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Colin Powell, dies of Covid complications at 84

You need to rediscover world map and see where Iraq and Afghanistan are
You need to rediscover history to figure out from where did the US launch offensive against Iraq. What was fellow Islamic brethren Kuwait's role in it. Why there was no reaction from the Arabs apart from usual lipservice comments.
This one?

"Powell was a professional soldier for 35 years, holding a variety of command and staff positions and rising to the rank of general."

In this case you didn't think deep enough. I meant after his military time. :)

He served his country well.

It is the duty of the soldier to question and protest against his government when it is doing wrong, whether internally or externally. Corrective actions are brought about this way, whether in Russia in 1917 or Egypt in 1952 or Libya in 1969 or the attempted one in Pakistan in 1951 or in other places.

Colin Powell did not question and protest against his government.

Also, the Ghaznis went through 7 levels of hell according to the Jains.

What about the Bargis ( Marathas ) who pillaged Bengal annually for ten years ? The Bengalis have nightmare lullabies about this.

RIP to Iraqi children such as this one who got cancers because of Powell's misguided loyalties :

What is your interest in RIP'ing to him ?
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Colin Powell, former secretary of State who made case for Iraq invasion, dies of Covid complications at 84

Colin Powell, the former secretary of State and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has died from Covid complications at the age of 84.

“General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from Covid 19,” the Powell family wrote on Facebook.

“We have lost a remarkable and loving husband, father, grandfather and a great American,” the family said, noting he was fully vaccinated.

the man who lied to the world on Iraq's WMD at the UN.....

the world better off with people like him expired...
He served his country well.

like a used condom...
If you believe in a God and the afterlife, judgement etc., then you can rest assured that there are special places in Hell reserved for the likes of Colin Powell who has blood of millions on his hands, including infants, toddlers, children, women, elderly, men etc., and all of them innocent.

don't also forget the Islamophobia that these wretched people caused and spread. They are the real terrorists but slapped the label on Muslim freedom fighters who were only fighting these liars and invaders and now the whole Muslim ummah is being accused of terrorism.
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Valid point, what about the local enablers of these modern day Nazis, like Mushy who provided bases, air corridor, coordination and even bombing runs from our own F-16 in support of the war of terror. Heck we even sold our own people to Americans to be tortured and imprisoned in Gitmo for $5K per head. Will Mushy and his merry band of Generals burn in hell as well for their part.

A million dollar question :yahoo:
No, I'm a Christian who currently listens to Spotify, Tidal and YouTube music subscriptions

A Christian, a true Christian would have a conscience and a firm belief on the day of Judgement where one will also have to answer for his inaction/support/defense to those who caused terrorism and suffering on innocent human beings, be they of any faith!
I will gladly write an essay on you, posthumously, just like the topic of this thread about a deceased soldier who loyally served his country. :D

I wonder if loyalty to ones country can cover up for the lies that leads to the deaths of innocent people be celebrated ? If a nation celebrate such loyalists then what is the moral standing of the said country/nation? dead?
The ultimate rationale behind most major events in the mid east has remained the since 1948. It is to make the region safe for undisputed Israeli control, and the remergence of ancient greater Israel.

Arab rulers and establishments have already capitulated en masse, and are lining up to pledge allegiance to their former foe, and now their new master in Tel Aviv. However, the few remaining resistance forces, and countries that stand in the way of it, will need to be whacked into submission to establish the pax judaica, and it's only a matter of time until that is done.

Conspiracy theorist.
Killed by the US military lab made virus in the end - irony!

Burn permanently in hell murderer!

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