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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Donetsk Man Tells OSCE He Is 'Russian Airborne', Causes Media Buzz
An unidentified man in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic told OSCE that he serves in a nonexistent unit of the Russian armed forces.

A new report from the OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine's Donbass says that a man at a DPR weapons site claimed to be from the "16th airborne brigade" from Russia's Orenburg.

There is no 16th airborne brigade in the Russian armed forces, and no Russian airborne brigades are stationed in Russia's Orenburg region.

"An armed man guarding the facility at one of the sites claimed that he and those present at the site were part of the 16th airborne brigade from Orenburg, Russian Federation. They did not wear identifying insignia," the OSCE report said.

The OSCE, which strives to monitor the conflict impartially, noted down the man's statement in the monitoring mission report.

"The reliability of these statements must be checked," the Kremlin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in response to a question on the issue.

The unidentified man's claim has been circulated in Ukrainian media as an argument for the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has previously claimed that over 9,000 Russian troops are present in Ukraine, although he did not specify how they had been identified.
Donetsk Man Tells OSCE He Is 'Russian Airborne', Causes Media Buzz / Sputnik International
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif., and U.S. delegation pay their respects to people killed in clashes with the police at a memorial in Independence Square, in Kiev, Ukraine, Aug 5, 2015. The California Democrat is leading a high-level congressional delegation on a trip to Ukraine.(Photo: Efrem Lukatsky/AP)

Delegation of US Congress led by Nancy Pelosi visits Kyiv - watch on - uatoday.tv
The US politicians pays respects to those killed during Ukraine's EuroMaidan 2014 uprising

A US Congress delegation led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has visited the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

During the tour, the group paid their respects to those killed during Ukraine's 2014 EuroMaidan uprising and will hold talks with senior Ukrainian officials about expanding Washington's support for Ukraine's military.


Pro-Russian terrorists shell residential quarters of Avdiyvka | Міністерство оборони України

Wednesday, August 5. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the number of attacks has reduced in the region.

Meanwhile, the enemy was the most active near Donetsk. There was a fighting near Verkhniotoretske ended in the enemy’s failure. Militants shelled Opytne with tanks, Vodyane with 120 mm mortars, Avdiyvka with 122 mm and 152 mm artillery.

Yesterday, the enemy conducted the air reconnaissance in Luhansk oblast. There were 8 flights of the enemy’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Totally, the illegal armed formations violated the ceasefire for 81 times on August 4. The enemy used artillery — 5 times, mortars — 25 times, small arms and grenade launchers — 56 times and tanks — 5 times.


Yuriy Husyev, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, held talks with Mrs. Hiromi Nakano, Deputy Head of Diplomatic Mission, Advisor to Embassy of Japan to Ukraine, and Col. Kazuhiko Yoda, Defence Attaché of Embassy of Japan to Ukraine.

The parties discussed the issues of Japanese financial assistance for Ukraine for modernization and procurement of modern medical equipment for military hospitals.

Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine spoke about the existing structure of military hospitals in Ukraine and stressed the importance of modern medical equipment provision for them to save the lives of the Ukrainian soldiers.

They also discussed the possibility of Japanese assistance for prostheses for the Ukrainian soldiers who were wounded in the east of Ukraine.

The Japanese party proposed to consider the possibility of rehabilitation including psychological rehabilitation of the Ukrainian servicemen.


In Kharkov group of soldiers of urgent military service drafted in May and June of this year, successfully completed training programs prepare the driver tank and infantry fighting vehicle. Special training lasted two months Guards at the faculty of military training of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute".Thus, in the classroom with young soldiers emphasis was on practical skills management armor and skills to repair in the field. Study was conducted with the assistance of T-64B, T-72 infantry fighting vehicles BMP-1 and BMP-2 as well as armored personnel carriers BTR-types 70 and BTR-80.





No servicemen killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform

KYIV, August 5 /Ukrinform/. No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, seven soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Fortunately, no casualties were among the Ukrainian servicemen for past 24 hours. Seven of our soldiers were wounded," Lysenko said.

Matios: Russian invasion in Ukraine planned since 2013 : UNIAN news

Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Valery Gerasimov had been directly managing since 2013 the development and implementation of the criminal plan aimed at violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, Chief military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

"In July 2013, Gerasimov initiated the extension of powers of the General Staff for the coordination of all federal executive bodies," Matios said.

"From December 2013 to February 2014, using all kinds of media resources, the Russian Federation organized and launched information and propaganda subversion and a negative distortion of events during the Euromaidan," he said.

