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Clinton lectures Pakistan, Pakistanis lecture Clinton


Dec 12, 2008
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United States
Pakistan ‘hard to believe’ on Al Qaeda: Clinton

‘Al Qaeda has had safe haven in Pakistan since 2002,’ Clinton told senior Pakistani newspaper editors in the country’s cultural capital, Lahore.

‘I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn’t get them if they really wanted to,’ she added.

‘Maybe that’s the case; maybe they’re not gettable. I don’t know... As far as we know, they are in Pakistan,’ she added.

She also showed impatience with criticism of a record US non-military aid bill giving Pakistan 7.5 billion dollars, which the army and political opposition have slammed for violating the country’s sovereignty.

‘At the risk of sounding undiplomatic, Pakistan has to have internal investment in your public services and your business opportunities,’ Clinton told businessmen, taking swipe at tax evasion in the cash-strapped country.

‘The percentage of taxes on GDP is among the lowest in the world... We (the United States) tax everything that moves and doesn’t move, and that’s not what we see in Pakistan,’ she said.

‘You do have 180 million people. Your population is projected to be about 300 million. And I don’t know what you’re gonna do with that kind of challenge, unless you start planning right now,’ she said.
In thirty-plus years of following U.S. relations, I've never seen an American Secretary of State talk down to citizens of another country this way. Hilary Clinton is no amateur; she wouldn't do such a thing if she didn't think that doing so would result in a better outcome than speaking otherwise or remaining silent - and it's very unlikely she would talk this way without President Obama's permission.

In short, the United States thinks Pakistan is really, really, screwed up, and Clinton's current visit only reinforced this impression.
Well I guess its hard for the USA to turn a blind eye to the realities in Pakistan. After all their taxpayers are going to start raising the same questions eventually when they demand accountability for the billions of US$ which are being sent to Pakistan as aid
It might be undiplomatic to say but if you look at the hostile audience she was facing she probably inadvertantly said that.

But isn't it true that most AQ and uzbek militants have been in Waziristan. Even uptil 2007, Hamid Mir's investigative visit to waziristan confirmed that in that area there is not govt. writ. Surely the local intelligence and FC officials would have has atleast some idea that there are foreign fighters in that area.
But isn't it true

I don't think that's the point.

This is not the sort of thing to be said by a country's top diplomat on a visit to improve relations. She lost her cool. Like in Ghana. She is no diplomat, and never has been in her entire political career.
Mrs Clinton is like old wine in new bottle.

She is no friend of Pakistan.

She is here with the same old rhetoric.

United Satan's of Anti-Christ can never be our friends.

She is showing her true colors.

There is nothing that can influence the conscious of elite in Pakistan hell bent on its destruction.

It will be interesting to see how long the elite continues there begging for blood $$$ while our innocent civilians and security personnel pay the price in blood.
Mrs Clinton is like old wine in new bottle.

She is no friend of Pakistan.

Obama camp attacks Hillary's Indian links

The three page 'opposition research paper', titled Hillary Clinton (D-Punjab)'s Personal Financial and Political Ties, which has begun circulating in the blogosphere, criticises the Clintons' links to India in an effort and attacks her record on outsourcing, and on protecting American jobs.

The D-Punjab reference apparently refers to a joke Senator Clinton made last year, at a fund-raiser hosted by New York-based hotelier and top Democratic fund-raiser Sant Singh Chatwal. 'I can certainly run for the Senate seat in Punjab and win easily,' she had said on that occasion.
very disappointed to see that US has lowered their standard of hiring for critical posts to such levels.

This is a conversation to be held between two govts.

I wish we had people with spine who can cancel meetings and refuse the $1.5 B in aid.

It is good to be jazbaati sometime and taht time is NOW!
This is a conversation to be held between two govts.
No, the GoP is responding to both the wishes and the apathy of the Pakistani people.
very disappointed to see that US has lowered their standard of hiring for critical posts to such levels.

This is a conversation to be held between two govts.

I wish we had people with spine who can cancel meetings and refuse the $1.5 B in aid.

