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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

@Hindustani78 no one in their right mind can trust the post coupvolution authorities in Ukraine, your sources are pure 100% unabashed Goebbels like state propaganda, very easy to see through.

here is an example of somewhat neutral reporting (although vice is a Rupert Murdoch owned US company)

the Ukraine truth is that it's a proxy war between the US and Russia being played out in the form of a civil war in eastern Ukraine and the people suffering the most are the ethnic Russian Ukrainians in the Donbass.

it's pretty apparent to anyone following the conflict that Russia is indeed supporting the resistance but to nowhere near the extent of what western msm or your Goebbels like sources would have us believe... the day Russia really decides to go in, it'll be over in a few days for the Ukies..

No proof. No photos. No videos. Didn't Kiev say NAF nuked Lugansk airport a while back? :lol:
LOL, did they ? sure wouldn't put in beneath them

link ?
yee yee you like to lie ... 2A65 "Msta-B" , 2S19 Msta-S and D-20 they even got 203 mm .. 220 and 300mm BM-27 Uragan BM-30 Smerch all off it is staying in backyard and its rusting ... you're either dumb or naive!. At least ukraininas are not hiding they are using it ...

bla bla bla

List of equipment of the United Armed Forces of Novorossiya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NAF strictly adheres to Minsk. NAF never shoots at Ukrainian soldiers. If Ukrainian soldier get killed or get crippled, it's because they shot themselves. :p:
NAF strictly adheres to Minsk. NAF never shoots at Ukrainian soldiers. If Ukrainian soldier get killed or get crippled, it's because they shot themselves

Like in Debalcewe? Ehh yes off course the response i was thinking you will say xD Not that i was expeting a normal responce...
Junta troops deliberately killing the inhabitants of New Russia every day, day by day. But if accidentally someone is killed on the Ukrainian side, Drunk Poroshenko running around the world, screaming #Je suis Volnovakha# and shows some crap.

this is how it looks like
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Like in Debalcewe? Ehh yes off course the response i was thinking you will say xD Not that i was expeting a normal responce...

Like I said. NAF does not shoot anyone. Ukrainian soldiers shoot themselves. That's their own fault. :p:
Yesterday illegal armed formations violate ceasefire for 101 times | Міністерство оборони України
According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation, the enemy keeps shelling the Ukrainian positions.

Yesterday, the enemy attacked the Ukrainian army positions near Krasnohorivka with 120 mm mortars, Avdiyvka with 120 mm mortars, tanks and 122 mm artillery, Mariynka with small arms, grenade launchers and APC, Troytske with 120 mm mortars and 122 mm artillery.

Yesterday the illegal armed formations violated ceasefire for 101 times.


Search and rescue ship of the Naval Forces of Ukraine "Donbass" August 7 performed out to sea to conduct road testing of main and auxiliary machinery of the ship and improve maritime training crew.As reported, April 17, 2014, after unlocking, the ship "Donbass" (a few weeks before captured and locked by Russian servicemen during the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol) was transferred to the port of Odessa.

During the period of stay in the blockade, the ship received substantial damage of the material. Considering that one of the priorities of Naval Forces of Ukraine is the resumption of combat capabilities of his ship and improvement of logistics, the "Donbass" with personnel conducted repair work. It was a fruitful work of all personnel, conducted under the direction of Commander Western Naval Base Captain 1st Rank Alexei Doskato.



In Kharkiv Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub visited Defence Attaché at the US Embassy in Ukraine Colonel Carol Nortrap.The main purpose of the visit of a foreign guest was acquainted with the leadership of the University and infrastructure, to discuss prospects of bilateral cooperation.Deputy Head of the University first class pilot, Major General Alexei Kotov made a presentation guests.

During the visit, examined educational and material resources of the university. In particular, demonstrated a complex simulator pilot aircraft L-39 TKS-L-39 flight faculty. US Colonel Carol Nortrap and familiarized with the complex simulator helicopter Mi-8MTV, which can not only simulate the work of pre-flight and in-flight, and allows you to simulate in-flight failure of a real dynamics.The meeting extensively discussed the issue of the educational process and the various programs of international exchange of experience and more.



One Ukrainian soldier killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 8 /Ukrinform/. One Ukrainian serviceman was killed; nine soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"One Ukrainian serviceman was killed, nine soldiers were injured over the past day," Lysenko said.


Bobo 6661:Thanks for information about equipment of NAF.
This information is not 100 % right but ,even with whole this number of weapons ,
armed forces of Novorossiya are comparable with middle army of some states and Kiev will never be in position to take control on that region.
If the Kiev regime do another mistake,is very obviously that nobody will speak about assault on Donbass because we will discuss about ruins in Kiev.
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Ukraine says one soldier killed in clashes in separatist east | Zee News

Kiev: Ukraine on Saturday reported the death of one soldier as clashes with pro-Russian separatists continue in the country's war-torn east despite a shaky truce.

