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COAS warns Nawaz in covered words; Is this going somewhere?

Saad Rafique is an old member of PML-N. Moreover, he has every right to speak as he was put in jail by Musharraf during coup days.

Don't worry, Railways is on track. Sometimes, PTI fan boys like you make yourself look really stupid.

hahahahaha, Without a doubt bro.
Saad says ISPR remarks not linked with his anti-Musharraf diatribes

ISLAMABAD: Khawaja Saad Rafiq, federal minister for railways, has said that he endorses statement of army chief that dignity of institution of army must be preserved adding that it is not the duty of army chief only rather it is the duty of the whole nation to protect respect, prestige and pride of the institution of armed forces of Pakistan.

He said that in fact Musharraf is a person who has brought disrepute to the institution of army more than anyone else.

Talking to The News, Saad said that only those are negatively linking his statements with the ISPR’s who want save to Musharraf.

He said Musharraf is a politician and heads political party APML and his party workers, mostly lawyers, are playing dirty games to make institution of army controversial by making such linkages in their bid to save Musharraf.

Saad Rafiq said that his present point of view about Musharraf is same as it was in 2000, in 2002 or in 2008 and it will always remain same.

He alleged that Musharraf has brought a bad name to the institution of army and had defamed the institution. Saad said that in his statement he only discussed Musharraf and criticized his negative role of acting against the constitution of the country and institution of armed forces.

Saad said that the government and armed forces are on the same page on every issue and this specific issue of Musharraf has no link whatsoever with the institution of army or the government.

He added that the link of the government with Musharraf’s issue is limited to ECL.

He said that PML-N government considers that Musharraf’s name could not be excluded from the ECL as he is facing the allegations of treason, the most heinous crime described in the basic book of the country.

Saad says ISPR remarks not linked with his anti-Musharraf diatribes - thenews.com.pk
This article sums up the fiasco pretty well. Lets be honest, our media has a habit of creating chat pati stories just for the sake of ratings. In my opinion, the military and the civil leadership are on the same page, otherwise core leadership of PMLN would never openly talk about punishing and not letting musharaf go anywhere. I feel like there is no confusion among the PMLN leadership. Correct me if im wrong
Not true ... thats why mostly the total number of voters come out is between 30-45 % ... Pakistan army is still most reputated nation .. all the major progess is seen during army tenures ... no matter what the reason was for intervention .. but see the economy during 43 martial laws ... and compare it with the economy during the best democratic government .,
It is a global phenomenon, only unity of command has taken the countries to development. Democrazy has always given riots and destruction of public property. Name a single democracy which has delivered to the nation, unless there is a democratic dictator sitting on top.
This article sums up the fiasco pretty well. Lets be honest, our media has a habit of creating chat pati stories just for the sake of ratings. In my opinion, the military and the civil leadership are on the same page, otherwise core leadership of PMLN would never openly talk about punishing and not letting musharaf go anywhere. I feel like there is no confusion among the PMLN leadership. Correct me if im wrong

Media uses wordings, Political opportunists distort those wordings.

I don't see how @Leader came up with 'COAS warns Nawaz' as title of this thread. The media simply quoted Army Chief as saying, 'he respects all institutions including his own'.

Plus the video of Khawaja Asif he posted is irrelevant. Its more than 1 years old, when he and his party were not in power.
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Army cheif needs some serious workout exercises.
What do you mean....:what:

Ideal Situation for me.

Nawaz Hangs mushy by his balls for being a incompetent leader and making Army even more incompetent. Also not doing much in a decade. #Coward #Fact.

Shareef comes in Hangs Nawaz By his balls with his entire family and other families such as Zardaris for being corrupt/misusing power.

Then people of Pakistan rise up and kick shareef out and Real elections are held.

But hey I can only Dream!!
Wow, did you have to utilize all 3 of your brain cells to come up with what ever this shit is.....:crazy:
Rhetoric cannot change anything. His courage is only in this forum, I am sure he wont be able to say anything to the Generals themselves as his file is quite heavy. If he was that courageous, why Interior Minister had to say that we cannot stop security agencies from their self defence, when TTP was pounded. Don't they fall under his ministry. All said and done, all these politicians die to develop relations with men in uniform, through friendship and matrimony.
Talking is easy. In my opinion his speech is further dividing the nation. A defence minister standing in NA and segregating Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi, etc etc. He is in power, no need of these words, he can act to prove.
His speech was not well timed but was 100% true. As far as his file is concerned then at least he has one, many people get off the hook because no files are made against them, also if his file is this heavy then why no refer to the court?
Also there are black sheep among the politicians and they need to be sorted out, as far as your relationship comment is concerned then i don't believe it nobody is dying to develop relations it is all about money that is offered.
Well at the very least he talked about it, this is a big issue. As far as Punjabi Sindhi is concerned then it was more of a reference towards Punjabi establishment than actual provincialism, and i don't mind it either as it is true indeed.

