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CM-400AKG: A tough job for the Indian Navy

Radar range is more than 500 km, the moment your aircrafts are picked up, the carrier will scramble jets to intercept them, with missile range exceeding 100km

The main search and track radar on the carrier will be L-band with range in exess of 800km to 1000km.

The STAR radar on the destroyers alone would pick and track targets at 400km or so.
Whats the max range Of the Indian Navies sam ? i think jf17 will have lock on the ship before reaching ur sam's range. Ofcourse Indian Navies sam range is no more than 40 km I presume

Dont u worry About the testing worry about getting that potent Same for ur Navy that can reach aircraft beyond 100km ofcourse u even dont have more than 40 km range Sam in navy !

? I am agreeing on the point if your jf-17 can fire CM-400AKG our AC is drowned. No anti-aircraft missiles, no Counter measure, nothing. But it should able to fire the missile. Please list the source for the minimum requirement listed below:

Minimum requirement required before even dreaming for this missile to get fired by jf-17 are as follows:

1. Jf-17 must have test fired a weapon load of 900kg or more.

2. Jf-17 must have fired BVR missiles.

3. CM-400AKG must have been test fired.

Atleast give link for all the above. Nahi hai kya:lol: Acha chalo 33% discount give for any two of the above. :hitwall:Woh bhi nahi hai Are bhai ek ka link toh dedo.:ashamed:
The initial coordinates of the large slow target are given by AWACS or other long range survailance asset.
From firing to final impact the missile should take less than 5 minutes..
An ACC moving at 30 Knots would have travelled 2-3 miles during this time..
A seeker can make that much course correction wothout need of external input.

First of all thanx for your comment.

But one thing we have to understand that AWACS with their lower frequency radars can detect fighter at longer ranges because there is no clutter to confuse but still they are not accurate enough to get a lock on.
But their effectiveness will be much lower against ships due to immense ground clutters.Actually I used think the same way of yours before I met a IAF choper pilot few months ago.According to him,for detecting ground and sea targets,you need very precise SAR and ISARs with high frequency radars.That's why you need X band radars to effectively detect and engage sea targets.
Are yaar ye missile hai yaa koi Jadui Hatiyaar

Tell me who believes in the following specification of CM-400AKG as claimed by this man:

Missile weight:900kg
Warhead weight:400kg or 250kg :omghaha:
Speed: Mach 5
Range: 240km
Missile type: Cruise missile

Forget about the above specification, I personally don't think missile carrying 250kg or 400kg warhead, with it's own weight just 900kg can even take-off.:toast_sign:

We did some calculations in another thread....
After compensating for loss of weight due to fuel burn,the kinetic energy alone would generate energy equal to 150kg HE .
Then the 300 KG warhead..
Total destructive energy will be equivalent of 450 KG HE

India has Barak-8 system, it is very likely to score a succesful hit on an incoming CM-400.
No system can be guaranteed to hit its target,CM-400 may get intercepted on the way.
if it hits.it can put an ACC out of service for some time.
Continued from above
And this is the exact reason why even after getting the Phalcon and DRDO AWACS,why both Israel and India had to develop X band SARs like Elta El/M 2054,2055 and LRDE Super Vision 2004!!

And as I earlier stated jungibaaz,your method of launching a missile towards the last known coordinates of the moving target and expecting the seeker to get a lock on afterwards is nothing new or unique!Americans tried this method with their Harpoons and AMRAAMs;didn't work out very good for them at all.They have since discarded this method.

And lastly,the AWACS can't detect the AC from very far as you think,due to the heavy sea clutter and lower operating frequency of AWACS rdars,it still has to come closer to get a a clearer picture.Now a typical IN CBG with a plethora of L band and S band AESA radars coupled with the big size and very high power of the AWACS would mean that the CBG would detect the strike package much earlier.

I'm just echoing what I heard from a pro.

The main search and track radar on the carrier will be L-band with range in exess of 800km to 1000km.

The STAR radar on the destroyers alone would pick and track targets at 400km or so.

By L band radar,are you talking about the RAWL 08??I think the P 15A Kolkata class DDGs and later P 17A class FFGs will also have them.Nice going IN.
We did some calculations in another thread....
After compensating for loss of weight due to fuel burn,the kinetic energy alone would generate energy equal to 150kg HE .
Then the 300 KG warhead..
Total destructive energy will be equivalent of 450 KG HE

India has Barak-8 system, it is very likely to score a succesful hit on an incoming CM-400.
No system can be guaranteed to hit its target,CM-400 may get intercepted on the way.
if it hits.it can put an ACC out of service for some time.