Military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said a further nine servicemen had been wounded in the past 24 hours of fighting.

Ukrainian officials said three civilians were also injured in overnight shelling in Dzerzhynsk, a government-controlled town some 50 kilometres from the rebels' de facto capital, Donetsk.

The separatists' official website in turn said two civilians in Donetsk were injured by shelling from Ukrainian forces.

The United Nations estimates the conflict has killed more than 6,800 people from April 2014 and has driven at least 1.4 million from their homes.

In February, a peace deal reached in Minsk called for the withdrawal of heavy arms from the frontline. The shelling has continued, although the conflict zone that sees daily attacks has grown smaller over time.

The observers of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) of the Ceasefire and Stabilization of Parties' Demarcation Line in Donbas have recorded the damage done by Russian proxies' attack on the village of Hranitne with the use of heavy weapons, according to the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) press center.







Four OSCE cars torched in separatist east Ukraine| Reuters

"4 OSCE armoured vehicles destroyed overnight in apparent arson attack at SMM Donetsk residence. SMM deplores such actions," the OSCE SMM tweeted.


Militants shell Dzerzhynsk, Donetsk region; 3 civilians injured - regional police chief

The Donbas militants used artillery to shell the town of Dzerzhynsk in Donetsk region in the early hours of Saturday, chief of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry department for Donetsk region Viacheslav Abroskin said.

"Two men, one born in 1977 and the other in 1978, and a woman born in 1932 sustained injuries of varying degrees as rounds hit a residential neighborhood," Abroskin said on Facebook on Saturday morning.

The town has been partially cut off from power supply, which affected three coalmines, Abroskin said. "As many as 216 people were trapped underground. The evacuation of the remaining 122 miners to the surface, including 53 in the Toretska mine and 69 in the Northern mine, is continuing," he said.

Later, head of the Independent Trade Union of Coal Mine Workers Mykhailo Volynets said that all the pitmen were safely brought to the surface.

Militants also shelled Avdiyivka at about 4:00 a.m., causing no casualties, he said.


The yellow and blue flag spotted on Krymsky Bridge in the Russian capital

A Ukrainian flag has appeared on the Krymsky (Crimean) Bridge in the center of Moscow. According to Russian Dozhd TV channel, the flag had been draped on one of the bridge's pillars and was fluttering in the wind on Saturday before getting stuck in a gap on Sunday.

Over the past year the Russian capital has been littered with Ukrainina flags, showcased in protest over Moscow's military intervention in eastern Ukraine.

Last August, Russian authorities detained 5 people, who were trying to mount the Ukrainian flag on the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge (Greater Stone Bridge) in the center of the city.

Пять человек задержаны при попытке вывесить флаг Украины в центре Москвы - YouTube
Ukraine reports heavy tank battle with pro-Russians rebels | Zee News
Last Updated: Monday, August 10, 2015 - 19:46

An outlawed radical Turkish Marxist group on Monday claimed responsibility for a gun attack on the US consulate in Istanbul, the latest strike by the secretive organisation.

The Revolutionary People`s Liberation Front (DHKP-C) said on its website that one of its female militants carried out Monday`s attack, which left no reported casualties.

It named the attacker as Hatice Asik and said she was arrested and taken to hospital after being shot by police.

"The American consulate at Istinye was struck by people`s warrior Hatice Asik," the group said, labelling the United States as "chief enemy of people in the Middle East and in the world."

"Our struggle will continue until imperialism and its collaborators leave our country and every parcel of our homeland is cleared of US bases," it said.

The attack comes as Turkey opens its southeastern Incirlik air base to US fighter jets to carry out bombing raids against Islamic State (IS) targets in Syria.

Turkish authorities said Asik was captured wounded and another female militant was at large following the shooting.

Turkish media reported that Asik, 51, whose code name is "Hulya", was released on July 8 from an Istanbul prison pending trial.

She had been arrested for providing a house for two DHKP-C militants who attacked an Istanbul police station three years ago, the Hurriyet newspaper reported on its website.

She was facing life imprisonment on charges of "membership in an organisation" and "changing constitutional order", it added, and was next due in court on October 5.A Turkish official, speaking on condition of anonymity, meanwhile said the outlawed Kurdistan Workers` Party (PKK) was behind a suicide bombing and gun attack Monday on an Istanbul police station that left three militants and a top police official dead.

However, the attack was also claimed by a smaller leftist group, the People`s Defence Units (HSB), on its Twitter feed.

