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Wenger's wife: Wake Up dear, it is 7.
Wenger: What?! They scored one more?
Come on guys

where are all of you

fun day today

I reckon Fergie is going to regret resting Howard Webb for such a big game

I Was alive to see MANU lose 6-1 at home To Man City

---------- Post added at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

-Last week Evra accused Suarez of Racism, this week the whole united team have accused Man city of rape

-4th Official: How much time should we add Sir Alex ? Sir Alex: Get that ******* whistle blown.

-Manchester United helpline 0161 616161

-Breaking news : city apologise to united because they mistook old traford as their training ground :P

-Whats the time? Oh it's six past De Gea

---------- Post added at 09:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 PM ----------

Have you seen the movie Six and the city oh i forgot its not a movie it was the scoreline at OT today :)


---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------



Did you guys see the comeback of AC Milan?? They were 3-0 down after first half and won it 4-3 against Lecce

Boateng Scored hat-trick
The Angels of world football have done it again...Apparently Fabregas called Kanoute A "Black piece of $*it" and insulted his religion "Islam" during that penalty incident during their nil nil draw. After Busquets vs Marcelo and Villa vs Ozil incident this is the third time something like this has been reported against Barca. So what is LFP/FIFA going to do about it? Nothing...........They'll just bend over and take it up the tail pipe as always.
it is in the newspapers today that there was nothing like that and it was a misunderstanding,Kanoute and Cesc spoke on the phone,dont get ur panties off in a hush,sweetheart,take it easy.
it is in the newspapers today that there was nothing like that and it was a misunderstanding,Kanoute and Cesc spoke on the phone,dont get ur panties off in a hush,sweetheart,take it easy.

Misunderstanding, Yea Right !!! .... If you watch La Liga, you know Kanoute is very calm and collective player ... In that incident he wasn't even looking at fartgas ... He must have said something very provocative otherwise there was no way Kanoute would have reacted the way he did .... Apparently, Farca have new weapon in their arsenal this season ... Racially insulting and provoking other team players .... Tell me one match which wasn't going barca way and did not ended with a player from other team sent off due to some cheap cheap cheap act from a barca player ...

Pep refusal to condemn any of these ugly acts and the fact that it just keeps on happening from time to time shows the real face of so called beautiful football ... As i said before, you can win as many trophies as you want but you will never win hearts with these theatrics .... acts of lowest level ....

here is the video

Barcelona vs Sevilla 0-0 | Messi misses Penalty and Fight Kanoute vs Fabregas | Liga BBVA 11/12 - YouTube

some funny quotes from soccernet:

- Barcelona Academy of Professional Diving and Playacting

Spearheaded by

Busquets - Head master of playacting
Alves - Head master of Diving
Valdez - Head master of surrounding reff

Dive school graduates


Art of Influencing refrees


- La Masia training schedule :
9 am to 1 pm - passing in your own half
2 pm to 3 pm - diving
3pm to 4 pm - surrounding the referee all at once
4pm onwards if time permits : try a few through balls.

- Referee: *Dang, he missed. Hmm, but I still get paid right*

- iniesta to busquets : dude i need to practice 'the plan 'D' again....today i almost got caught.
busquets : true andre.....look at me...no talent of any kind but why am i still in barca and spanish national team.! practice makes a man perfect!
barca plan A : bore your opponents with 1000 passes in your own half and sneak a goal or two when they are sleeping.
barca plan B : dive and win penalties.
barca plan C : get an opposition player sent off and then win a penalty by diving

who says pep is tactically weak?

- I guess the talking on the pitch Alves was referring to was all the racial remarks the Catalans drop on their opponents.........
First of all it was one of the most blatant dives i have ever seen and had it been anyone but a Barca player he would have been yellow carded for diving but since the "Angels" can do no wrong, hence the penalty. 2ndly, like Zizou said, Kanuote is a very calm player and the words that made him react the way he did must have been extremely provocative. Also if you look closely at the video, Fabregas covered his mouth while speaking which you only do when you don't want the cameras to read you lips. Kanoute admitted on his twitter page that he was provoked so even if it wasn't a religious or racial slur it was something really bad.
hahaha love the barca training scheduale. I used to be a Barca fan once upon a time but they have just lost it now with their acting and crying. Dont really support any team in Spain anymore. Maybe Valencia or Sevilla i have a soft corner for.
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