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'Comfort women' get a memorial statue in Glendale, California

Götterdämmerung;4586743 said:
Now you are getting pathetic. Show me a German politicial who tried to retract our apology without getting kicked from his/her position! Show me a German politician who pays hommage to any of the Nazi politicians and lay flowers at their graves! Show me an officially published German history book that plays down Nazi crimes or even denys them!

Now there is a high ranking Japanese politician who officially states that Japan should emulate Nazi Germany and you have to cheek to even defend them.

don't know about graves,but most of the nazi built monuments are still standing and well maintained..and if you think about Yusukuni Shrine before posting it,let me say,it has no relation with WW 2 or their disrespect towards deceased as Chinese members previously claimed in other thread.its the record of whom died in the service of empire,as a whole..

and Japanese war criminals died too..and most of them were executed..few died even before accused.and I don't know whether they pay homage to their graves or not..and I didn't even want to compare post WW 2 conditions between Japan and Germany,as we both know what happened.
Why not saving our children? Who else can help them?

See this report. A lot of children are being sold and forced to be prostitutes. Who does this? South Korea. We have to stand and stop this violence/crime against children and women.

Sex Trafficking of Children in South Korea

Please visit the following site if you think you can stand for our children.
The sex slave or comfort woman issue is still on-going, and you can have more knowledge about it.

// Please search the facebook page with "ModernComfortWomen"

If you think this is important for our children, please read the report from the university of Rhode Island as a start in order to understand the background of the modern comfort women problem.

Modern day comfort women - University of Rhode Island
// Please google with "Modern day comfort women"

This gives one example of a Korean girl; she was abducted at age 14 from her village in South Korea, and was repeatedly raped and exploited by soldiers of the South Korean army. An American soldier brought her to the U.S. through a sham marriage, where she was then trafficked within the U.S. on a massage parlor circuit.

Obviously she was forced to be a sex slave or comfort woman. They destroyed her life completely when she was at age of 14, and she was never able to get it back in her life.

Can't you accept this? This sex slave crime has been existing for over a half century, and it's still on-going. Who does this? South Korea. I believe we should stand for our children.
don't know about graves,but most of the nazi built monuments are still standing and well maintained..and if you think about Yusukuni Shrine before posting it,let me say,it has no relation with WW 2 or their disrespect towards deceased as Chinese members previously claimed in other thread.its the record of whom died in the service of empire,as a whole..

and Japanese war criminals died too..and most of them were executed..few died even before accused.and I don't know whether they pay homage to their graves or not..and I didn't even want to compare post WW 2 conditions between Japan and Germany,as we both know what happened.

What Nazi monuments are you talking about? The Nazi built railway station? The Nazi built post office? The Nazi built townhall? They are all quite monumental but not a place of worship nor a place to glorify the Nazis.

Cool, see how your Isreali friends would react if we build a place for all the deceased who died in the service of the empire including all the Nazi bigshots.

Your arguments are getting sillier. How about getting back to the topic? Would you mind if my gov. starts to revert back to Nazi ideology, would that be fine for you, too?
Götterdämmerung;4586898 said:
What Nazi monuments are you talking about? The Nazi built railway station? The Nazi built post office? The Nazi built townhall? They are all quite monumental but not a place of worship nor a place to glorify the Nazis.

Cool, see how your Isreali friends would react if we build a place for all the deceased who died in the service of the empire including all the Nazi bigshots.

Your arguments are getting sillier. How about getting back to the topic? Would you mind if my gov. starts to revert back to Nazi ideology, would that be fine for you, too?

actually,nobody worships nazis,but Germany didn't abolished nazi built monuments..

Third Reich in Ruins

by the way,lets not drag this discussion any further..lets concentrate on topic here..
Why not saving our children? Who else can help them?

See this report. A lot of children are being sold and forced to be prostitutes. Who does this? South Korea. We have to stand and stop this violence/crime against children and women.

