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COMMENT : Democracy and Indian Muslims

Translation: :cry:
I'am no interested in your strawman I showed that low IQ Indian #1 had low IQ and that is all I had to do.
if you want to start a new discussion (after admitting that I was right ;) ) then be my guest. But right now all you are doing is trying to take this conversation away from it's original point.

I never conceded that you were correct, neither explicitly nor implicitly. I simply stated that you are not suitably endowed to engage in a civil discourse let alone an intelligent one. Ergo my preference for terming it an impasse- lest your infantile demeanor leads you into taking umbrage.
I never conceded that you were correct, neither explicitly nor implicitly. I simply stated that you are not suitably endowed to engage in a civil discourse let alone an intelligent one. Ergo my preference for terming it an impasse- lest your infantile demeanor leads you into taking umbrage.

You cannot deny that I said was true so instead you went for the "he hurt my feelings" tactic. Can't say I blame you, if I was in an indefensible position like you I would probably do the same.

Trust me, I could make this a lot more interesting if it wasn't for mods who for some reason really care about the feelings of Indians.
You cannot deny that I said was true so instead you went for the "he hurt my feelings" tactic. Can't say I blame you, if I was in an indefensible position like you I would probably do the same.

Trust me, I could make this a lot more interesting if it wasn't for mods who for some reason really care about the feelings of Indians.

Hardly an indefensible position, certainly not so when the one to challenge it is an inept as you in constructing a logical argument.

Neither is it my purview to comment upon what the moderators deem to see as fit or not, that is solely their prerogative, nor would any further employment of crassness by you lend even an approximation of "interesting" to anything further that you might post. Perhaps the meaning of the term "impasse" is lost on you or perhaps you wish to press on with your thread. Precarious as your position is, I have no wish to engage in something that has been demonstrably reduced to an exercise in futility by you.
Translation: :cry:
I'am no interested in your strawman I showed that low IQ Indian #1 had low IQ and that is all I had to do.
if you want to start a new discussion (after admitting that I was right ;) ) then be my guest. But right now all you are doing is trying to take this conversation away from it's original point.

I'm not the one saying my country is on the same level as developed democratic countries while people are being sent to jail over facebook post.

I know you don't live in delusion Joe, I just pray you can educate your countrymen to be more like you and stop stop living in the world of unicorns and leprechauns where India is a glactic supa dupa pawa.

I know, I know, @Rusty, but the trouble is that these discussions rapidly get embroiled. They get embroiled either in Hindu vs. Muslim or in Pakistani vs. Indian Mine_is_Bigger_than_Yours games. That was, if you recall, one of the original games cited in Games People Play, although NIGGYSOB features very, very often.

Let's face it.

India is just emerging from being a basket case, living from ship to mouth in 1966, in front of me, as PL480 food came off the boats, to being a moderately well-funded power whose economic clout is two orders of magnitude greater than her political or her military stature. We are no supaPawa, and don't have the wish to be one. Except during Internet encounters of the worse kind.

You could help the conversation by not being so Teutonic and precise, and accurate. It isn't worth it. Not in 40 in the shade.
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Hardly an indefensible position, certainly not so when the one to challenge it is an inept as you in constructing a logical argument.

Neither is it my purview to comment upon what the moderators deem to see as fit or not, that is solely their prerogative, nor would any further employment of crassness by you lend even an approximation of "interesting" to anything further that you might post. Perhaps the meaning of the term "impasse" is lost on you or perhaps you wish to press on with your thread. Precarious as your position is, I have no wish to engage in something that has been demonstrably reduced to an exercise in futility by you.

If am so inept then why have you not destroyed my argument?
Based on that argument I have destroyed your wet dreams and that's all I intended to do.
You can believe what ever you want, but as soon as you make it public I have the right to make a fool of you. ;)

Made a fool of Indians and all I see now is :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


But why are you butt hurt about what we call ourselves?

Pitching in articles for which the action was taken in two weeks and the excess corrected?

We are indeed a democracy, Indianised Democracy but a democracy.

If am so inept then why have you not destroyed my argument?

It has been already but then you need a good understanding for identifying it..

So you are a high IQ Pakistani, right!
Last time I checked no one in Canada or anyplace else got thrown in jail for complaining about the traffic. This doesn't even happen in Communist China, the only place this kind of things could happen is in North Korea. So in reality you should be comparing yourself to North Korea.

Btw, instead of telling the guy who said that silly comment that he is wrong, you Internet Hindus tried to defend his silliness with your own silliness. That is what we call Indian IQ ;)

do you know what happens in china?

how are u sure?

If am so inept then why have you not destroyed my argument?

what is your argument?
Okay. Seriously..

I can't believe I waited on Joe as he was busy reading a thesaurus.

I have to work in the morning.


The article is hilarious. Your 'dynastic democracy', sorry, golden-haired blue-eyed boy of a democracy is hilarious and a hoax at best.

How it correlates to Indian Muslims living the best with the most freedoms out of all other Muslims is hilarious.

The fact that the writer may be Pakistani and not on the payroll of foreigners is hilarious.

All in all, I can end my night with a "LOL".

i thought,thats what happened every night.
You cannot deny that I said was true so instead you went for the "he hurt my feelings" tactic. Can't say I blame you, if I was in an indefensible position like you I would probably do the same.

Trust me, I could make this a lot more interesting if it wasn't for mods who for some reason really care about the feelings of Indians.

Why do you actually want to say. :cheesy:
Can someone tell me why we have muslims in our country? Why were they not sent to pakistan when these people tore Mother India apart?
Can someone tell me why we have muslims in our country? Why were they not sent to pakistan when these people tore Mother India apart?

because muslims got pakistan and secular people got india...
So you call 400 million Muslim Indians as secular people like the ones who worship rocks ,monkeys, elephants, almost in every animal but their creator you must be secran(drank)not secular, since the latter word points to the respect of others and their faiths or their views -as long as they do not pose any moral or physical threat to the society they live in or belong to-, that Islam has practiced successfuly for more than a thousand years of world governance .
But why are you butt hurt about what we call ourselves?

Pitching in articles for which the action was taken in two weeks and the excess corrected?

We are indeed a democracy, Indianised Democracy but a democracy.


they are always butt hurt when other people describe themselves. they get railed when indian calls themselves democracy or secular or when ahmadi call themseleves muslims. oh well.

So you call 400 million Muslim Indians as secular people like the ones who worship rocks ,monkeys, elephants, almost in every animal but their creator you must be secran(drank)not secular, since the latter word points to the respect of others and their faiths or their views -as long as they do not pose any moral or physical threat to the society they live in or belong to-, that Islam has practiced successfuly for more than a thousand years of world governance .

ok now i get it.. you just dont know the meaning of secularism , thats all.
Indian democracy is a sham in accordance to the concepts of greek democracy or even western democracy.

The west gives these mental slaves a few kind words and they pledge to work harder for their mental master.

How pathetic...

look who is saying...gO check if your Govt got enough aid from US or not....IF it is not enough then DON'T HESITATE.You have no right to criticize India buddy...look into mirror
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