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Communist parties ask India to suspend military ties with Israel.

i guess this is the reason they were defeated by didi in west bengal.
Then we should seek agricultural and weapons technologies from whom?................North Korea :lol:
i would request all the communists,TMC (yeah mamta has organised a protest rally in a minority dominated part of kolkata today),congress (especially digvijay singh),and other "secularists" leaders & parties to show their real "big heart" and go and help the palestenians in the midst of the attack,instead of acting like cowards and arrange protest rallies here...go and help them if u have balls,otherwise shut ur f****ing mouth up!!!

Yes. To eradicate evil, we elected the devil. :cray:
wrong..to eradicate a demon,we have elected lucifer-the king of demons :cray:
people here are pretty fed up with mamata's dictatorial style and rigid blatant populist stunts and rabble rousing.
Worse not content with WB she wants to export it to the whole country.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................
communists my foot.....they are always been a trublemakers for anything good for india....
Communist parties ask India to suspend military ties with Israel.
Published November 17, 2012 | By admin

A joint statement issued by Communist Party of India and Communist Party of India (Marxist) has condemned Israeli attacks on Gaza. The parties have asked the Indian government to immediately suspend military ties with Israel.

The statement was issued on Friday by Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and S. Sudhakar Reddy, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India

We strongly condemn the renewed military attacks on Gaza. More than 250 strikes have been launched against Gaza in the last 48 hours, killing 18 Palestinians and injuring over 150. Those killed include Hamas military chief Ahmad Jaabari and 4 children. This aggression is similar to the last war that Israel had launched on Gaza in December 2008 in which 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed.

The 1.7 million people of Gaza continue to remain under a brutal siege, with the Israeli stranglehold affecting even basic necessities such as food and medicine. Reports available indicate that hospitals are running out of medicine. Power and water supplies have been cut to the Gaza residents.

We call upon the Indian government to condemn the Israeli aggression on Gaza. India must also suspend immediately its military ties with Israel, as India’s huge arms purchase helps to subsidise the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

Communist parties ask India to suspend military ties with Israel | idrw.org

Let us suspend Commies from Indian political scene and also tie them and stone them till death to all commies for their utter disregard to India's interest in political space of India....Case Over...
So If US attacks Iraq or Afghanistan than we should suspend military ties with US.

So If Russia attacks South Ostenia than we should suspend military ties with Russia.

So If France attacks Libya than we should suspend military ties with France.

So If Britain attacks Libya, Afghanistan or Iraq than we should suspend military ties with Britain.

What a joke, will our relations with other nations be formed or rejected on our national interests or on there actions??

Thank god communists are not running the country.

or maybe if any country wants to wage a war against any other, they just have to say " india is about to suspend ties with us ".

that was a joke and you can laugh now !!!! (what ! do i have to put in smiley too??)
Who cares about those stone age relics ?
Israel is an ally. The communists are ideologically aligned with China, a strategic competitor.

Dont take the commies seriously.
Need to ignore these commies but can't completely ignore them as well. These poisonous snakes control couple of major trade unions - AITUC and CITU and is powerful in 3 states and consistently wins 3% - 5% of the votes in parliamentary elections.
These guys are masters at false propaganda.
Hahahaha commies losing their mind :rofl: last time USA now israel !!!!
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