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Colin Powell, dies of Covid complications at 84

A relative of mine is in the navy yet I will still hold onto my position.
Good then ask him if does the "right" things as he sees fit, or just as ordered.
That makes one a robot, not a thinking and empathetic person.
Military is not social service arm of a country.

I re-read it now and I still didn't see you criticizing Powell.
For what? Doing his job? Right or wrong he did what needed to be done to keep US interest in the region. Is the US in a worse position because of it?No. The main aim of US was to notch Iraq down a few bits and oust Sadham which they did. If you ask my opinion, yes it was unnecessary seeing what followed. Then again not my monkey not my circus.
Good then ask him if does the "right" things as he sees fit, or just as ordered.

If we were to ever have a deep discussion I will certainly speak to him about military men in Russia, Egypt, Libya, Syria etc.

Military is not social service arm of a country.

But ideally it should be.

For what? Doing his job? Right or wrong he did what needed to be done to keep US interest in the region. Is the US in a worse position because of it?No. The main aim of US was to notch Iraq down a few bits and oust Sadham which they did.

If we are going into legal technicalities then will you also accept Lenin's revolution since your signature has :
I hate communism, enjoys trolling communists.

If you ask my opinion, yes it was unnecessary seeing what followed.


Then again not my monkey not my circus.

You say that but then you wrote a generous obituary of him in post# 42.
If we were to ever have a deep discussion I will certainly speak to him about military men in Russia, Egypt, Libya, Syria etc.
Russian soldiers brought down a jet full of passengers. Nice... Great example of doing what you're ordered to do.
But ideally it should be.
Ideally it should be defense arm, but also should go on offense when required.
If we are going into legal technicalities then will you also accept Lenin's revolution since your signature has :
Lenin did what he thought was right. And the Russians celebrated him by tearing down his statues. I never said the Americans were right to invade Iraq.

You say that but then you wrote a generous obituary of him in post# 42.
Oh I simply mocked the way certain comments were made in regards to going to hell and stuff. Like nobody did anything to him when he was alive and he lived very long and well. Hence the Jain-Ghaznavid comparison, the Jains put the Ghaznis in hell through writing and gave brief details of his sufferings😂

I hope you get my point.
It's hilarious that someone deleted my post. Apparently even Colin Powell deserves respect apparently.
Russian soldiers brought down a jet full of passengers. Nice... Great example of doing what you're ordered to do.

I was talking about the Russian revolution of 1917 but about the incident you pointed out AFAIK it is unresolved.

Ideally it should be defense arm, but also should go on offense when required.

It necessarily has to be a defense arm, whether defending one's own territory or of one's allies, as long as the alliance is of righteousness ( like the Russian military defending Syria ).

It shouldn't be an invasions-oriented military like the American one whose budget just for 2020-21 was 934 billion dollars, this while so many Americans are homeless, hungry, have to pay for healthcare and education and other things.

Lenin did what he thought was right. And the Russians celebrated him by tearing down his statues.

I don't think any Lenin statue within Russia has been torn down. This has been mostly within the European side of former USSR and its East European allies. But this thread of mine from 2020 is of an article about a Lenin statue erected in Germany.

I never said the Americans were right to invade Iraq.


Oh I simply mocked the way certain comments were made in regards to going to hell and stuff. Like nobody did anything to him when he was alive and he lived very long and well. Hence the Jain-Ghaznavid comparison, the Jains put the Ghaznis in hell through writing and gave brief details of his sufferings😂

I hope you get my point.

OK, that was your POV.
Of course Hitler was doing what he thought was best for his country. I have no problem with that at all. Do you think China exterminating Uighurs is just as wrong as Germany exterminating Jews, or not?
You're the one peddling National Interest here.
You're the one peddling National Interest here.

LOL. There is no peddling here. National interests are determined by every nation for itself, and never for others, whether by Powell, or Hitler, or Xi.
I was talking about the Russian revolution of 1917 but about the incident you pointed out AFAIK it is unresolved.
Oh Soviet Union. It was obvious from day one, independent investigation proved it.
It necessarily has to be a defense arm, whether defending one's own territory or of one's allies, as long as the alliance is of righteousness ( like the Russian military defending Syria ).

It shouldn't be an invasions-oriented military like the American one whose budget just for 2020-21 was 934 billion dollars, this while so many Americans are homeless, hungry, have to pay for healthcare and education and other things.
So, Russia was right to invade Afg. It was right to defend Syria, similarly US can be right to invade Iraq, right to defend Kuwait.
I don't think any Lenin statue within Russia has been torn down. This has been mostly within the European side of former USSR and its East European allies. But this thread of mine from 2020 is of an article about a Lenin statue erected in Germany.
You are using Russia and USSR interchangeably. Point being Lenin wasn't favorite of the Former Soviet Republics. He purged common people who were seen as a threat. So yeah, their anger is understandable.

You can put Lenin statues in the US too. And there is a Lenin statue in NYC. Whats your point.
LOL. There is no peddling here. National interests are determined by every nation for itself, and never for others, whether by Powell, or Hitler, or Xi.
So USA demonising the Nazis has everything to do with national interest rather than moral stand. Got it.
So USA demonising the Nazis has everything to do with national interest rather than moral stand. Got it.

Just as much as Pakistan refusing to see the Chinese atrocities on Uighur Muslims while taking a moral stand to help Kashmiri Muslims. Of course.
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Please do consider Colin Powell was a US General and a US Secretary of State. He served USA to the best of his abilities, as he was sworn to do. What about that you feel is morally wrong?

I refused to believe that he did not know that the evidences against the Iraq's WMD's are fake and made up, like you said he comes from low to high in his life, so a man with that level of intellectual I can not believe that he was just doing his duty by reading out from the paper in UN like a child, he knows that those evidences are fake and he knows what his administration are about to do to a country, and many innocents will die because of his direct action. So does a man's loyalty to his country more than the universal moral values ? yes his oath, blah blah yes swore to serve US, but what of his own conscious ? if he go with it than he is not someone I'd say rest in peace because a man with no moral values or regard for innocent human life does not deserve peace in this and next world.
I have access to the video of the sadman lynching since this forum tends to be on your side I am not allowed to post such refutations that would prove you to be an ignorant (more likely a liar rather than ignorant) propagandist for the corrupt thieves who stole the revolution.


Saddam was executed by hanging in a formal setting after having been trialed. Not by an extrajudicial mob. Now if this execution is what you call lynching, then we're having a difference of definitions here. Your multiple ad hominems / insults are misplaced.

Which is not to say that it was really a fair trial. Namely, Saddam's every crimes were cited, except those he committed against Iran and Iranians, such as the illegal use of WMD on both Iranian military and civilian targets during the 1980-88 war. Which is further evidence as to the fact that US policy in Iraq was not meant to be favorable to Iran, quite the contrary.

Gaddafi's killing on the other hand really fits the definition of a lynching, since there had been no trial and it was carried out by a mob consisting of tens of NATO's useful idiot "jihadis", in presence and under the watchful eye of special forces from NATO member states.
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The colored man who did all the lying for fake WMD in Iraq on behalf of USA , thousands died , economy of Iraq destroyed , and at his home country he still enjoyed a hero's status. I support it was part of "Strategy" at the time

Then USA preaches everyone , China is evil or Russia is evil , or Iran is evil or Syria is evil
Killed by himself by a biological weapon.
This one?

"Powell was a professional soldier for 35 years, holding a variety of command and staff positions and rising to the rank of general."
I thought you said, he was involved in Vietnam atrocities
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