Sex Trafficking of Children in South Korea


lol you actually created your forum identity based on this thread? Seriously though, I do agree with you!. All people should stand against violence towards women and children.
actually,nobody worships nazis,but Germany didn't abolished nazi built monuments..

Third Reich in Ruins

by the way,lets not drag this discussion any further..lets concentrate on topic here..

Why should we destroy buildings built by the Nazis? After the war we were happy for any building that was still standing as millions of Germans lost everything including their homes. 70 % of my city was destroyed. The monuments that are left are used as a reminder of Nazi crimes, just like the concentration camps are still intact as a reminder of human barbarity. You will never find anything that gives the faintest notion that Nazis crimes are being glossed over.

Facing the court house of my city (built by Nazis) is a huge black wall with a huge 1933 (the yeat when Nazis came to power) written on it reminding us the dark years of judicial arbitrariness durng the Nazi era that happened in that court house. Even when we use those monumental buildings, we never forget the horror that happened in those buildings.

We came to this discussion because you started to defend the Japanese going to the Yasukuni shrine and making the ridiculous comparison that we also have well maintained buildings built by the Nazis. WTF?
Götterdämmerung;4587117 said:
We came to this discussion because you started to defend the Japanese going to the Yasukuni shrine and making the ridiculous comparison that we also have well maintained buildings built by the Nazis. WTF?

first I never defend japan..what i said is that every power did this kind of atrocities..and I talked about yusukuni shrine in #31 only after you talked about paying homage..but again I said that I don't even want to compare Japan and Germany as both are culturally different..now lest get back to the topic..
first I never defend japan..what i said is that every power did this kind of atrocities..and I talked about yusukuni shrine in #31 only after you talked about paying homage..but again I said that I don't even want to compare Japan and Germany as both are culturally different..now lest get back to the topic..

So, due to cultural difference it's all right for you or some other Indians or some Viets that a high ranking Japanese politician made those disgusting comments?
Götterdämmerung;4587228 said:
So, due to cultural difference it's all right for you or some other Indians or some Viets that a high ranking Japanese politician made those disgusting comments?

which disgusting comments???

Two wrongs doesn't make it right. How I view the US is well known here in this forum. German women were much better treated than Japanese women by the GIs, this probably is due to racism, since Germans are as white as the "standard" American at that time.

On the other hand, black GIs suffered less to no discriminations in Germany after WWII and lots of "fraternisation" happened between black GIs and German fräuleins, unthinkable in the US in that time.
Did I supported them??did IO said that what they did is forgivable??I only said that what they didi was done by every major powers during that time..so,no need to distinguish..

And I simply appreciate Nazis..if the attack on Russia wouldn't have have come,world's political map would have been different..though I don't support their radical ideas..

Many internation powers have commited crimes.. i agree.. but not on massive scales like japanese or nazis...

P.S= I wont be surprised if you admired nazis or imperial japan... considering several indians with hilter or nazi avatars ...

by the way,I stand right..you missed the very first lines..Baloch regiment was formed in 1956..it was 10 Baluch which have fought...by the way,thanx for the info..

Not just 10 baluch.. read the whole article... Baluch regiment is composed of the same regiments tht were part of the british indian army.
Götterdämmerung;4587918 said:
Two wrongs doesn't make it right. How I view the US is well known here in this forum. German women were much better treated than Japanese women by the GIs, this probably is due to racism, since Germans are as white as the "standard" American at that time.

On the other hand, black GIs suffered less to no discriminations in Germany after WWII and lots of "fraternisation" happened between black GIs and German fräuleins, unthinkable in the US in that time.

There are more than two wrongs and they are the instances which make a pattern if you see it. It is if you can't defend yourself, you lose everything. Japan could have saved itself if it had opted for a different strategy but it failed and paid for its failure more than what anyone had to pay.

I don't understand why China singles out Japan all the time but keeps mum when US led forces had committed more horrible atrocities in China during the Opium Wars.
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