The original plans in very early 2000s called for 2 aircraft carriers. One each for East and West. And both aircraft carriers have their own airwing. So the original plan was to buy around 90 Mig29K to raise 4 squadrons. 2 each in East and West.
The 43 Mig29K are under Western Naval Command to serve R33.
The 26 new aircrafts will be raised in the east for R11. Before Mig29Ks can be relieved of Aircraft Carrier duties, we will need to buy around 16-20 more new airframes for East.
Once that's done, then things will be decided based on resources left.
But interoperability will mean when just one aircraft carrier is operating, the 26 can fly from that one aircraft carrier.
The overall availability rate (it simply means that irrespective of aircraft carrier or shore based facilities) is decent 60%. It's the problem with faulty FADEC of RD33MK series which means that when on aircraft carrier the operation suffers.
The Mig29K units are seeing deployments north along the western borders and in Leh.
As for operational availability, the P8I fleet has 85-90% availability. So American planes shouldn't exactly be a problem.
C17, C130J and P8I all have actually very good availability of more than 85%. And given the investment going in for GE F414 series maintenance and building up reserves, the operations of Super Hornet, "if purchased" should be fine.