Dude you are associated with the forum for almost 3 years now, and you are giving this ****. To carry 300kg warhead, do you have any idea how much structural weight is required, let alone be the fuel weight. And that too travel distance of 240km and that too at supersonic speed.:hitwall:

For the above specification to be true, it has to be in the weight class of Brahmos. And I assume Russians are miles ahead of China in designing anti-ship missiles. Thus if you compared it to a little old Russian technology, P-270 comes close to its technology. So according to that logic, it should weigh close to 4.5 ton impossible to be carried by a aircraft.

Second option is kh-35 latest generation missile. To carry 145 kg warhead, its weight is 610kg with just 130 km range and traveling at only Mach 0.8 So if it is to carry 300kg warhead,its weight has to be 1200kg and make that a little more than twice, if it is to travel at supersonic speed i.e. 2.8t-3t. What more or less is the specification of Brahmos.
By L band radar,are you talking about the RAWL 08??I think the P 15A Kolkata class DDGs and later P 17A class FFGs will also have them.Nice going IN.

Long time since last I don't recall the name... the destroyers will have smaller version of the one used on Aircraft carrier.

This would work in conjuction with star Elta as FCR... making the coverage in different frequency band almost impossible to jam.
Do not depend too much on Chinese weapons. These are stolen copies of Russian or American weapons. they may or may not work. What if an Indian Aircraft Carrier approaches Karachi and ready to burn it to ground. Overconfident Pakistan unleashes this carrier killer weapon and forget to take precautions, in case it does not work. Imagine what will happen. Rest of Pakistan will go to Karachi to pick up ashes and cinders.

Moral of the story - do not depend upon too much on Chinese weapons. These are stolen blueprints. They do not work. That is why America very clevely leaves them on the internet completely unguarded. US wants China to steal and copy.
The talwar and shivalik will intercept with shtil-1[Naval version of buk-m1] and kashtan gun/missile CIWS.
All ships will have close range BARAK-1 point defence system.
P-15A kolkata class will have 70 km barak-8 plus those other systems.
P-15B bengaluru will have BARAK-ER with 120 km.
Project-17A follow on shivaliks may have even aegis. or Barak-8 ER.
Dude you are associated with the forum for almost 3 years now, and you are giving this ****. To carry 300kg warhead, do you have any idea how much structural weight is required, let alone be the fuel weight. And that too travel distance of 240km and that too at supersonic speed.:hitwall:

For the above specification to be true, it has to be in the weight class of Brahmos. And I assume Russians are miles ahead of China in designing anti-ship missiles. Thus if you compared it to a little old Russian technology, P-270 comes close to its technology. So according to that logic, it should weigh close to 4.5 ton impossible to be carried by a aircraft.

Second option is kh-35 latest generation missile. To carry 145 kg warhead, its weight is 610kg with just 130 km range and traveling at only Mach 0.8 So if it is to carry 300kg warhead,its weight has to be 1200kg and make that a little more than twice, if it is to travel at supersonic speed i.e. 2.8t-3t. What more or less is the specification of Brahmos.

You brought a very valid point, Is there any one who wants to counter of reinforce @Anony statement? Some missile experts please....
@KRAIT, @gambit, @500, @PTM3 , @Infinity , @XiNiX , @RazPaK....
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Have jf17 yet tested any bvr or any carrier killer missile yet???

If not how they have inducted it or paf just believes as Iron man says''jarvis sometime u gotta run before walking''
i just dont get it why you are crying about Money You asked a simple question you said no one has that tech to do that i simply gave you your answer if you still wana cry about money then why dont you use your money on your people bcz your country is known the state of poors and slums

lolzzz so you dont want to answer the question ...fine

you are elevated that euorpeans are building that tech well they are building 6th Gen war planes as well we are not talkin about what eouropeans or americnas or the aliens from owter space have the issue is about the JF-17 that can it reach anywhere near Indian CBG and launch its anti ship missile .......and how are you going to avade all the obstacels like tripple layerd Radar cover ,SAM Missile cover , Mig 29K's of Indian Navy which will be there with the CBG's .....

Its Not About The money r what western powers are builduing My simple Question Was/Is What are PAF JF17 plans to tackle indian CBGs wia CM-400AKG and how are they going to launch it and guide it to have a hit at indian carrier and avading all the Multi Layered opposition (RADAR, SAMS ,MIGS)

and dont worry about owr poor we are just using less than 2% of owr GDP on defence unlike more than 15% as you guys use
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