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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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These are not dreams dude but reality.
Myanmar spends 2 billion US dollar a year on defence while BD spends 3.2 billion US dollars.
BD also does not have to spend a lot of money fighting It's own people that want to break away.
MM spends $2billion out of its tiny $60billion GDP. In percentage wise it is a little more than 3.3%. In case of BD, it spends $3.2billion out of a GDP figure at $250 billion. In percentage, it is only 1.28%. So, BD can afford to raise its defence expenditure to 3%. This is about $7.5billion per year. I wish it happens gradually in the next few years.
MM spends $2billion out of its tiny $60billion GDP. In percentage wise it is a little more than 3.3%. In case of BD, it spends $3.2billion out of a GDP figure at $250 billion. In percentage, it is only 1.28%. So, BD can afford to raise its defence expenditure to 3%. This is about $7.5billion per year. I wish it happens gradually in the next few years.
i think a time line already set forces goal 2030, so govt. have to fulfill the goal as per requirement. if budget need to increase then govt. have to do. at least in initial phase 2018-2022 a major development need to implemented other wise BD always one side will be like present BAF.
i think a time line already set forces goal 2030, so govt. have to fulfill the goal as per requirement. if budget need to increase then govt. have to do. at least in initial phase 2018-2022 a major development need to implemented other wise BD always one side will be like present BAF.
The problem is that no goal is stated in the Forces Goal 2030.
Six months back, you guys are talking about buying of 50 J10Bs.And now you guys start talking about Su 30s.
May be F 35 in next six months.
So I won't surprise if BAF don't buy any fighter aircrfats and use Yak 130 as fighters.
The problem is that no goal is stated in the Forces Goal 2030.
Six months back, you guys are talking about buying of 50 J10Bs.And now you guys start talking about Su 30s.
May be F 35 in next six months.
So I won't surprise if BAF don't buy any fighter aircrfats and use Yak 130 as fighters.
Both SU-30 and J-10b will be acquired.. Negotiation for both are going on. Chill
MM spends $2billion out of its tiny $60billion GDP. In percentage wise it is a little more than 3.3%. In case of BD, it spends $3.2billion out of a GDP figure at $250 billion. In percentage, it is only 1.28%. So, BD can afford to raise its defence expenditure to 3%. This is about $7.5billion per year. I wish it happens gradually in the next few years.

Spending 3% of gdp is too much for BD as tax revenue is very low.
5 billion US dollars or 2% of GDP is enough.
I don't even understand the point of that show.Lame! :tsk:

Do you know bad guys are targeting service personnel s these days? Few months ago one of my acquaintance was ordered not to travel from home to cantonment in uniform, same for the whole unit, after members were attacked while commuting to work. :tsk::tsk:

Were these scum caught and prosecuted?

The problem is that no goal is stated in the Forces Goal 2030.
Six months back, you guys are talking about buying of 50 J10Bs.And now you guys start talking about Su 30s.
May be F 35 in next six months.
So I won't surprise if BAF don't buy any fighter aircrfats and use Yak 130 as fighters.

Your dream of BD not buying fighters will remain just a dream.
Even if BD keeps defence spending constant as percentage of GDP, it will increase at 7% a year in real Terms from current 3.2 billion US dollars.
Negotiations are ongoing for both SU-30SME and the J-10b weapon package with China. J-10b will come with KJ-200 AWACs. See China is so desperate to retain influence in BD military that it offered 1 billion dollar soft loan to buy arms to counter India's 500 million US dollar offer.
The problem is that no goal is stated in the Forces Goal 2030.
Six months back, you guys are talking about buying of 50 J10Bs.And now you guys start talking about Su 30s. May be F 35 in next six months. So I won't surprise if BAF don't buy any fighter aircrfats and use Yak 130 as fighters.

We are buying both J10B as well as SU-30SME. Do these purchases unnerve the Burmese military? MM military do not even wear boots and ride on top of public bus. Is the MM govt willing to spend billions on 5G planes. China certainly wants it to buy these because this is how China can take away then all the natural gas from MM.
We are buying both J10B as well as SU-30SME. Do these purchases unnerve the Burmese military? MM military do not even wear boots and ride on top of public bus. Is the MM govt willing to spend billions on 5G planes. China certainly wants it to buy these because this is how China can take away then all the natural gas from MM.

With their ethnic cleansing of Rohingya, they are now China's slaves.
They have to do everything that China tells them or they are on their own.
These Barmans are some of the most stupid people on Earth as they have no understanding
of geopolitics.
BD just needs those Su-30SMEs and J-10Bs and then can teach these imbeciles
a lesson they will never forget.
Myanmar Air Force New Inductions (2010-2017)

Myanmar Armed Forces started mod programme since 2010, 7 years ago. Myanmardid not announce their goal but kept upgrading.

Below list is the latest inductions to MAF. More to come after 2020. MAF already planned to replace some older MiG 29 with 4+gen fighter after 2020.

All types of aircrafts . .
fighter (MiG 29 SE),
lead in fighter trainer (Yak 130),
adv trainer (K 8W),
basic trainer (Grob G 120TP),
trainer for transport (Y 12/ Beech 1900),
medium transport (Y 8 & ATR),
trainer for heli (EC 120),
transport & utility (Mi 17 $ AS 365),
attack heli (Mi 35P)
MPA (ATR 42MPA) . . . were inducted during 7 years.

MAF is completely upgraded during this period.

Despite this MAF is still upgrading MiG 29SE & Mi 35P.


List of new induction

20 x MiG 29 SE
16 x JF 17 Block 2
12 x Yak 130
24 x K 8W
12 x Mi 35P
20 x Grob G120TP
2 x Y 8F200
6 x Y 12
4 x ATR 42/72
2 x ATR 42 MPA
6 x Beechcraft 1900
6 x AS 365
6 x EC 120
6 x Mi 17/171




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i said, no tank above 50 tons operate in any area in BD
India, MM needs light tanks to incur into BD soft land. But, BD will use heavy tanks to incur into Indian and MM lands, where the soil may be harder, specially in the Indian north near our border. As far as I know majority of our tanks are located in places like Parbatipur and Syedpur Cantonments. Tanks are offensive weapons that is also used to challenge the tank attacks by the enemy. We may need heavy tanks as well.
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