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Cold Start 2.0: Is Rawat taking a leaf out of Soviet Tactics to Call Pakistani Tactical Nuclear Buff


Sep 20, 2014
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OURCE: Satyajeet Kumar/ FOR MY TAKE / IDRW.ORG


Current Indian Army chief General Bipin Rawat was the first serving Army chief who acknowledge India’s cold start Doctrine for the first time. Rawat was also first to confirm that cold start doctrine which Pakistan felt was defeated after the development of tactical nukes was still alive and kicking and was likely to be further enhanced and modified to take care of Pakistani tactical nuclear threats.

In 2016 elite Mathura-based Strike Corps of Indian Army carried out major exercise ” Shatrujeet” which involved 30000 personal. Aim of the strike crops what to carry out a simulation to validate and skills to counter chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) warfare.

Many Indian defence analysts saw so this has attempted at tweaking of cold start doctrine to practice the ability to strike deep into enemy territory in integrated air and land better environment.

Army Chief General Bipin Rawat while speaking to Indian media last year again stressed that Indian Army was ready to call Pakistan’s “nuclear bluff” and cross the border to carry out any operation if asked by the government.

Renewed aggression from Bipin Rawat saw usual panicky and comical nuclear threats from Pakistani military establishment and civilian government officials but there were some guarded murmurings also coming out of Indian defence analyst community. For long this particular community from India in its interaction with Indian Army has been advocating to take Pakistan’s tactical nuclear Warhead threats seriously.

But few in India’s strategic community do believe that Rawat might have found a way to actually call Pakistan’s nuclear bluff. According to them, Rawat might have developed multi-strategy Action Plan which might see the use of new techniques and insertion points which will make it or Pakistan very difficult to use technical news on Indian troops.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra who is Senior ?Research ?Fellow with the Nuclear Security Programme?(NSP)? at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies believes that Rawat is right to call of Pakistan’s nuclear fluff because Indian Army might have adopted an old Soviet tactic developed by General Chuikov in World War 2.

“Hugging the enemy ” an interesting strategy which prevented German Air Force from using aerial bombings to drop bombs which could have endangered German Troops on the ground. General Chuikov ordered his troops to get close to enemy positions and use stealth at night and camouflage to get to close to your enemy.

Rawat taking a leaf out of the strategy might have developed a new counter to reach Pakistani defence positions much before taken anticipate thirst preventing the use of a tactical nuclear warhead. Strike Corps may be further divided into smaller batches and move to highly populated areas in Pakistan which could also prevent the intervention of Pakistani Air Force.

Rawat doesn’t seem to believe that Pakistan will use one of its own nuclear warheads on its own population just to eliminate few thousand Indian soldiers as per Indian assessment use of tactical nuclear device within Pakistani cities we’ll see 100 times more casualties then what Indian Army will suffer.

India is also aggressively investing in the purchase of equipment’s and Systems which could allow troops to function even after a nuclear detonation in the vicinity. Development of QR-SAM mobile Air defence system she will move with the strike Corps also validates that India is now aggressively pursuing Cold Start 2.0 doctrine at the highest level.

India’s acquisition of the S-400 Triumf air defence system to provide a shield to vulnerable targets in Delhi and Mumbai and likely deployment of India’s two-tiered ballistic missile defence (BMD) system will complicate Pakistan’s target calculations.

More General Bipin Rawat talks about calling Pakistan’s nuclear bluff Pakistan will be doubting its own capability to prevent India’s use of cold start doctrine which in long term will prevent Pakistan from planning another Mumbai type attacks. 2018 will mark the 10th year of Mumbai attacks, counter-terrorism strategies implemented by India not only has prevented search level of more attacks in other metros in India but fear of cold start doctrine has also deterred Pakistani nexus of military and terror organisation to plan next round of attacks in India.

OURCE: Satyajeet Kumar/ FOR MY TAKE / IDRW.ORG


Current Indian Army chief General Bipin Rawat was the first serving Army chief who acknowledge India’s cold start Doctrine for the first time. Rawat was also first to confirm that cold start doctrine which Pakistan felt was defeated after the development of tactical nukes was still alive and kicking and was likely to be further enhanced and modified to take care of Pakistani tactical nuclear threats.

In 2016 elite Mathura-based Strike Corps of Indian Army carried out major exercise ” Shatrujeet” which involved 30000 personal. Aim of the strike crops what to carry out a simulation to validate and skills to counter chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) warfare.

Many Indian defence analysts saw so this has attempted at tweaking of cold start doctrine to practice the ability to strike deep into enemy territory in integrated air and land better environment.

Army Chief General Bipin Rawat while speaking to Indian media last year again stressed that Indian Army was ready to call Pakistan’s “nuclear bluff” and cross the border to carry out any operation if asked by the government.