In addition, according to Matios, in March-April 2014, Russia organized training, financing, and also the supply of weapons, ammunition and military equipment to criminal groups who, under the direct supervision of reconnaissance and sabotage groups of the Main Intelligence Directorate, along with the units of the Russian Cossacks and the Russian Vostok volunteer battalion established the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republic terrorist organizations, having seized the administrative buildings and key facilities of military and civilian infrastructure.
Militants release 20 Ukrainian prisoners from pre-trial detention facility - read on - uatoday.tv
Several dozen Ukrainian prisoners of war are still being held captive by insurgents

Russian-backed militants of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) released 20 Ukrainian prisoners from a Donetsk pre-trial detention facility on Wednesday, August 5. This was reported by the press service of Valeria Lutkovska, Ukraine's Parliament authorised human rights agent.

"Following successful negotiations Valeria Lutkovska held with DNR representatives, Ukrainian authorities managed to release 20 prisoners from a Donetsk pre-trial prison, some of them being 'transit' prisoners". That means last year these inmates had to be transported from a Donetsk pre-trial detention facility to other institutions, or arrived in Donetsk to participate in forensics and remained in jail as a result of the outbreak of hostilities," thestatement said.

Militant leader Denis Pushilin earlier said that currently 45 Ukrainian POWs are held in captivity in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

Ukrainian Officer Who Killed Child in Drunken Accident Receives State Honor

Senior lieutenant of the Ukrainian army who ran over and killed an 8-year-old girl in March has been awarded with a state order: the decree was published on the website of the Ukrainian president.

Senior lieutenant of the Ukrainian army Marian Rak, one of the suspects in the drunken road accident, has received the country’s military order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky of the third grade.
His name was among the list of recipients of the award in the respective presidential decree published on the website of the President of Ukraine.


President of Ukraine Decree №461/2015
Marian Rak was among the suspects in a drunken accident back in March when Ukrainian soldiers ran over and killed an 8-year-old girl and severely injured the child's mother with another small child in a stroller, when recklessly driving an armored vehicle on the streets of the town of Konstantinovka.
The local residents confirmed that at the time of the accident the soldiers were drunk.
Two suspects were arrested at the time but later released on bail.
The Ukrainian General Staff has confirmed the award but argued it was given for actions prior to the tragic accident.
The 3rd grade order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky is awarded to officers up to battalion commander in the armed forces and to equivalent regimental commanders, their chiefs of staff, and battalion and company commanders for outstanding leadership, organizational ability, and perseverance leading to decisive victory in battle.
Enemy violated ceasefire for 65 times | Міністерство оборони України

Thursday, August 6. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the enemy has reduced the number of attacks in the region. Meanwhile, the enemy still uses the weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreeements.

The illegal armed formations shelled the Ukrainian positions near Pisky, Novomykhailivka, Avdiyvka, and Opytne with 120 mm mortars, Kudyumivka with 120 mm mortars, Troitske with 122 mm artillery.

The situation was stable near Mariupol and in Luhansk oblast; the enemy primarily used small arms near Shchastya and Stanytsya Luhanska.

Totally, over the past 24 hours the enemy has violated the ceasefire for 65 times.

This morning the militants have attacked the Ukrainian govt positions near Leninske and Mayorsk with 120 mm mortars, Opytne with tanks.


Mobilized soldiers who undergo military training as part of training battalions to Rivne ground firing range Operational Command "West", perform exercise running tank.Using simulation tools, military gain confidence against armored vehicles in a real fight. In particular, each cadet training unit of the trench should work out shooting with small arms and cut off enemy infantry of self-propelled artillery, approaching. Then execute on armored targets conventional antitank missile launch. If this is not enough for the removal of enemy vehicles, then hide in a trench and complete exercise potsilyvshy hand grenade in a cumulative area of the engine.




Five Ukrainian soldiers killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform

KYIV, August 6 /Ukrinform/. Five Ukrainian servicemen were killed; six soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Oleksandr Motuzianyk said this at a briefing in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"Five Ukrainian servicemen were killed, six soldiers were injured over the past day," he said.


Large Russian military offensive in Ukraine possible within weeks: US analyst - watch on - uatoday.tv

Phillip Karber: Russian army restructuring forces ready for advance, not ceasefire

Russian troops in east Ukraine are preparing to fight - and could launch a major offensive within weeks. That's the view of American military analyst Phillip Karber, who recently spent time embedded with government troops in the combat zone.

He argued that Russia's military leadership were restructuring their forces, in a formation not usually made if they expect the Minsk ceasefire agreement to last.

Phillip Karber, US military analyst: "These are core structures. They have intelligence, they are run by Russian officers, there is Russian electronic warfare and they have heavy artillery brigades so they can orchestrate and coordinate….this is not the infrastructure you put in if you're expecting a ceasefire to last, this is the infrastructure you want to put in if you want to launch a major offensive, and not just one that goes a little way, but one that goes very deep".

Journalist: "How was it on the war, Phil?"

Phillip Karber, US military analyst: "I am so impressed with these ‘kids' at the front, they are living in unbelievably difficult conditions. They eat the same roll three times a day, under fire; intermittent fire, but when it comes in, it is incredibly intense. Not knowing whether they are going to survive until tomorrow. It's one of the great honours of my life"

Karber went onto discuss the US Army's recent training program for Ukrainian servicemen. He described how Washington was benefiting from such exercises.

