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Communist parties ask India to suspend military ties with Israel.

I would like these commies say these things against China..anyways....the coment from the left tell us in what state they are now..they've got nothing to protest over in India now..it reminds me of stupid khilafat movement.
Why are commies still living 1960s cold war era.

Even biggest communist countries CHina and Russia are increasingly friendly towards US and Israel
It would be unwise for India to suspend ties with Israel. :usflag:

It is not going to happen. The commies now and then wake up and remind that they are alive in some dark corner by coming up with these B.S statements. Used to be a period when they were part of ruling coalition and pull their strings in terms of economic policies and dragging India but not anymore.
Idiot commies!! This nonsense ideology needs to be eradicated from India..
I think we all need to calm down. Just cause the left is demanding it doesn't mean it is going to happen:lol:

I mean this is their job, thats why they are the "left". Heck Israel's own left parties says all sorts of things about their military and government. Freedom of speech should be respected.
Commies in India have no shame... they just want to go opposite let the issue is Right or wrong.... they just don't mind.... baboons
Need to ignore these commies but can't completely ignore them as well. These poisonous snakes control couple of major trade unions - AITUC and CITU and is powerful in 3 states and consistently wins 3% - 5% of the votes in parliamentary elections.
These guys are masters at false propaganda.

Right now they have government only in Tripura.
indian communist are different from china communist.... China communist works for country and indian communist works against country.... They were created by china just after 1962 war and we all knows why.... indian communist are symbol of poverty and dirt.... They in india to leak vittal info to china and pakistan.... Our military should watch them closely....

U forgot another entity AND TO ALIENS
indian communist are different from china communist.... China communist works for country and indian communist works against country.... They were created by china just after 1962 war and we all knows why.... indian communist are symbol of poverty and dirt.... They in india to leak vittal info to china and pakistan.... Our military should watch them closely....

Please dont post stupid things. This is interesting most of u people can tolerate Congress and BJP who by the way are neck deep in corruption . They are letting Multinational companies loot India of her natural resources and siding along with communality parties.

I dont understand why every one here is hating communists. The CPI(M) is the cleanest political party in India as far corruption is concerned.
Are you guys seeing any condemnation from India over killing of Palestinian civilians specially children atleast ?

Please dont post stupid things. This is interesting most of u people can tolerate Congress and BJP who by the way are neck deep in corruption . They are letting Multinational companies loot India of her natural resources and siding along with communality parties.

I dont understand why every one here is hating communists. The CPI(M) is the cleanest political party in India as far corruption is concerned.

They hate them due to the word "communist" for all anti-China Indians, this word has everything to do with China.
Are you guys seeing any condemnation from India over killing of Palestinian civilians specially children atleast ?

They hate them due to the word "communist" for all anti-China Indians, this word has everything to do with China.

"It may be mentioned that an emergency meeting on Palestine was held at the UN Security Council on November 14 under India's presidency to send a strong message from the council to those concerned to de-escalate the situation and to stop the violence immediately."

Gaza violence: India calls for direct Israel-Palestine talks - The Times of India

We are not Blind like Egyptians whose PM kissed a Dead Child allegedly Killed by IDF and condemning IDF , and later on Realizing it was hamas own rocket which fell short .
"It may be mentioned that an emergency meeting on Palestine was held at the UN Security Council on November 14 under India's presidency to send a strong message from the council to those concerned to de-escalate the situation and to stop the violence immediately."

Gaza violence: India calls for direct Israel-Palestine talks - The Times of India

We are not Blind like Egyptians whose PM kissed a Dead Child allegedly Killed by IDF and condemning IDF , and later on Realizing it was hamas own rocket which fell short .

Under India's presidency any meeting held is not the credit of India but the current head or any head of the council is bound to chair such meeting.

On the other i am still asking you the same question Should India condemn the killing of Palestinian civilians ?

Last but not the least killing of the children is condemnable be it at the hands of Isreal or Hamas .
Yes India should suspend all military ties with Israel and start kising Chinese a*s*s!!! This is what these aholes want. These commies should be banished to Karachi, Pakistan.
Actually i couldn't think of any place more awfull than Karachi right now on this planet. What better targets for yahoos from Karachi than Hindu atheist from india.
These commies would get to see best of Islam which these idiots are busy promoting in India.
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