their internal conflicts.
Russia offered both upgraded SU-27 (which they call SU-30 SME/deceitfully) and SU-35s.
Bangladesh is smart enough to negotiate to the nail. ;)
Russia reveals Su-30SME export 'Flanker' details
Nikolai Novichkov, Kuala Lumpur - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
31 March 2017


A model of the Su-30SME seen at the recent LIMA exhibition in Malaysia. Source: Nikolai Novichkov

Russia has revealed new details of the Su-30SME export variant of the Sukhoi 'Flanker' fighter that it launched in early 2016.

Speaking at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition in Malaysia, president of Irkut Corporation Oleg Demchenko revealed performance specifications for the twin-seat derivative of the Su-30SM that recently entered service with Russia and Kazakhstan (the Su-30SM is itself a development of the Su-30MKI sold to India).

The Su-30SME has a normal take-off weight of 26,090 kg, a maximum take-off weight of 34,000 kg, a speed of 1.75 Mach, and normal/maximum fuel weights of 5,270/9,300 kg respectively. It has operational range of 1,280 km at sea-level and at a speed of 800 km/h; of 3,000 km flying at a high altitude and at a speed of 900 km/h; and of 5,600 km with one air refuelling contact.

The Su-30SME is powered by two AL-31FP afterburner jet engines with thrust vectoring control. The powerplants have a combined thrust of 25,000 kg, and afford the fighter a combat payload of up to 8,000 kg mounted from its 12 hardpoints.

The avionics suite of the Su-30SME has been upgraded and the aircraft equipped for infrared and laser targeting pods for ground target acquisition and engagement. The new fire control radar can acquire and track 15 aerial targets simultaneously while being able to attack four at once. Other features include an integrated electro-optical targeting sensor coupled with a laser inertial navigation system, a helmet-mounted target designator, and satellite navigation system compatible with the GLONASS and NAVSTAR formats.

"The Su-30SME is an upgraded modern platform based on Russian equipment," Demchenko said. "As the basic Russian Su-30SM version develops, the capabilities of the export Su-30SME will also expand."
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so sad Russia offered just upgraded Su27. not Su 30 SME.

Also SU-35S but that was a bit expensive.
Anyway, even the upgraded SU-27 is more than enough to shoot those Mig-29s(recently upgraded but still has 1980s N019 radar lol) and JF-17s out of the sky like swotting flies. MAF pilots will soon be wetting their pants when flying over northern Arakan.
Tell me how you upgraded your MiG 29UBs with new radars. Coz MiG 29UB doesn't have any radar.

Ok, only 6 single-seater will have a new radar. 4 will have AESA, most probably the Zhuk that is installed on the Mig-35.
See Russia is trying to entice BD to buy Mig-35 but BAF will settle for nothing less than SU-30SME. It needs a fighter that can do everything, including protecting BD Navy far out in the Bay of Bengal.
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