"Three of our freedom fighters were martyred in the suicide attack. A member of the occupying forces has been punished in the suicide attack," it said, vowing the attacks would continue.

Tensions are high in Turkey after it launched an offensive against Islamic State (IS) jihadists and Kurdish militants following a series of attacks inside Turkey.

Authorities have also arrested more than 1,300 suspects since last month in police raids nationwide targeting suspected PKK and IS members as well as the DHKP-C.

The DHKP-C, known until the mid-1990s as Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), is a deeply secretive group which goes quiet for periods before re-emerging to stage attacks.

Mainly active in Istanbul, it seeks a Marxist revolution in Turkey among the working classes but also espouses a fiercely anti-Western and anti-NATO agenda.

It claimed the hostage-taking on March 31 of prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz at his Istanbul office that ended with the killing of the captive and both hostage-takers during a police raid.

The DHKP-C is classified as a terrorist organisation by the United States and the European Union.

The group had claimed a 2013 suicide attack at the US embassy in Ankara that left a security agent dead.

Press ATU Staff reports: Last night, as the area of ATU, the largest number of distinguished shelling our positions, on the part of illegal armed formations in recent weeks.From 18 hours until midnight, militants almost along the entire boundary line were increasing fire activity.So, far Donetsk, about 18 hours occupation forces fired our stronghold near the Novgorod with mortars and small arms. Also in the evening twice beaten by criminals Avdeevka from 120-millimeter mortars, and about midnight - with tanks. With almost 19 hours and 1 night mercenaries used 122-millimeter artillery on Krasnohorivtsi.Equally tense situation persists in Artemovsk direction.

From 21.40 to 22 hours militants from outside the village of Kalinowo MLRS BM-21 "Grad" beat Ukrainian positions on the Trinity. After shelling the village on the same hostile working 120-millimeter mortars. Also, the "city", at 21.45 occupants fired on our troops in the village of seating.Lugansk region, with 23 hours and at half past midnight, illegal gang 4 times with mortars and artillery, 122 mm caliber fired Crimean village.

And in the area of Mariupol, about midnight, militants from artillery and mortars pounded the positions of forces ATU and residential buildings in Starohnativtsi.Overall, during the last day - August 9, the Russian-terrorist forces 127 times violated the ceasefire.After midnight bandits continued to increase fire activity in the Donetsk region. Here under fire from artillery and mortars that Minsk agreements were prohibited questionnaire, water and sand.

In addition, the Mariupol area, near the village Starohnativka, about 4 o'clock in the morning to 400 fighters, supported by 120-millimeter artillery, tanks, armored vehicles and small arms unsuccessfully tried to break through our defenses. As a result of skillful action ATO enemy fighters retreated.


Today, 10 August, around 03.25 after a massive artillery barrage terrorist groups of up to battalion tactical group supported by 10 tanks, 10 infantry fighting vehicles and other equipment went on the attack on a stronghold of the 72-th separate mechanized brigade in the area of the settlement Starohnativka.Defense Minister of Ukraine and Head of General Staff - Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine immediately reported to the President of Ukraine and informed OSCE representatives, after which it was decided to withdraw Ukrainian artillery on certain lines.

Through organized events, determined and professional actions of the military 72 th separate mechanized brigade of the enemy was stopped and dropped to 2-3 kilometers.Our units have captured key heights, which were previously controlled by terrorist groups.

The enemy suffered heavy losses both in manpower and in technology.Unfortunately, during the battle seven Ukrainian soldiers were wounded.At present clearly trace the actions of terrorists on the breakdown of the Minsk agreements and escalation. This, in particular, the facts of intimidation of representatives ad hoc monitoring mission of the OSCE. This is a protest near the offices mission in Donetsk and Luhansk, and arson automotive engineering OSCE. These events occurred on the eve of terrorist attacks on the Ukrainian position.


Ukraine army: ex-negotiator Russian Col.Gen. Lentsov coordinates militants : UNIAN news

Deputy Commander of the Land Forces of Russia, Colonel-General Aleksandr Lentsov, who has previously led the Russian team at the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) of the Ceasefire and Stabilization of Parties' Demarcation Line in Donbas, is now coordinating activities of the militants, press secretary of the Ukrainian General Staff Vladyslav Selezniov told Ukrainian online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda on Monday.

Deputy Commander of the Land Forces of Russia, Colonel-General Aleksandr Lentsov / Photo from Russian Defense Ministry's website
"Lentsov was removed from office at the JCCC this spring. He knows the locations of all Ukrainian forces because he worked for the JCCC. And now, he is informally a 'holiday-maker' on the other side," Selezniov said.

