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Coast Guard Inventory Pegged at 300 Ships, Aircraft

This is what I had in my mind when I was writing post#2. We can just hope that the timeline doesn't slip. Its leading to over usage of our warships and incidents like this... Hole in Indian Navy's missile vessel forces its return
Firstly it was a leak- quite common in ships of such ages. Secondly yes, I agree it is a total waste of resources to have mammoth state of the art offensive platforms like destroyers/frigates conducting coastal patrol. Anyway things are changing for the better, the ICG's expansion is coming along nicely- take a look for yourself they are adding to their fleet at a very impressive rate, almost every other week they are receiving a new asset. But these things take time. By 2020 things will be much better. I read an article not long back were the WNC chief stated things were looking good for the envisioned 2020 complete hand over to the ICG. With the network of radar stations coming up across India's entire coast and the newly improved ICG coupled with the massive expenditure and effort on the land borders for advanced fencing and improved surveleince , India really will be "fortress India" by 2020!
Just was wondering do they patrol only in high risk and fragile areas or the whole coastal line ? Coz India has such a huge coastal area , isn't 200 ships little less ?
Now The time has come to create a "national guard" under which all paramilitaries (except the police and BSF) would fall under. This organisation would have common a command structure, training, and equipment. It would focus solely on internal security and would let the army focus on the borders with the BSF. It would be along the lines of the Peoples armed police (but not as oppressive or heavy handed).

Just an idea.
I've been saying this for a while but I wouldn't call them the "national guard" that is a bit of a defunct name in this sense. A much better name would be "federal police" or even the current CRPF name is fine. Anyway the CRPF could absorb the CISF and remain the CRPF or change to "Federal Police force" or whatever, the BSF could absorb the ITBP and SSB, the RPF can remain as it is as can the NSG (I would have the SRG become a part of the "new" CRPF/"federal police" force as a VVIP protective wing of it leaving the NSG with just the SAG i.e. what it was originally mandated to do- CT/HR ops ONLY). There's no need to have such a duplication of resources/training/capabilities all under different commands/names- it is entirely retarded. Then the CRPF/Federal police force would have common training/uniform and and could simply have spec list wings i.e. the protective/VVIP protection force (SRG), industrial protection wing (i.e. what the CISF is currently tasked with), the COBRAs could remain as they are doing what they do as can the RAF which could be expanded slightly to have more coverage of India, an intelligence wing, specialised wings to counter specific crimes i.e. narcotics, kidnapping, piracy and such. The force could even have Special Response Units across the country to help fight crime and have a secondary task of CT in a crisis. I would also modernise the uniform and other things of the CRPF/Federal police force so they are much more in line with most law enforcement agencies in the world.

Anyway a boy can dream........

I do suspect a lot of what I have said will happen eventually.

Just was wondering do they patrol only in high risk and fragile areas or the whole coastal line ? Coz India has such a huge coastal area , isn't 200 ships little less ?
300 is the number they gave. And this is the absolute minimum the ICG needs to secure all of India's coast, naturally beyond 2020 the ICG will keep expanding.
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