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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Украинские ТЭС уже завтра останутся без угля - "Укрэнерго" - Экономика - Запасы толива катастрофически низкие | СЕГОДНЯ
Ukrainian thermal power plants tomorrow will be left without coal - "Ukrenergo"
Stocks toliva catastrophically low

In the Enterprise "Ukrenergo" said that coal stocks at thermal power plants remained at a day job. This was announced by Head of the State Inspectorate for operation of power plants and networks, the chief state inspector manual stations and networks "Ukrenergo" Oleg Kozemko.

According to him, the majority of power coal reserves will be enough to work for a day.

"I want to note what happens with fuel as of 8:00 today, the information. For example, in the Krivoy Rog TES coal residue 5 th. Tons - is to run two power during the day. Dnieper TPP - 1.4 thousand. Tons - it is for a day . Slavyanskaya station is, 100 tons of fuel in stock to operate in the forward mode power required daily consumption - 7 th. tons Zmiivska TPP - 1.6 thousand. tons - a day Kurakhovskaya - 31.8 thous. tons - a thermal power plant, which today has 6 power units because 4 are in the current repairs and the daily consumption of fuel - 12 thousand. tons, may find themselves on how many days will suffice 31 thousand. and that coal gas group "- said Kozemko.

Earlier, "Ukrenergo" announced a tense situation with the balance of power in the Ukrainian thermal power plants (TPP).

Today, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk also said that the situation in the Ukrainian power industry catastrophic , and utilities are not ready for the heating season.
Rebel recon drone captures footage of rebel artillery hitting Ukrainian army positions 12 km from Gorlovka.

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Your point?
more confirmation of Russian "help"

which is good afaic, I support the DNR.. just don't see the point of denying it anymore

the Russians are there, just not as many as the Ukies like to tell everyone, 60k regulars will take Kiev in less than a a week.
more confirmation of Russian "help"

which is good afaic, I support the DNR.. just don't see the point of denying it anymore

the Russians are there, just not as many as the Ukies like to tell everyone, 60k regulars will take Kiev in less than a a week.

Special forces maybe. Russia's goal is not to take Kiev but to bring Yanukovych or his son or his grandson back to power in Kiev.
Special forces maybe. Russia's goal is not to take Kiev but to bring Yanukovych or his son or his grandson back to power in Kiev.
Of course this is not true. Yanukovych extremely unpopular figure. Instead of quell the unrests, he fled the country and the Nazi Junta came to power.
Special forces maybe. Russia's goal is not to take Kiev but to bring Yanukovych or his son or his grandson back to power in Kiev.
special forces, air defence units.. they're there, the US is also there.. this is the balkans all over again, except that Russian red lines have been breached, poor Donbass people are stuck in a proxy war.
Militants still violate Minsk Agreements | Міністерство оборони України

According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the situation is still tense in the region. Despite the reduction of the number of attacks in Luhansk, Artemivsk and Mariupol directions, the Donetsk direction is still the flashpoint.

Yesterday, the enemy shelled the Ukrainian army positions near Pisky, Avdiyvka, Opytne, and Krasnohorivka with 120 mm mortars. The militants used the weapons to be withdrawn under the Minsk Agreements and attacked communities and positions with artillery, mortars, and small arms.

The illegal armed formations shelled Zolote (Artemivsk direction) with 120 mm mortars and Troytske with BMP armament.

Totally, over the past 24 hours, the terrorists have violated the ceasefire for 83 times.


Col. Kostyantyn Sokolov, Deputy Chief of the ‘Anti-Terror’ Operation (ATO), held a meeting with the representatives of a multinational inspection team from Canada which was visiting Ukraine under the Vienna Document 2011 on politically binding confidence and security-building measures.

The inspection team was led by Canadian Lt. Col. Harry Hardwick. The servicemen from Denmark, Montenegro and Slovakia took part in the event, too. Lt. Col. Dmytro Yantalets, Representative of the Ukrainian GS, accompanied them.