Plus the video of Khawaja Asif he posted is irrelevant. Its more than 1 years old, when he and his party were not in power.
Wait!? WHAT THE FUDGE!? is that true? :o::o::o::o:
It is a global phenomenon, only unity of command has taken the countries to development. Democrazy has always given riots and destruction of public property. Name a single democracy which has delivered to the nation, unless there is a democratic dictator sitting on top.
Pakistan lost its eastern wing during military rule, Pakistan lost siachen during military rule, Pakistan lost the golden opportunity by rejecting the joint sino-pak attack offer of China in 1962 during military rule, Pakistan refused to develop nuclear weapons during military rule (Ayub khan) military rules have been the worst for Pakistan
as for countries progressing during democracy then are many Turkey , Malaysia ,Japan ,India, Sri Lanka ,Germany all these countries progressed & advanced during democracy , military rule are disastrous for any country even the worst of democracy is thousand times better then the best of military rules
Obviously you're not able to comprehend my simple text and the meaning behind it.

I did not say in my text that Pakistan will become the next Germany or whatever. Its simply to punish these idiots and may be a "lesson" for others. I know that most of the elites are related/stakeholders in one way or another. But that's how it is in majority of the countries, elites always rule/influence the way a nation/country or piece of land is governed. Democracy is just a tool that is used to keep the rest happy.

Democracy in Pakistan=Families playing musical chair with ruling Pakistan. As long as the system stays and the establishment is strong and thriving then forget about Pakistan making any progress in any field. These leeches will continue to suck Pakistan dry. All this shaking of Pakistan's society will probably lead to a large and bloody Civil War as if its all ready isn't happening.
Pakistan lost its eastern wing during military rule, Pakistan lost siachen during military rule, Pakistan lost the golden opportunity by rejecting the joint sino-pak attack offer of China in 1962 during military rule, Pakistan refused to develop nuclear weapons during military rule (Ayub khan) military rules have been the worst for Pakistan
as for countries progressing during democracy then are many Turkey , Malaysia ,Japan ,India, Sri Lanka ,Germany all these countries progressed & advanced during democracy , military rule are disastrous for any country even the worst of democracy is thousand times better then the best of military rules

Even the 65 war which was a hara kiri for Pakistan was initiated during Military rule, and if that plan was to followed up.. it was botched due to the rule of just one man making decisions and nothing else.
I propose the next military takeover also amend the constitution to read that the head of the Army, with absolute power, would be the head of the Country........Who better to head the country then those who are actually willing to sacrifice their lives for it. So by default, the head of the Army becomes the head of the state.

To hell with this farce democracy and it being the best revenge on us Pakistanis!!!

P.S. I personally believe that the statement of COAS is still too moderate and a little too late. The humiliation being met out to the one person who has actually cared about Pakistan is just unacceptable.
Right Answer One Line & Ignore the the Rest ... you have become quite the Expert in Trolling .. I have enough will people like you .. Cannot waste my time anymore .

I am not trolling. I find it difficult to discuss anything with a person who does not believe in the supremacy of the Constitution, which is why I highlighted that line from your reply.

You are right, why should I waste time with you who does not think that the Constitution and the Law it defines should be supreme. If that is the case, you are just a thug in a shiny clean uniform.
Media uses wordings, Political opportunists distort those wordings.

I don't see how @Leader came up with 'COAS warns Nawaz' as title of this thread. The media simply quoted Army Chief as saying, 'he respects all institutions including his own'.

Plus the video of Khawaja Asif he posted is irrelevant. Its more than 1 years old, when he and his party were not in power.

If this is correct, than shame on PDF, its all think tanks, intellectuals and most importantly its Administrators and Moderators.....they should all stand in line and than:guns:

Its now proved that PDF delibertally trying intentionally to wedge between Institutions and somehow instigate Army takeover......Shame on PDF!!
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Nullifying the articles of the very same constitution about the rights of citizens and the development of the nation is also a treason against the nation as the oath to work for the nation and the citizen was taken under the very same constitution.

No, as I explained earlier, other crimes and failures to deliver on election promises are not treason. Only treason is treason.
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