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Colin Powell, dies of Covid complications at 84

The colored man who did all the lying for fake WMD in Iraq on behalf of USA , thousands died , economy of Iraq destroyed , and at his home country he still enjoyed a hero's status. I support it was part of "Strategy" at the time

Then USA preaches everyone , China is evil or Russia is evil , or Iran is evil or Syria is evil
Another one who should have been tried for war crimes he committed in Iraq, Libya, Somalia and elsewhere.
He's a shame on the African American history -- got used as a condom for the white masters in an ejaculation of greed. From somewhere Trumpers could be shipping a box of condoms to his funeral.

He later regretted his role in the invasion but seems reluctantly :
Powell, the first secretary of state in the administration of George W. Bush, the former US president, which declared war on Iraq in 2003, told Al Jazeera on the 10th anniversary of the worst terror attacks on US soil that the information was a “blot on my record”.

“It turned out, as we discovered later, that a lot of sources that had been attested to by the intelligence community were wrong,” Powell said in Washington, DC.

“I understood the consequences of that failure and, as I said, I deeply regret that the information – some of the information, not all of it – was wrong,” said the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“It has blotted my record, but – you know – there’s nothing I can do to change that blot. All I can say is that I gave it the best analysis that I could.”

Powell, who was secretary of state from 2002 to 2005, gave an elaborate description of Iraq’s weapons programme in the run-up to the war, saying “ambition and hatred” were enough to bring Iraq and al-Qaeda together and build more sophisticated bombs.

“I gave that speech on a four days’ notice based on an intelligence estimate that had been done months before and provided to Congress, and every word in that speech was gone over by the director of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) and his deputy director and all experts,” he said.

In the United Kingdom, a traditional ally of the US which backed the military campaign, Tony Blair, who was prime minister at the time of the invasion, said Iraq had the capacity to deploy weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes.

Blair has since been criticised for allegedly exaggerating that claim and for presenting intelligence that overstated the case for going to war. But Powell said he did not exaggerate the information he presented to Congress.

“There is nothing that I made up; there’s nothing that I stuck in there,” he said.

“Some people tried to stick extra things in there that the intelligence community wouldn’t verify and I said ‘no’.

“And so when I presented that information, it was information that the president believed in; information that my colleagues in government believed in.”

Powell said he “presented the best evidence that we had” and that the United Kingdom and other nations believed it.
But yes, Bush Jr, Bliar, Obomba, Sarkozy etc should be tried for genocide, war crimes, subversion, sabotage etc.
How are they veterans, the cowardly bastards sat behind a desk and told lies and got millions of innocent people killed on fabricated WMD BS.
didn't they win Iraq for you? and helped you to lynch Sadman Hossain? how ungrateful! or just feigning outrage to hide the real facts
The colored man who did all the lying for fake WMD in Iraq on behalf of USA , thousands died , economy of Iraq destroyed , and at his home country he still enjoyed a hero's status. I support it was part of "Strategy" at the time

Then USA preaches everyone , China is evil or Russia is evil , or Iran is evil or Syria is evil
Powell is the ultimate neoliberal uncle tom
:coffee: I never understood why Iraq was invaded first they were sanctioned for 10 years , you would hear lack of medicine in hospitals and supplies and , economy tanked , then there was a disruptive war

Just for a boogie man who was pretty much not interested in war (expressed many times)
Then there was search for WMD in Iraq which eventually lead to nothing

There was no repercussion against decision to start war in Iraq

Then conveniently in US media they blamed it all on Shia -Sunni violence and the narrative to actually start the war was lost

I don't often follow Iraq's news but they took a massive economic hit due to war for 20 years they were generally a very wealthy nation (not as wealthy as middle east) but still well to do , vibrant growing nation.
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