It is good to be jazbaati sometime and taht time is NOW!

We had a Jazbati Marvi Memon who refused to meet Hill Billy in protest to KLB today.:yahoo:
We had a Jazbati Marvi Memon who refused to meet Hill Billy in protest to KLB today.:yahoo:
That's surprising, the two have much in common. Though given her committee seats in parliament, she probably knew what Hillary was going to say. Did Ms. Memon choose to play golf instead?
We had a Jazbati Marvi Memon who refused to meet Hill Billy in protest to KLB today.:yahoo:

At least she showed some guts which the people even after having balls couldn't do.

As for Ms. Clinton or any major US official, whenever they come to Pakistan, they have something stupid remarks waiting to spill, contrary to the reality. Some i believe get so much drunk the previous night that the next day they have no idea what they are gonna say. Or they get so much screwed up in their traveling or visits or load of work that they can't track their trail of statements They say something in Afghanistan & India & after coming to Pakistan, their statements take another turn. Simple idiots. Do remember how & what Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld used to mumble.

Anyhow, Ms.Clinton did get quiet a surprise by facing a very hostile audience, and she is going with a very clear mind that the Pakistani nation does not look up to US as a friend not even a little bit.

Clinton's India friendly attitude is very well known to the world, rather the American friendly attitude in other words.

America has the tendency to blame others for its own failures.

And as for someone's remark about American taxpayers dollars & its accountability, Pakistan is a very excellent scapegoat to hide the incompetency of the American aid being utilized in Afghanistan or their own defense contracts. America is itself in deficit, their economy runs on debt collected from all over the world, organizations getting bankrupted, banking institutions falling apart, bankers still taking huge bonuses, hundreds of billions of dollars to look after, and they are worried for just 10B$US, how ironic.

Anyway US has always used us, it was never our friend, will again use us & would never be a friend. :pakistan:
Anyway US has always used us, it was never our friend, will again use us & would never be a friend. :pakistan:
Clinton confesses to be wrestling with the issue that the U.S. is doing a great deal for Pakistan but still is not regarded as a friend. She has discovered that many Pakistanis have the opinion that there are two things the U.S. must never do: assist Pakistan in its struggle or leave it alone. Confronted with that kind of schizophrenic mind-set, she clearly believes that psychological therapy is more important than diplomatic niceties.
Though, I would admit how Hillary said was bit insulting, but gist of message was the truth.

Why is that many Pakistanis feel that they should be bailed out by some country because of the "strategic assets" nurtured by their own generals all these years.

If some country literally paying to fight the terrorists you have habored and your army trying to fight a war to secure its own homeland, you still expect some other country to finance you for this?

America has the tendency to blame others for its own failures.

I didnt realize that America was blaming Pakistan. Can you even quote what failure of America did Pakistan get blamed for?

Is it that Pakistan government should have known all these years about the Osama and not helping US? If this is what you were referring to, then how can Hillary not know that Gill, ex-ISI chief openly supporting Taliban and Osama.

And as for someone's remark about American taxpayers dollars & its accountability, Pakistan is a very excellent scapegoat to hide the incompetency of the American aid being utilized in Afghanistan or their own defense contracts. America is itself in deficit, their economy runs on debt collected from all over the world, organizations getting bankrupted, banking institutions falling apart, bankers still taking huge bonuses, hundreds of billions of dollars to look after, and they are worried for just 10B$US, how ironic.

I think you are confused about US money and Pakistani money. US borrows and does all things for its own good. US does not have to share money with Pakistan.

Just because US bailed out US bankers, does not mean Pakistan should get its cut! Mr. 10% might think otherwise, but atleast you should not!

Anyway US has always used us, it was never our friend, will again use us & would never be a friend. :pakistan:

Pakistan was a loyal friend too! They always supported countries with no interests. They were helping America for free as we all know. Even now, the debate is how much should America rebate Pakistan for its internal war?

Infact, if you can lookup youtube and you find more videos from Pakistan supporting taliban and shouting against US. So much for the friendship.

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