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Cleric to UK Muslims: Don't import brides from India, Pak


May 3, 2009
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Cleric to UK Muslims: Don't import brides from India, Pak - UK - World - The Times of India

LONDON: A Glasgow-based Islamic scholar has told young British Muslim grooms with origins in the Indian sub-continent to marry women born in Scotland rather than "import" wives from India and Pakistan.

Parents of Asian children born and brought up in Britain prefer to "import" wives from India and Pakistan on the assumption that they are better cultured and make better wives than Asian women born and brought up with western values in Britain.

The result is that there are many young Asian women who have been 'left on the shelf' because young Asian men and their families often insist on marrying women from India and Pakistan.

The issue is evident across religions in the Asian community, but for the first time an Islamic scholar has intervened and asked Muslim grooms to pick their partners from Scotland. Shaykh Jamil, an Islamic scholar who set up a family counselling service, said: "Importing wives who can't speak English has implications for their integration with British society," he said.
This is getting interesting. Now there is an open proclamation for rejecting people from the region too.

Many of them will be having roots in Pakistan/India and even if they want to marry a bride from their homeland its been discouraged.

Wonder is it applicable to brides in UK too to discard the grooms from the subcontinent or is it just the import of brides as a commodity that is banned????

Now if their own people are standing against and keeping off the people from the region, how well can we expect others to have some respect for the region.

This is getting really disturbing.
This is not a muslim phenomenon but South Asian mentality. Most families mostly like from villages from Punjab and states like that want a bride from punjab than some ABCD girl.

I think you misconstrued what is being implied here. There is obviously no "ban" on marrying wives from your country of origin. But more often than not, people go back to their countries and get wives from poor background and then because she can't speak English or doesn't know the laws in England she is treated in a bad manner.

Moreover, there is the problem of girls born in the UK itself, who will marry them if the parents keep insisting on getting brides from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh. And as someone mentioned this happens across other religious communities as well.

And the measure is to help the girls in the UK so its a positive measure for UK born women.
the cleric is pointing fingers in right directions,its true that all Desi birds are left on the shelf because bbcd's prefered imported kurian
Moreover, there is the problem of girls born in the UK itself, who will marry them if the parents keep insisting on getting brides from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh. And as someone mentioned this happens across other religious communities as well.

And the measure is to help the girls in the UK so its a positive measure for UK born women.

They get grooms from those parts to marry the girls here. From many cases i have seen, the guys come here acting like they just conquered the country, and can be usually chauvinistic.
They have right to have an opinion. Just ignore if u are not convinced.
pakistani girls are better than takkey drama british girls who probly had sex and got surgery to cover up and from my point of view this muslim cleric should stop preaching wron parents know best for threr children soo to marry some one with values is preety good
pakistani girls are better than takkey drama british girls who probly had sex and got surgery to cover up and from my point of view this muslim cleric should stop preaching wron parents know best for threr children soo to marry some one with values is preety good

They usually DONT know what is best, they look for the wife to serve them more than be a wife for the groom.

Marriages like that happen to 'strengthen' family ties (most of the time the marriages are between relatives), or to pay off a favour to someone in the homeland.

I have seen too many examples of all this personally, and i stand by my words when i say that parents can only SUGGEST, not ENFORCE.

Hell if the kids can socialise like adults, and have not been brought up with stunted social and metal growth, then they should look for themselves.

As for the surgery quip, dont think it is limited to the UK.
Acha huva.. already we have a very bad women to men ratio here.. uper se these guys take away all the beautiful indian brides...!!! mullah ji aur aisa ache batein pharmayiye.. :lol:
i will say don't marry just feel free enjoy the life and simply die. one best advise don't ever listen care any cleric in your life.marrage is mess by itself.
marrage is not a mess if you have respect for you religon you should know it is required for everyone to marry .... to my extent my family is open to me to marry anyone i want and i did she aint pakistani but gayanese plus we high school sweet hearts ;) my parents allowed it beacuse some how they where nutral to who i want to marry too my luck. (realist ) i do agree with now ..... but from what i see is british pakistani that marry uasually divorce SOMETIMES ... but if they have a pakistani wife they dont instead they learn to live with each other .... just my 10 cents
i will say don't marry just feel free enjoy the life and simply die. one best advise don't ever listen care any cleric in your life.marrage is mess by itself.

umm ello what happen to not have sex before marrage? or if not you might have to have lube on youall the time LOL:lol:
umm ello what happen to not have sex before marrage? or if not you might have to have lube on youall the time LOL:lol:

dafa ker yaar :lol: aik hi post ke do answer:azn:

by the way i hate faimly system and living with someone:P. i love freedom;)
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