Phillip Karber, US military analyst: "My friends are doing the training. They come back to me and go. We went there and we were going to show them how to do it. We are learning more from them than they are learning from us. They taking mass fire artillery strikes that we've never experienced, they are under UAV's constantly, we've never experienced that, they're taking on the latest Russian equipment, its electronic warfare, so Ukraine has as much to teach as it has to learn."

Karber also argued Ukraine was in desperate need of anti-tank weapons to penetrate the armour on Russian military equipment and that militant forces were arming prisoners with some basic training to fight in the warzone.

Washington has already provided non-lethal military equipment to Ukraine - such as body armour, medical supplies and surveillance gear. But the Obama administration has stopped short of sending weapons, proclaiming that a diplomatic solution is instead, the way forward.
Ukraine reports two killed in clashes with pro-Russians | Zee News

Kiev: Ukraine on Friday reported the death of two soldiers in continuing clashes following failed talks on bringing an end to the 16-month war in the former Soviet country`s pro-Russian east.

Military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said seven servicemen were also wounded but gave no other details.

The two sides and Russia failed to make any progress during three days of European-mediated negotiations this week that hoped to salvage a widely-ignored ceasefire deal signed nearly six months ago.

The United Nations estimates that the conflict -- sparked by the February 2014 ouster in Kiev of a Moscow-backed president -- has killed more than 6,800 people and driven at least 1.4 million from their homes.

Russia denies accusations by Ukraine and its allies of orchestrating and supporting the conflict to try to prevent the former Soviet state establishing closer ties with the West.


General Staff continues to attract patriots to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.Thus, the 235 th ground firing range completed the final stage combat coordination 46 separate battalion of special purpose "Donbass-Ukraine". The battalion is 100% ready to fulfill assigned missions, staffed, weapons, military equipment and soon will go to perform tasks in the area of ATU.
The vast majority of soldiers in the battalion "Donbass-Ukraine" volunteers are highly motivated and ready in arms to defend our country.The battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Vlasenko said that a few months managed to form and train a unit which is ready to fulfill any combat missions that today are it. Soldiers completed a full course of combat training under the guidance of highly qualified specialists and instructors.










In the area of ATO, in territory controlled by Airborne Brigade Airborne Forces of Ukraine, the enemy is trying to collect intelligence using unmanned aircraft.In order to prevent the collection of information and its use by militants for attacks territories, including inhabited by civilians, Air Defence Airborne is observation of the fight against the enemy UAVs.Thus, only a day over territory controlled by units of 4-6 brigades fixed spans enemy UAV. To counter this, the soldiers paratroopers deployed anti-aircraft installations and portable antiaircraft missile complexes in which hostile drones to open fire.It should be noted that the alternation between soldiers ack Airborne Brigade constantly improve their combat navchenist temporarily ground where exercises are performed training firings.







Near Zaporozhye, on Kushuhumskomu cemetery buried 57 unidentified defense of Ukraine, who died in combat missions in the zone of the antiterrorist operation.The majority of the heroes killed in Ilovaisky. During the year, the bodies were kept in the morgue, all DNA samples taken for further identification.First had to bury 60 bodies, but through DNA tests were able to identify three men and their families passed.In the burial ceremony was attended by 55 fighters separate artillery brigade, soldiers ATO, representatives of regional and local authorities, concerned citizens. In the funeral of those killed was attended by representatives of all faiths.As the Zaporizhzhya Regional military commissar Colonel Alexander trouble, with 54 buried nameless fighters from October 1 last year already Identified more than 20 people. Some body exhumed, others have inscribed tablets instead of numbers.





Militants attack Ukrainian army positions 106 times in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 7 /Ukrinform/. The combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 106 times overnight.

The press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) wrote on its Facebook page on Friday.

"Over the last day, the situation in the Donbas conflict zone has deteriorated significantly. On August 6 from 18:00 Kyiv time to midnight, the Russian-terrorist troops were continuously firing on ATO forces in eth area of Donetsk," the report says.

At about 20:00, the Kremlin mercenaries fired 122mm artillery twice on the town of Avdiyivka. At 22:00 Kyiv time, the enemy fired tank shells four times on ATO forces in the village of Opytne and three times in Avdiyivka. From 18:00 Kyiv time to midnight, the enemy fired 120mm mortars seven times on Ukrainian fortified positions, and at about 23:00 Kyiv time they fired 122mm artillery there, the headquarters said.

After midnight on August 7, the militants continued with their attacks in Donetsk region.


Your posts take up too much space. You are copying and pasting.

hawt New Russian lady :p:

These are official reports on the day to day events which are taking place in the conflict zones of Ukraine.

Are you trying to say that there is no war going on in Ukraine ?

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