"He works from the [militant-held] city of Donetsk, but he can move around the entire militant-controlled territory. This has been reported by our intelligence," he said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, according to recent reports, Colonel-General Aleksandr Lentsov, whose activity is associated with the coordination of the combined Russian-separatist forces, is now in the militant-controlled territory in Donbas.

Top militant battalion commander arrested by Ukraine's Security Service : UNIAN news
Ukraine's Security Service have detained a commander of an Russia-backed militant brigade from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

The militant leader nicknamed ‘Trump' has been involved in fighting against government troops in Donbas since April 2014 and engaged in combat near Slovyansk, Ilovaisk and Debaltseve, according to Ukraine’s security officials, Ukraine Today reports.

The detained Ukrainian native has been charged with terrorism, the investigation is underway.

See unian.info’s video section for more of the latest news from Ukraine in video from Ukraine Today, Ukraine’s 24-hour English-language news channel.

One Ukrainian soldier killed, 16 wounded in Donbas in last day : UNIAN news
One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another 16 were wounded as a result of the shelling in the Donbas conflict zone in the last 24 hours, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov said on Monday, according to the NSDC's official website.

The situation in the ATO zone in eastern Ukraine remains tense / Photo from UNIAN
"In the past day, the enemy has launched the most intensive shelling of ATO troops since the beginning of the year, using the large-caliber artillery systems and multiple launch rocket systems," he said.

"As we have warned, a provocation against the OSCE mission was part of preparations for the offensive against us," Turchynov said.

In his words, having burnt the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission's cars to unable the monitors to move, "the enemy mounted an attack after massive artillery preparation, involving the strength of a battalion tactical group reinforced by armored vehicles, on the fortified positions of the 72nd Brigade in the direction of the villages of Novolaspa and Starohnativka."

"The enemy's offensive and attempts to break through our defense line were stopped, after which it was counterattacked by the ATO forces," he said. In his words, Russian-terrorist groupings suffered considerable losses, were made to retreat, and the Ukrainian troops even advanced up to three kilometers further, retaking the commanding eminences.

The situation in the ATO zone remains tense, Turchynov said. "The enemy opens artillery fire, builds up troops to breach our defense in certain directions."

"With due regard for the situation, the President of Ukraine has held an urgent meeting with the Chief of the General Staff, the Defense Minister, and the NSDC Secretary," he said.

"The plan for responding to provocative actions and attempts to break through our defense by the Russian-terrorist groupings has been worked out," Turchynov said.

Ukrainian military retake key heights near Starohnativka : UNIAN news
Ukrainian troops were able to repel a militant attack near the village of Starohnativka in Donetsk region on August 10 and even retook key heights there after a fight, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's press service reported on Monday.

"Thanks to the taken measures, resolute and professional action of the 72nd mechanized brigade, the enemy was stopped and repelled by two-three kilometers back," the report says.

"Our units have taken key heights, which were previously controlled by terrorist groups. The enemy has suffered considerable casualties and lost military hardware," the report reads.

As it became known, seven Ukrainian soldiers were wounded during the battle.

According to the Defense Ministry, the terrorist groups numbering up to a battalion task force, with the support of 10 tanks and 10 armored personnel carriers and other equipment went on the offensive on the fortified position of the 72nd mechanized brigade near Starohnativka.

"The Defense Minister and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine immediately reported this to the President of Ukraine and the OSCE representatives, whereupon it was decided to bring Ukrainian artillery systems to certain heights," the ministry said.

Ukrainian correspondent Andriy Tsaplienko wrote earlier today on Facebook that the 72nd brigade had forced the Russian-backed militants to withdraw from the enemy-controlled village of Novolaspa for the first time since February.

About 60-65 prisoners of war (POWs) are being kept hostage in Donetsk region; of them, 37 Ukrainian soldiers are held captive in the former building of the SBU Security Service of Ukraine in the city of Donetsk, according to Vasyl Budyk, an adviser to the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister.


Vasyl Budyk (right) and Volodymyr Ruban, who heads the ATO POW Exchange Center, (left) are actively engaged in POW swaps / Photo from facebook.com/Budik.v.v

"Zakharchenko has indeed announced about 40 people [in militant captivity]. We've taken three away, 37 more soldiers are remaining there – all of them are kept in the former building of the SBU Security Service of Ukraine. We've got access to it; we constantly hand over food and water there. Volunteers actively assist us in this," Budyk said on hromadske.tv.

"Unfortunately, there is no good contact who would provide information about all our guys who are held captive," he added.
Read more on UNIAN: Defense ministry: Up to 65 Ukrainian POWs kept hostage in Donbas : UNIAN news

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