The leader of the Ukrainian group spoke about the current situation in the region, demonstrated the facts of the presence of the Russian troops in Ukraine and answered the questions. He also thanked the Canadian officers for assistance rendered by Canada.

Lt. Col. Harry Hardwick praised the achievements of the Ukrainian army over the past year in its struggle for freedom and independence of Ukraine.

“We’re impressed with the heroism of the Ukrainian soldiers. The Canadian-Ukrainian relationship is good and friendly. We believe that the Canadian Government will continue to provide support and render assistance for Ukraine,” Canadian officer stressed.







Today, the central avenue of the 80th separate airborne brigade soldiers opened a monument to fellow soldiers who were killed in a tough fight against the aggressor. At the celebration came Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Oleg Synyutka, Head of Lviv Regional Council Peter Kolodiy, Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy, representatives of Lviv military garrison command and patrons. Hallowed ceremony rector of the Lviv Garrison church named Peter and Paul, Father Stephen Sus.Before the opening of the monument was covered with white parachute canopy as angelic wings. 90 families, crippled destinies, destroyed families, grief-stricken parents. His life soldiers defending the borders of the state.



A minute of silence paratroopers and marines battle commemorated fellow who gave their lives for the independence of Ukraine. Then - laid flowers at the bust of General of the Army Vasily Margelov and soldiers who gave their lives liberating Mariupol.Addressing the soldiers paratroopers of congratulations, Major-General Igor Fedorov noted the valuable contributions made and continue to make highly mobile assault forces in the fight against the Russian-terrorist groups in the Donbas.

- You - the best soldiers of our army who perform the most complex combat missions of command. You revere and love countrymen and enemies are afraid - said Maj.Welcoming comrades in arms on the occasion, the commander of the Marines Colonel Dmitry Delyatytskyy noted that while Mariupol defending paratroopers and Marines, its residents can be calm for their safety.







For personal courage and professionalism found in the defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath by the Decree of the President of Ukraine on May 23, number 282 ATO hero from Chernigov Bud'ko Junior Sergeant Alexander Anatolyevich was awarded the Order "For courage» III degree (posthumously).Born Alexander Bud'ko July 7, 1973.

He graduated from secondary school № 16 in Chernihiv. Military service was held in the airborne troops. He worked as a fitter high-altitude. He was drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine Chernihiv City Military Commissariat July 31, 2014 during the second wave of partial mobilization. In the military rank of junior sergeant commanded a mechanized platoon training department (village Desna, Kozeletskiy district, Chernihiv region). Killed Alexander Bud'ko November 17, 2014 near villages Novoorlivka - Orlova-Ivanovka Shakhtarsky Donetsk region (near the mound Acute Grave). He was buried in the city of Chernigov.



Four Ukrainian soldiers killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 3 /Ukrinform/. Four Ukrainian servicemen were killed; fifteen soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Four Ukrainian servicemen were killed, fifteen soldiers were injured over the past day," Lysenko said.

Militants attack Ukrainian army positions 99 times in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 3 /Ukrinform/. The Ukrainian army's positions in the country's eastern regions have come under fire 99 times in the past 24 hours.

The press center of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas reported on Monday morning.

The confrontation between the ATO forces and the occupiers is continuing. The Russian-terrorist groups concentrate their fire activity in the area of Donetsk. From 18:00 on August 2 to midnight on August 3, the enemy fired 120mm mortars twice on the villages of Pisky and Opytne, and the town of Avdiyivka. In addition, at 20:20 Kyiv time and 21:50 Kyiv time, the mercenaries fired tank shells on the village of Pisky.

"In the last day, there has been a certain intensification of the enemy attacks in the direction of Mariupol, where a lull had been observed for the last few days," the headquarters said.

