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Comments? Indians and Pakistanis shouldn't really bash each other



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Jul 28, 2013
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..as both countries are really at the bottom of the global respect index, if there was one.

Historically, culturally and anthropologically, Pakistanis are nothing but Indian Hindus with an overlay of Islam, so Pakistan is hardly any better than India or vice versa. Both countries suck at winning medals in Olympics although India did slightly better last time in London. But 30-35 medals in a history of 100 years of Olympics for a combined population of 1.5 billion people is nothing short of pathetic.

Many Pakistanis have this perception that they are on average taller, fairer and more "Aryan"-looking than Indian Hindus. Well even if I give you that ego advantage, the fact remains that most South Asians in Western countries are NOT considered date material. We are at the bottom of the totem pole.

Here's more:

1/3 of Pakistanis defecate outdoors, whereas 55% of Indians do. You can debate the actual numbers but the facts remain unpleasant for both countries.

Pakistanis gather cow pies and dry them for fuel, the same as Indians do. They also cover their houses with cow pies like Indians.

Pakistan is about as sickeningly corrupt as India, or possibly even worse.

In Pakistan, the upper class are callous, cruel and evil in a way that’s not typical of a Muslim state (and I've been to Dubai, Emiratis really look after their own ethnicity unlike South Asians who universally believe in power structure, self-centeredness and corruption). The lower classes in Pakistan have a slave mentality. These sick mindsets have been imported from India.

People living in both Pakistan and India, given half the chance, would jump at the offer to emigrate to any first world or second world country.

I haven't been to Pakistan but from all Television and Internet images I have seen of Lahore and Karachi, it's easy to observer that Pakistani cities are as much pathetic, third class as Indian cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad or Jaipur. Fact remains South Asia remains the most unhygienic corner on God's earth. That is because South Asians are basically uncivilized. Everywhere else you go to, the streets are clean and unlittered, people have a civic sense and don't spit paan on the pavements.

How come India has 60 billionaires but the streets of our major cities remain so dirty. Whereas someone living in a poor African city like Nairobi enjoys a much cleaner, healthier environment.

An un-Islamic feudal system continues in Pakistan’s countryside, the same as India’s feudal rural culture. Pakistanis even have non-Islamic concept called caste. Caste is abhorrent in any culture, but it’s particularly outrageous since Qu'ran bans it explicitly. No other Muslim countries have caste system except the ones in South Asia.

The Pakistani rich pay almost no taxes at all, similar to the Indian rich.As a consequence, as in India, the state is starved and nearly nonexistent except for an oppressive security apparatus.

In both countries, the rich and upper castes abuse the lower castes with impunity, raping them, beating them, stealing from them, on and on, all with the help of the local security forces which are allied with the upper classes.

India’s education system is grotesquely underfunded. Many schools are just shells, never even partly used because the teachers collect their pay but then never show up for work.Pakistan is possibly worse. The state has no money because the rich pay no taxes, so there is no money to build schools. Because there are no schools for the masses, the mullahs set up madrassas where boys alone are ill-educated and come out knowing little more than how to recite the Qu'ran. At worst, these madrassas are virtual Terrorist Academies that churn out fundamentalist crazies by the busload with each new graduating class.

Pakistan’s electrical system is as bad as India’s if not worse with continuous blackouts, power failures and load shedding.

Pakistan is really just a Muslim version of Hindu India, minus everything good about Islam and plus everything bad about Hinduism. At its worst, it’s like Hindu India plus fundamentalist Islam, which is possibly the worst combination on Earth.

Pakistanis and Indians have nothing to be really proud of because we're both as bad as each other. Indian Pakistan-bashing doesn’t make a lot of sense since one is just a version of the other. It’s really interesting that our two nations should hate each other so much, but if considering the PRESENT situation in both countries, only one thought comes to mind:

I AGREE :tup:

Instead, They should CONCENTRATE there energies on BASHING Bangladesh.........:)

Oh I forgot to mention Bangladesh.

Really if there was a competition for which patch of earth "between the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal" should be considered the BIGGEST HELLHOLE, all 3 countries would end in a tie.
Humaray des kay vaasi nahi'n chahte aman kee aasha
Humm aggar akailay hotay to boltay prem ke bhaasha

Tu akailay kaisay bajaye ga bangladesh ka baja?
Tujahy zaroorat hai Aallam-Pannah ka gandsa

Should I continue? :D

India Pakistan waalo......

Aao Milkar laye AMAN KI ASHA!!!!.......

Aur Milkar Bajatey hai BD ka BAJA......

@Hyperion ab tu bhi AAJA :D

Tujhey Banadunga mey GANG OF THREE ka RAJA!!!!!
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Humaray des kay vaasi nahi'n chahte aman kee aasha
Humm aggar akailay hotay to boltay prem ke bhaasha

Tu akailay kaisay bajaye ga bangladesh ka baja?
Tujahy zaroorat hai Aallam-Pannah ka gandsa

Should I continue? :D

Yaar yeh "Gandsa" Kya hai?? :undecided:
Historically, culturally and anthropologically, Pakistanis are nothing but Indian Hindus with an overlay of Islam

the mullahs set up madrassas where boys alone are ill-educated and come out knowing little more than how to recite the Qu'ran. At worst, these madrassas are virtual Terrorist Academies that churn out fundamentalist crazies by the busload with each new graduating class.

Pakistan is really just a Muslim version of Hindu India, minus everything good about Islam and plus everything bad about Hinduism. At its worst, it’s like Hindu India plus fundamentalist Islam, which is possibly the worst combination on Earth.

Learn to be careful with your language to avoid being racist and maybe then you can learn to coexist.

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