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COAS visited Arshad Sharif’s Mother! promise for justice

No law and order ...no peace no existence. Rich getting richer ... In Pakistan all pillars of power and justice corrupt to core ....good luck..
means nothing. actions speak. so far general asim munir is more of the same.

i do not buy all of this.. . . . .

Allegedly Asif Ghafoor also went to meet Arshad's mother.

Another analyst also insinuating that what meets eye may be a trap for PDM?

We'll have to see if Munir will be true to his word and really apprehend culprits even if they were part of his institution or circle of acquaintances

اے ایمان والو! انصاف پر قائم رہو اور خدا کے لئے سچی گواہی دو خواہ (اس میں) تمہارا یا تمہارےماں باپ اور رشتہ داروں کا نقصان ہی ہو۔ اگر کوئی امیر ہے یا فقیر تو خدا ان کا خیر خواہ ہے۔ تو تم خواہش نفس کے پیچھے چل کر عدل کو نہ چھوڑ دینا۔ اگر تم زبانوں کو مروڑو گے یا (شہادت) سچائی سے پہلو بچایا تو (جان رکھو) خدا تمہارے سب کاموں سے واقف ہے

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Has he got the FIR registered according to the lady's wish ? Everything else is just facade..
This COAS was lt. general under Bajwa. I dont understand why people are thinking things will change?!

These represent a power club. This power centre is in no mood to give away this power unless you rise and snatch it. Its not a good sign he went to see her. Its a sign he went to convince here to stand down from naming the army officers.

This army has a lot to do to clean up its image. It stands with the corrupt not the nation. So the nation must also not stand with the generals who stand with the thieves to keep hold on power and maintain status quo.

How difficult is that to understand? These generals have absolute power. Even superior juduciary is under their tabs.

Listen to Adil Raja vlog if you dont believe me.


The oldest trick in the book -- Bad Cop, Good cop play. The new COAS is playing 'Good Cop' but it will fail to do anything. He was one of the primary players in Bajwa's rotten regime. Time will tell that this COAS is no different to all the other rotten eggs before him.
The chances of that are remote.

The extreme steps to cover their tracks including character assasination of the Shaheed and those speaking up for him point towards exactly who are involved.

The press conference on the day of the janazah actually gave it away.
Indeed, given that PA made quiet a conspicuous strategic retreat vis-a-vis India and as a result Indian establishment and their pawns in Indian media were singing Bajwa's praises while deriding IK, there is very little chance they'd make a move to make their new found allies in the sepoy army look bad...
Look how Pakistani bloody civilians have started dying again in terror attacks from afghanistsn and from bla/ttp in kpk and balochistan……

Hum bas yehi sunte rahainge “aj operstion huwa itne terrorist mar diyay” but next day those terristss kill more innocent pakistanis.

Its like zarb e azb, and others were useless……it didnt make an iota of difference as enemy is back just like before……actually back with bitter vengeance!
Look how Pakistani bloody civilians have started dying again in terror attacks from afghanistsn and from bla/ttp in kpk and balochistan……

Hum bas yehi sunte rahainge “aj operstion huwa itne terrorist mar diyay” but next day those terristss kill more innocent pakistanis.

Its like zarb e azb, and others were useless……it didnt make an iota of difference as enemy is back just like before……actually back with bitter vengeance!
TTP is another snake that army/ISI have in their bag. Pulled out when they need some positive PR or a counter narrative when people start hating them and they are pushed to the wall.

Otherwise if army/ISI were serious they could have eliminated them ages ago. If they have the capability to assassinate journalists 1000’s of mile away, eliminating TTP next door would be a piece of cake if they were serious about it, which they are not.

When the going gets tough, pull some TTP terrorists out of the bag and divert attention..
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