At about 19:00 Kyiv time, the militants fired 120mm mortars twice on the village of Novohryhorivka. They also fired banned mortars on the villages of Starohnativka and Bohdanivka. Continuing the strategy of destroying the infrastructure of Donbas, from 21:30 to 22:45, the Kremlin-backed mercenaries were firing 122mm artillery on the residential area of the village of Hranitne.

Explosion at pro-Ukrainian volunteer centre for military in Odesa - read on - uatoday.tv

11:45 Aug. 3, 2015
No injures were reported in this latest attack to occur in Ukraine's Black Sea port city

An explosion at an office of a pro-Ukrainian volunteer centre for the military occured in the port city of Odesa in the early hours of Monday (August 3), according to Ukrainian media outlet Euromaidan PR (empr.media).

According to preliminary information, two strangers drove past the building of 'Odesa Samopomich' (Odesa Self-Defence) on motorcycles, throwing a bomb inside. The windows of the office along with a nearby security booth and seperate building were smashed by the impact of the explosion; no one was killed or injured.

The 'Odesa Self-Defence' headquarters accommodates a volunteer centre which helps Ukrainian soldiers in the combat zone in east Ukraine.

The incidents this week come amid a series of blasts across Ukrainian cities including Odesa, Kyiv and Kharkiv in recent months. Most of the attacks have targeted the offices of pro-Ukrainian volunteer organizations, with the aim of sowing fear and panic into society.


Geralt:special forces, air defence units.. they're there, the US is also there.. this is the balkans all over again, except that Russian red lines have been breached, poor Donbass people are stuck in a proxy wa ________________________________
Actually whole the situations was been the chance for Russians to destroy Nazi groups and anti Russian elements inside the Ukraine in a fast and very cheap way ,what they actually do.
Novorossiya fighters have had destroyed bunch of nazi battalions in short time and in different situations.
If they started to kill them one by one ,such action will cost them a lot of energy ,money and time
Illegal armed formations violate ceasefire for 109 times | Міністерство оборони України
Tuesday, August 4. DONBAS – According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, yesterday, the enemy continued attacks against the Ukrainian positions and used the weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreements.

The tensest situation was near Donetsk. Militants shelled Avdiyvka with 120 mm mortars, Pisky with tanks, Vodyane with 152 mm artillery, Pervomayske with 122 mm artillery and tanks, Opytne with 120 mm mortars, attacked Sanjarivka, Starohnativka with mortars and 152 mm artillery.

Yesterday, the illegal armed formations violated the ceasefire for 109 times.

This morning, the enemy has already shelled Opytne, Vodyane, Avdiyvka, Mariynka. There has been a fighting near Leninske ended in the enemy’s failure.

During the Ukrainian-American command and staff exercise involving troops «Saber Guardian / Rapid Trident-2015", which recently ended in Lviv, Zhytomyr officers and cadets of military institute after SP The Queen took part not only as ordinary members, but also as instructors for individual educational areas.

Following the military training institute acquired considerable practical experience in conducting classes with multinational units, as well as new knowledge and skills in planning, organization and practical application units information and psychological operations.







Russian soldiers guard 'DNR' heavy weapons storage point: OSCE Report - read on - uatoday.tv

Armed man claims those present at base are from '16th airborne brigade' from Orenburg, Russia

During the inspection of militant-controlled heavy weapons storage sites in Ukraine's region of Donetsk, OSCE monitors reported that a soldier from the Russian Armed Forces was guarding the facility.

This was stated in the OSCE's daily report of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine for August 2:

"An armed man guarding the facility at one of the sites claimed that he and those present at the site were part of the 16th airborne brigade from Orenburg, Russian Federation. They did not wear identifying insignia."

According to open sources, there is no 16th Airborne Brigade in the structure of the Russian Armed Forces. There is only the 16th Spetsnaz brigade based out of Chuchkov; three servicemen from that special forces unit are widely thought to have died in eastern Ukraine in May.

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