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'Collaborators' to be Axed from Voter List

Dear @idune, can you tell us the definition of your 'Indian collaborator' term? Has India waged war against BD? If India does so some day in accordance with your holy prediction and a few Bangladeshis choose to fight in favor of that invader, only then you can call them India-loving Razakaars.

Siding with opposite side in aWar IS NOT ONLY criteria for being collaborator. It is even more dangerious and destructive when people work against national interest of independent Bangladesh or any other country for that matter. Besides, in contemporary world aggression is not only committed with tank and fighter. Bangladesh sovereighnty, people and livelihood had been facing indian aggression since the day Bangladesh got its independence. Anyone or any entity helpping and facilitating indian aggression and interference against Bangladesh directly or indirectly is collaborator, pure and simple. Now go back to mirror and see reflection of your self.
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‘Collaborators’ to be axed from voter list
Moinul Hoque Chowdhury, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-06-21 08:15:31.0 Updated: 2013-06-21 09:52:24.0

Names of the collaborators, who had sided with Pakistani army during the nation’s Liberation War in 1971, are likely to be struck down from the electoral rolls....

That's crazy $hit.

you all want to say that an event 50 years ago will impact voter's list of today?

What the f?

Anyone who was of adult age of 20 (and thus capable of making their own decisions) would now be 70 years old baba ji.

and how many such babas are alive today?
How many of them are able to walk to the polling station?

How many actually go and vote in BDesh? and what percent of those will be the 70 years baba collaborators?


As I said this is crazy $hit.

It doesn't matter to me (as Pakistani) one way or the other,


it sure sounds like a political witch-hunt where Awami League will use this "collaborator" label to persecute opponents.

Not good.

Not good at all.
That's crazy $hit.

you all want to say that an event 50 years ago will impact voter's list of today?

What the f?

^^ Never waste even a second on BD politics in your life, you will not get any return, but Sh1ts.
Siding with opposite side in aWar IS NOT ONLY criteria for being collaborator.....


Such crazy $hit means people are living in the past.

A collaborator was bad only in 1971 i.e. 50 years ago, during an active insurgency.

that time is long gone.

After 1971, they should have gotten some kind of amnesty and absorbed in the society.

I already said, most of the active collaborators should be either dead or dying at the age of 70 years or more.

^^ Never waste even a second on BD politics in your life, you will not get any return, but Sh1ts.

point well taken.

Many 70 years old baba ji's in my community still carry the hateful $hit of the past.

As Bihar is close to Bengal, I bet there is some "Lallu" influence of BIMARU states on BDesh too.

peace to you my man. Peace to you.
Siding with opposite side in aWar IS NOT ONLY criteria for being collaborator. It is even more dangerious and destructive when people work against national interest of independent Bangladesh or any other country for that matter. Besides, in contemporary world aggression is not only committed with tank and fighter. Bangladesh sovereighnty, people and livelihood had been facing indian aggression since the day Bangladesh got its independence. Anyone or any entity helpping and facilitating indian aggression and interference against Bangladesh directly or indirectly is collaborator, pure and simple. Now go back to mirror and see reflection of your self.

Collaborators for India are those who proved themselves as collaborators in 1971. Thing is, these people do not want a free BD. That is why they jumped to help Pakistan and will again help India whenever the situation arises. It is in their DNA and blood. So, go and see the mirror yourself.

By the way, did you really work as a Razaakar in 1971? If not why you are so fond of bullying BD? Perhaps, your parents did. But, try to love BD.
^^ Never waste even a second on BD politics in your life, you will not get any return, but Sh1ts.

I think it's wrong to make such a blanket statement about BD politics. It's only the Awami 'Bastard' League who don't let our politics come outside the labyrinth of 71. Their motive is obvious- how do you otherwise cripple a nation if you fail to keep alive a division among the people?
All #OrangeLovers are collaborator.

They want such things in BD that common people never thing about.
PK helped USA, PK is screwed,
BD helps India, BD will be screwed.


dear PK is screwed by the Pakistanis (and not Americans)

same way if BD is screwed, the cause will be BDeshis and not Indians.

People got to take responsibility for all the screwing that goes on inside their own homes.

Same way it is about time

People got to take responsibility for all the $hitting that goes on inside their own homes.

dear PK is screwed by the Pakistanis (and not Americans)

same way if BD is screwed, the cause will be BDeshis and not Indians.

