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Clash in Chitral over Kalash girl’s ‘forced’ conversion to Islam

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Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Clash in Chitral over Kalash girl’s ‘forced’ conversion to Islam

Published: June 16, 2016

File photo of a Kalash girl. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: Hundreds of Muslims clashed with members of Kalash tribe in Chitral on Thursday after a teenager claimed she was forced to convert to Islam, police and residents said.

Police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd attacking a house in the Kalash tribe’s valley of Bumburate in the northwestern district of Chitral, where the girl had gone to give a police statement about her conversion, said Kalash activist Luke Rehmat.

The Kalash, country’s smallest religious minority, celebrate their gods through music and dance – an anomaly in conservative Muslim Pakistan.

Faces of Kalash: Untold stories of the valley

They number only around 4,000, according to Rehmat. Increasingly their youth are converting to Islam, prompting activists to campaign to preserve the traditions of the ancient, diminishing tribe.

The teenager had “returned to her home saying embracing Islam was a mistake and she wanted to live with her family, which infuriated the Muslim community,” Rehmat said.

She went to a neighbour’s house to speak to police, the home’s owner told AFP, but hundreds of people began to gather outside as word spread through the close-knit community.

“The Kalash community had also gathered to save the family and when the Muslims chanting slogans attacked the house with sticks and pelted stones everybody was running for their lives,” Rehmat, who was out of breath from fleeing the scene, told AFP by telephone.

“Dozens” were injured, he said, though apparently none seriously.

“Law enforcement agencies reached here on time otherwise they would have killed all of us,” said local Kalash politician Imran Kabeer.

It was not clear what happened to the teenager.

Conversions threaten ancient Kalash tribe

Police of Chitral said the district police chief had gone to Bumburate with other senior officers, adding that the situation was under control.

The owner of the house that was attacked was also in Chitral, where he said police were refusing to let him return home.

“They came out in a mob to attack my house and to kill my wife and my children,” he said, asking to remain anonymous.

“They threw stones at the roof and at the windows. Police were firing in the air.”

Chitral, a northern district of Khyber-Pukhtunkwa, has long attracted tourists for its beauty and has hitherto been notable for having been spared the country’s violence.
Many years back I had trekked into Kafiristan. While returning I came across a group of Tablighis on the main road. They said they were not allowed into the area because the authorities did not want them to influence the Kalash people. Apparently the govt's policy was to keep these people secluded so that researchers could study their ancient ways. I did not appreciate the idea of locking up people in a zoo like situation. They should be allowed access to mainstream so that they can enjoy the benefits of civilization.
Many years back I had trekked into Kafiristan. While returning I came across a group of Tablighis on the main road. They said they were not allowed into the area because the authorities did not want them to influence the Kalash people. Apparently the govt's policy was to keep these people secluded so that researchers could study their ancient ways. I did not appreciate the idea of locking up people in a zoo like situation. They should be allowed access to mainstream so that they can enjoy the benefits of civilization.

Gentleman They Were Not Secluded,It Was Just That The Government Had Made Special Security Measures For Them The Government Had Feared That They Would Be Soft Targets For TTP
These Fooking Mullahs will destroy everything in this country that politicians cant.

It is most sad that an indigenous group are being targeted and forced to giveup their ancient culture and identity
because Mullah wants to go to heaven by making you muslim.
Gentleman They Were Not Secluded,It Was Just That The Government Had Made Special Security Measures For Them The Government Had Feared That They Would Be Soft Targets For TTP

1.I am talking of 1960's when even the fathers of TTP were not born. Some princes of the ruling family were known because of their military and schooling (Aitcheson) background. The SP at that particular time happened to be dad of a class friend who was also in the army. So while sojourning in the Chitral Scouts mess I took out time to meet people around.
2. I do agree definitely that they should not be soft targets for derailed mullahs. But bureaucracy had shut them off from mainstream making them look like an American Indian Reserve or even a ghetto. I cannot forget that at that time the most influential man around was the Compounder in the rag tag govt dispensary adjacent to the rest house where I had stayed. The Compounder had advance booked even at the start of the season most of the fruits produced. What was horrid was his confession that he would deliberately make his female targets dependent on drugs like pathedine, morphine, etc.This one guy was exploiting the Kalash society with impunity.
OMG, how many more communities are going to be destroyed by the mullahs?

Please try to understand that you are painting merely AlL Mullahs with the same brush and that is not right
When we say "mullahs," we are of course referring to the apparent majority that are generally intolerant and insensitive.

What starts as voluntary preaching soon turns into pressure --- followed by forced conversions like these.

Till the govt wrestles the narrative back from these mullahs, the future is bleak.
Non-Muslim populations have lived, even thrived, under Muslim rule during various points in history.

When Saladin re-captured Jerusalem, for example, the Jews celebrated the victory far and wide, and were welcomed back to live and prosper in the city. There are countless other examples.

A Muslim is free to persuade others, without force or pressure.
Many years back I had trekked into Kafiristan. While returning I came across a group of Tablighis on the main road. They said they were not allowed into the area because the authorities did not want them to influence the Kalash people. Apparently the govt's policy was to keep these people secluded so that researchers could study their ancient ways. I did not appreciate the idea of locking up people in a zoo like situation. They should be allowed access to mainstream so that they can enjoy the benefits of civilization.
But have you thought about the disadvantages of civilization?
Well said.

The folks may consider migrating to India, in Leh perhaps. Similar culture and no risk of going to hell.

Who are you ??? in what authority you are welcoming them all to India ???
damm...even they are not safe.
Their numbers are much more; its just that once you've converted to Islam - you're no longer considered a Kalash.
Even though ethnically you remain such. We must inform the Kalash that you can be Muslim and Kalash at the same time.
Read Dr. Umar Faruq Abdullah about Islam and the Cultural Imperative.

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