Renewed aggression from Bipin Rawat saw usual panicky and comical nuclear threats from Pakistani military establishment and civilian government officials but there were some guarded murmurings also coming out of Indian defence analyst community. For long this particular community from India in its interaction with Indian Army has been advocating to take Pakistan’s tactical nuclear Warhead threats seriously.

But few in India’s strategic community do believe that Rawat might have found a way to actually call Pakistan’s nuclear bluff. According to them, Rawat might have developed multi-strategy Action Plan which might see the use of new techniques and insertion points which will make it or Pakistan very difficult to use technical news on Indian troops.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra who is Senior ?Research ?Fellow with the Nuclear Security Programme?(NSP)? at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies believes that Rawat is right to call of Pakistan’s nuclear fluff because Indian Army might have adopted an old Soviet tactic developed by General Chuikov in World War 2.

“Hugging the enemy ” an interesting strategy which prevented German Air Force from using aerial bombings to drop bombs which could have endangered German Troops on the ground. General Chuikov ordered his troops to get close to enemy positions and use stealth at night and camouflage to get to close to your enemy.

Rawat taking a leaf out of the strategy might have developed a new counter to reach Pakistani defence positions much before taken anticipate thirst preventing the use of a tactical nuclear warhead. Strike Corps may be further divided into smaller batches and move to highly populated areas in Pakistan which could also prevent the intervention of Pakistani Air Force.

Rawat doesn’t seem to believe that Pakistan will use one of its own nuclear warheads on its own population just to eliminate few thousand Indian soldiers as per Indian assessment use of tactical nuclear device within Pakistani cities we’ll see 100 times more casualties then what Indian Army will suffer.

India is also aggressively investing in the purchase of equipment’s and Systems which could allow troops to function even after a nuclear detonation in the vicinity. Development of QR-SAM mobile Air defence system she will move with the strike Corps also validates that India is now aggressively pursuing Cold Start 2.0 doctrine at the highest level.

India’s acquisition of the S-400 Triumf air defence system to provide a shield to vulnerable targets in Delhi and Mumbai and likely deployment of India’s two-tiered ballistic missile defence (BMD) system will complicate Pakistan’s target calculations.

More General Bipin Rawat talks about calling Pakistan’s nuclear bluff Pakistan will be doubting its own capability to prevent India’s use of cold start doctrine which in long term will prevent Pakistan from planning another Mumbai type attacks. 2018 will mark the 10th year of Mumbai attacks, counter-terrorism strategies implemented by India not only has prevented search level of more attacks in other metros in India but fear of cold start doctrine has also deterred Pakistani nexus of military and terror organisation to plan next round of attacks in India.


TNWs are here to stay in modern warfare as even US is again going to modernize them for future warfare.


If IAF & IN think that they are that good then why they just talk? if you think you are that good then implement those words on ground so world would know what is reality.

This is what nukes can do and SAMs could be sitting ducks due to very powerful EMP.

Rawat taking a leaf out of the strategy might have developed a new counter to reach Pakistani defence positions much before taken anticipate thirst preventing the use of a tactical nuclear warhead. Strike Corps may be further divided into smaller batches and move to highly populated areas in Pakistan which could also prevent the intervention of Pakistani Air Force.
well if this the understanding in Indian defence circles than one must ask a basic question just for sake of understanding
What IF Pakistan decide to use tactical nukes & PAF against the supply deepos & battle command headquarters of invading Indian forces ??
You cant call a bluff nuclear or otherwise by words.

Thats the stupidest thing thats come out of this clowns mouth.

The reality is MAD has worked thats why he's talking about it

He is using words and speeches which cost nothing to talk bull shit

If he is so confident then send forces over the border enmass
well if this the understanding in Indian defence circles than one must ask a basic question just for sake of understanding
What IF Pakistan decide to use tactical nukes & PAF against the supply deepos & battle command headquarters of invading Indian forces ??
Any nuke attack on Indian soil or indian forces,India will retaliate according to our nuclear doctrine.
Meanwhile PAF will fight its own war with IAF trying to save there command centres,air bases throughSEAD DEAD/CAS operations.
In ww2 soviet had home filed advantage were already there in Soviet land German when came and occupied Soviet territory were naturally mixed with Soviet and obviously there were no smart munitions then
All this when Indian bs is based upon a super rapid occupation of pak territories especially populated ones but look how much trouble USA faced occupying tiny Iraqi cities days for each and that's Iraq with no practical air force and obsolete tiny army and open desert environment best for tank warfare and massive troop movement India doesn't enjoys such advantage
Any nuke attack on Indian soil or indian forces,India will retaliate according to our nuclear doctrine.
Meanwhile PAF will fight its own war with IAF trying to save there command centres,air bases throughSEAD DEAD/CAS operations.