People got to take responsibility for all the screwing that goes on inside their own homes.

Same way it is about time

People got to take responsibility for all the $hitting that goes on inside their own homes.

Yes, most Bangladeshis are dumb. People blame India all the time but the fault is in us. Anyone who buys the **** BAL spews shouldn't have an iq more than single digit number

dear PK is screwed by the Pakistanis (and not Americans)

same way if BD is screwed, the cause will be BDeshis and not Indians.

People got to take responsibility for all the screwing that goes on inside their own homes.

Same way it is about time

People got to take responsibility for all the $hitting that goes on inside their own homes.

Yes the prey is more responsible for being victim than the predator.

But the problem is the predator pretends as a friend, so the prey does not know she will be victimized.
Collaborators for India are those who proved themselves as collaborators in 1971. Thing is, these people do not want a free BD. That is why they jumped to help Pakistan and will again help India whenever the situation arises. It is in their DNA and blood. So, go and see the mirror yourself.

Pakistan might be understandable. Nor do they matter.

But India?

In which instances did JI help India?

Under what political, social and economic scope is there for them to do so?

Please do provide evidence, otherwise it's all Facebook literature and hearsay.

‘Collaborators’ to be axed from voter list
Moinul Hoque Chowdhury, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-06-21 08:15:31.0 Updated: 2013-06-21 09:52:24.0

Names of the collaborators, who had sided with Pakistani army during the nation’s Liberation War in 1971, are likely to be struck down from the electoral rolls.

A preliminary decision to this effect was taken after the 15th Amendment to the Constitution. Recently the Home Ministry has sent a list of those convicted under the Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order 1972 to the Election Commission.

Commission’s Secretary Muhammed Sadique told bdnews24.com that a list of 47 persons was furnished by the Home Ministry following the EC’s request. “I have not yet gone through the names,” he said.

The list would be placed in the regular EC meeting soon to determine the next steps, the secretary added.

The current voter’s list was prepared by the EC in 2008. In 2009 and 2012 the commission collected fresh data and information, and based on these, it has updated the lists this year.

After the recent trials of war criminals and 15th Amendment to the Constitution, the EC’s attention was drawn to striking of the collaborators’ name from the electoral roll.

Deputy Secretary in the EC Secretariat on Mar 19 wrote a letter to the Senior Home Secretary seeking list of those convicted under The Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order, 1972.

The letter pointed out that as per the Section 122 -Sub-section 2 (e) of the Constitution, names of those convicted under the Collaborators Order need to be removed from the voter’s list and hence the EC would need the names and description of those convicts.

As per the Constitution’s provision any person could be enlisted as voters for the Parliamentary elections if not convicted under Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order, 1972.

Section 66 of the Constitution also disqualifies any convict under the same law from participating in any elections.

The Representation of the People's Order (RPO) also debarred those convicted by national or international courts and tribunals from participating in parliamentary elections.

In response to the letter, Deputy Secretary in the Home Ministry on May 25 sent the list of 47 persons to the EC Secretariat.

As per the Home Ministry’s list, four are from Rajbarhi, four from Chittagong, 31 from Comilla, seven from Noakhali and one from Jhenidah.

The list also mentioned the convicts’ jail term and the date of their release. Some of them were also referred in the list as acquaintances of the Razakar Bahini.

War Crimes Facts Finding Committee Convenor MA Hasan said, “This list of the Home Ministry could be a primary one. Nearly 37,000 were accused of being collaborators after the independence. More than 700 were convicted.”

War criminals and the collaborators of the Pakistani forces during the 1971 Liberation War had no rights to be enlisted as voters in this country, he said. “Immediate steps must be taken to prevent them from voting.”

The Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order was introduced in 1972 for the trial of those sided with the Pakistani army during the Liberation War. But on Oct 31, 1975 the law was scrapped after the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, earlier that year. All the convicts were also released.

The EC officials say the preliminary list did not content the name of anyone convicted by International Crime Tribunals, but as per the law their names too are likely to be removed from the electoral roll.

Names of such convicts were enlisted in the voters’ lists for the nine elections held in the country since independence.

After receiving a detail list from the Home Ministry, the EC after verifying data of the photo electoral roll, would take steps to delete the names of the convicts, the EC officials claim.

the only collaborators who need to be excluded are the muktis who sided with bharat and killed innocent bengalis and behairs muslims....
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