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COAS visited Arshad Sharif’s Mother! promise for justice

What happened to the guys who authored the JIT of Arshad Sharif?

The establishment is involved in FIRs against him, in forcing him to flee UAE.

What is to be validated is whether they had a hand in murdering him.
TTP is another snake that army/ISI have in their bag. Pulled out when they need some positive PR or a counter narrative when people start hating them and they are pushed to the wall.

Otherwise if army/ISI were serious they could have eliminated them ages ago. If they have the capability to assassinate journalists 1000’s of mile away, eliminating TTP next door would be a piece of cake if they were serious about it, which they are not.

When the going gets tough, pull some TTP terrorists out of the bag and divert attention..
Another example is the MQM genie which they let loose for 3 decades to create mayhem, but put that genie back in the bottle overnight when convenient.
He is not a hafiz, this is just topi drama to feed the awaam. They hide behind religion but in reality
they are worse than animals.

Please remember that 98.5% of the people agreed with this in 1984:

“Whether the people of Pakistan endorse the process initiated by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the President of Pakistan, for bringing the laws of Pakistan in conformity with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and for the preservation of the Islamic ideology of Pakistan, for the continuation and consolidation of that process, and for the smooth and orderly transfer of power to the elected representatives of the people.”

That tree is now fully grown.
By the way what happened to the reimbursements from policing the football FIFA world cup tournament in Qatar?

Has the money been disbursed into Pakistan government coffers?
By the way what happened to the reimbursements from policing the football FIFA world cup tournament in Qatar?

Has the money been disbursed into Pakistan government coffers?

They will spend it on prostitutes and models from Europe.
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