Once Pakistan decides to hit indians with a nuclear weapon then our entires arsenal, military machine and weapons systems will be ready to strike if india even thinks about responding
Ww2 was long time ago Russians were the most loyal and sacrificing force of that era just to repel enemy they would charge German army head. Now technology has came to action nv is with every soldier of both country.
Rawat is good general but one has to keep one thing is mind Pakistan won't use tactical nukes on the first sight of enemy.
This entire article was just time wasting lacking any realities regarding proper invading or war scenario .
There is never going to be war between Pak and ind there will always be border skirmishes. If their is the Allah help us both because it could get to the point of eliminating 1/3 of world population.
Don't revive a settled matter - Confucius

Didn't this entire matter get settled when President Zia-ul Hak visited PM Rajiv Gandhi and shared a piece of his mind??? It was the time of Operation Basstacks, intricately planned by General Sunderji - even his top field commander (General Hoon) had no clear clues - to give a final blow to Pak that his predecessor General Choudhury (another armored freak) failed in '65!!! Not to mention the Soviet presence in Afghanistan. All thes fine gentlemen - the Brahmins and Paris from the most authenticate Aryan lots India has ever produced - did have a class no matter how much venom they had for Pak!!!! And, they understood perfectly well the Pak position for their own elder family members worked under the Muslim Padishahs and Sultans! Now, compare these current lots with them!
TNWs are here to stay in modern warfare as even US is again going to modernize them for future warfare.


If IAF & IN think that they are that good then why they just talk? if you think you are that good then implement those words on ground so world would know what is reality.

This is what nukes can do and SAMs could be sitting ducks due to very powerful EMP.

This is not in defence of the apparent strategy that has been outlined by the Indian commentator; planning for a conventional strike into Pakistan and assuming that the tactical nuclear weapon threat can in some way be handled is defying gravity.

This is in answer to the points you have raised. Taking time to plan and to implement the plan is a crime in war-time only to military students who have gained their knowledge of military strategy and of warfare from comic books. The Indian Army got eight months to prepare for the Bangladesh situation, and made full use of it. Currently, if you have even glanced through the magisterial essay by @Tipu7, you would have seen that the Indian Army, in Tipu7's analysis, has systematically tried every element of a post-Cold Start (not Cold Start, the Indian commentator is talking nonsense) in successive years. The outlines of this post-Cold Start doctrine are now clear; its implementation, location and timing, and the order of battle are obviously not part of doctrine, but of strategy.

A little less of chest-inflated posturing, please. Learn to see what is being done, before asking for a Ready-Shoot-Aim sort of procedure.

well if this the understanding in Indian defence circles than one must ask a basic question just for sake of understanding
What IF Pakistan decide to use tactical nukes & PAF against the supply deepos & battle command headquarters of invading Indian forces ??

What do YOU think will happen when nuclear devices, any kind, tactical or strategic, are used by either side? Answer your own question.

You cant call a bluff nuclear or otherwise by words.

Thats the stupidest thing thats come out of this clowns mouth.

The reality is MAD has worked thats why he's talking about it

He is using words and speeches which cost nothing to talk bull shit

If he is so confident then send forces over the border enmass

One more add-hot-water-and-stir military genius. So much for staff, so much for planning. This could be described as the communal riot school of warfare.
Once Pakistan decides to hit indians with
a nuclear weapon then our entires arsenal, military machine and weapons systems will be ready to strike if india even thinks about responding

And you think that there will be no response? You can use the bomb freely and nobody will do anything about it? Do you think before you post, or is that superfluous?

how it is cold start while even street teens know about this

From the evidence of this forum, even street teens decide military strategy.
First of all,India will never be the great Soviet Union.second indian army don't have the capability to engage Pakistan inside Pakistan for too long.pakistan is not fool to use nuclear weapons on its cities but it can wisely cut down indian supply lines and trap Indian army inside pakistan.cost of war will be devastating.as I said in earlier posts, Pakistan has already made it's own doctrine in case of cold start.indians here say lots of things which are beyond understanding like s-400 limits f-16s to Balochistan,India will enter Pakistan without any fear,India will do that India will do everything,I mean I can only give you an example.do you really think that s-400 and your all kind of sams and defence shields will survive in case Pakistan use cruise missiles? Example is american tomahawk attack on Syrian base with air cover by Russians.russians managed to kill few tomahawk before reaching Target but some tomahawk managed to reach the Target and hit precisely.this is just an example for indians who think that their defence shields can't be hit.i must say qr sam and all other projects of Indian army are no exception.we can hit all your defences too.india must be realistic otherwise results will be horrible.
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